
Does R9K have mods? and if so why do they allow normies to post here?

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if this is a legit question then you should know r9k wasn't made for social rejects, social rejects just flocked to it
there's no rule that says "no normies" because you're a fucking retard

I understand your pain "Bruh", you tried at real life, you failed. You tried at social networks, you failed. I get it, you are a failed normie that is getting rejected buy his fellow normalphags, but tell me why are you comming here? you realise that you will not find gf or whatever your normalshits are using internet for.

the internet isn't your autism hugbox
i can say whatever i want and go to whatever websites i feel like and you can't do anything about it because you're small and weak like a child

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Because it is not a "no normies" board
It is a "we are all so fucking original here it is really fucking hilarious" board

Go back to your shithole.

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look at this impotent rage
the reason i don't use reddit is because it's way funnier to make aspies like you upset
you're not driving me away, you're making it more appealing to me

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r9k is supposed to be about original content, it just coincidentally became about frogs and autism

Why wouldn't they allow normies to post here?
Are you a moron?

> I don't use reddit because it's way funnier
I know bruh! reddit is awesome!

You know the day you go out into the real world your going to get punched in the mouth?

Literally you rn

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>Does R9k have mods? And if so why do they allow autistic people to post here?
Fixed it for you retard

lol i can picture you in a blind rage writing that response without fully comprehending what i wrote

Truth hurt autist?
Jow Forums isnt you safe space. Get over your retarded self. You are a worthless sack of crap

Because this place coincidentally became all about frogs and autism since your normalshits invaded it

So many angry failed normies here, you get bullied by chads and roasties all the time, and then you come here to shit all over austistic people to feel superior once in your lifes. Pathetic.


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It was like that way before normies invaded it you shitstain.

So many social rejects who can't or won't realize that coming on here and shitposting is the thing to do.
You autistic faggots get all butthurt about it.
Go punch yourself in the head again,maybe you'll get an aneurism and die.
Fucking incel

Damn, I barely wrote anything and you are raging all over your keyboard. Chill Bruh!

I would like to know just one thing bruh... why did you get butthurt when I wrote that normies should fuck off

> use this user, it will make it less painful

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You two are the perfect example of why this place is being shut down.
Your autism is a danger to normal people.
You dont belong in society and when they lock you up and force you to take your meds, all will be right in the world.
I will sleep good at night knowing that you are being mentally and physically abused by the staff.

> Your autism is a danger to normal people.
> "normal people"

why? just why are you here?

To piss you off. I love watching you tards flip your shit.
Eventually you'll eat a shotgun

This is just "I'm not mad, you're mad!": The Thread

> assuming you pissed me off for exposing your own insecurities

How's your job at Starbucks going?

>Does R9K have mods?
>and if so why do they allow normies to post here?
Because this board is topicless, anyone can post here as long as they're not posting something that's against the rules.

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Sorry loser. I have my own businesses

Cool, I can get link to your website? Maybe I would like to purchase some of your products / services .

You arent in the market for what I do

you seem kinda retarded mate and you really are new here if you think that calling someone a ''worthless sack of crap'' means anything here.

Nah the retarded ones are you.
I've been on Jow Forums a while now,autistic losers like you hate being told the truth.
You are a worthless sack of shit.
The day you blow your brains out will be the day your friends and family can finally have peace.
You are a shitstain on humanity

This guy think's that a regular Jow Forums conversation can offend someone here.

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Lol. Reddit is for losers like you who live in their little safe spaces because "the world is too mean".
Grow up you retarded incel