This hot blonde comes up to you and says:

This hot blonde comes up to you and says:
>you don't still play videogames, right user? You do know it's just for kids?
What do?

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Nah babe, Trix is for kids

Cover my nose because she looks like she smells like tart cheese and vinegar
>on top of the ashtray aroma

>Trix is for kids
So is vidya

No just Trix, now such my cock

N-no! You see, sweetheart, video games are actually art! Playing video games is kind of like reading Plato. I-I'll stop though if you want me to!

However with that out of the way, let me push your buttons, if you catch my drift ;)

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>now such my cock
Can you even spell user?

>tfw you're absolutely right

"Well then, I have the video games. Wanna make the players?"

It seems you forgot to use a required punctuation mark, sir. I'm afraid I must now disregard your previous comments.

What do you mean user?
Is that supposed to be a pickup line?

I hope there are no people irl who actually think that way.

Learn to flirt like us gamers do, good sir :)

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Fair enough. Have a nice day

>I hope there are no people irl who actually think that way.
I unironically do think like that. Seriously, stop playing games. There's nothing to gain by it.

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>Finally saved up enough to by a gaming pc
>Lose interest in vidya soon after

>There's nothing to gain by it.
You are on Jow Forums right this moment, which itself about as fruitless of an endeavour as playing cowadooty.
>Along with a huge percentage of other things people do in their free time

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>think for a second
>ha! but i am the demon of neth-kezem! for catching me live, i give you a chance to avoid your fate today: avoid laceless shoes!
>walk away

In Jow Forums you actually interact with people online and you can hear pretty awesome stories.
With games it's the same thing over and over again. At least sometimes here there is an actual discussion about some fruitful topic or other, although it's hard to find.

Plus you can look at beautiful pictures of women and art

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Hate to break it to you, but I have had more intelligent conversations about more useful things playing warframe than I have had on Jow Forums in the last 10 years

Why are you here then?
Original comment for sure

Good choice user, good choice

Big words from someone who is too stupid or weak willed to stop smoking.

"Can you put that out? Kinda stinks."

I don't understand these threads
women don't talk to me

Smoking is hot, user.

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It really isn't after you've spent a day around a heavy smoker.

It's common in America for adults to play video games, and most gamers are adults. And they have the biggest game industry in the world (I believe). Yet it's also common for people to claim that video games are for children and should not be played by adults. Americans are the masters of cognitive dissonance.

Sorry to break your illusion but gaming really is for basedboys, manchild, and losers.

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A statement backed up by absolutely nothing.

>hot blonde

she looks like poor trash

I don't even enjoy games anymore. I only play because I have nothing else to do

>I don't even enjoy games anymore. I only play because I have nothing else to do
That's unironically very sad
Original comment

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it is, but I still do it sometimes

>walk off
i you argue with a roastie about your live you are the lowest form on earth

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Because you faggots provide just enough entertainment while I sit outside and have a smoke (such as right this moment). When I'm done smoking I'll toss my phone on the table where it will stay until someone calls me (tfw no one ever calls my friendless ass) or I sit for another smoke.
Other than that, I'm about as robot as anyone else here.

I any played WF since April. It will probably be like a whole new game when I pick it back up again once it gets too cold to do shit but sit inside

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fuck off I need my phone games for work because it's just standing around waiting for something to happen 80% of the time

tell her that i like videogames and that i guess im a child then