So anons the eu meme ban is back... hand over all your rare maymays now

So anons the eu meme ban is back... hand over all your rare maymays now

Attached: images (2).jpg (196x257, 10K)

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>Tfw I ship memes from the USA to the EU.
Looks like papa just got a new job.

Bahahaha. That is so stupid. How exactly are they going to enforce that?

thought police

deepscan your devices for memes and if jpegs are found the meme police come to your house.

they will block any site that doesn't enforce it
try to view 2ch from an EU country
pro tip you can't

Attached: 7623C80B-CD71-487D-9360-55E28D2EC88D.png (500x300, 26K)

so there is going to be meme data base or what?

So if you slightly change meme what then?
They would have to constantly ban new slightly different drawings until we start using drawings like mona lisa for maymays and then what?

yes, a database run by Reddit.
they will have a joint operation with Windows and Verizon/Time Werner to scan your hard drives and devices and car.

so then everyone will switch to Linux and Bitcoin? How are they going to then get money to fund this mass surveilence?

>admitting you are a illegal meme trafficker
You fucked up now

>it was the right-wing faggots
Man this is funny

Attached: 17rvzk1.jpg (960x539, 54K)

works great
t. germany

Attached: works.png (1364x878, 431K)

Linux is already backdoored by the Navy/DARPA. TOR was developed on an early version of Linux.

for now*
just said this to be original

Cyber police are going to be real. What have we done?

Attached: officer-backtracer_cyber_police.jpg (720x547, 69K)

Then everyone will switch to pigeon communication.

Left wing faggots are good goys. Of course nobody cares about them

Good, idiots that cannot use VPN or anything like that should suffer.

you know pigeons are the most decorated animals for their communication services???
may not be a bad idea, imo.


Attached: 11483cd67717aad9eb207c0379653eb40541ac41076d20f0db88e0bc51e80864.jpg (320x320, 25K)

that's not 2ch idiot

They don't know who I am I use a million VPNs and walk with a big leaf behind me avoiding footprints.

Its gona be the meme war to eend meme wars....

You walk with





Yeah it cleans the ground and gets rid of my footprints c'mon user.

then I make my fucking own memes haha deal with that EU

>EU accidentally pushes for OC

based EU