What causes shitty frame?
My mother has 6.7inch wrists, my father has 8inch wrists. Why do I have 6.3inches?
How will this affect my ability to put on muscle mass?
What causes shitty frame?
Did you seriously have your parents measure their wrists? lol...
Just for fun. They also always commented that my wrists are kinda small. My father always said that at my age he already couldn't fit his hands in the jar.
Why do people avoid talking about this? It's basically the most important thing in bodybuilding.
i think your dad got cucked lol
>find grandfathers wedding ring in a box
>can almost fit both of my thumbs in it
why was i born so slim lads
No we are pretty similar in looks. Maybe it's the fact that I ate shit and had barely any physical activity during childhood and early puberty. I'm also shorter than my father, but it's very unlikely to still grow 6cm at my age.
I'm in the same boat OP, no demanding sports when I was young and I never ate well and was always skinny. Now I have a light frame with a long face and recessed cheekbones, and 6.5in wrists. Gotta roll with it and do the best you can to optimize this unless you can/want surgery.
They say it correlates to frame/build but, like somatypes, does not predict exactly. My mother and sister both have tiny 5.5" wrists, both 5'10-5'11 and are very slender, however my mum has noticeably broader shoulders than my sister, they're also size 6-7 feet which isn't abnormal, but they are tall.
My father has 7" wrists, size 10 feet, is 6'0" and very stocky, he was around 15 stone/215lbs at 16. Then there's me, 5'9, 6.75" wrists, fathers frame, size 10 feet, lean and only 170lbs. However, I have 17" calves and a 16.5" neck and I don't even train those muscles.
My autistic friend has huge wrists like 8" atleast, but narrow af shoulders, would wear small sized shirts, 28" waist and weighed like 10 stone/ 145lbs(ish) at 6'1".
Tl;dr I wouldn't worry about it mate.
this, we need to talk about this more. wrist size is a pretty significant indicator to the limit of your strength you are able to achieve
Could be worse bro, you could be me
Your wrists are bigger than mine. What's your point?
Who the fuck is so insecure that they go and measure the wrist of their mother...
I have small wrists, small ankles, and small fingers.
It's genes, man. It's not like there is muscles over there.
My wife is smaller than me and has bigger angles, not much I can do about it.
Yeah but where do those genes come from?
Who knows. We don't even know to what measure someone's body type is influences by genes or influenced by nutrition and activity during growing years.
In any case, nothing we can do about it at this point.
Remember to feel your kids well and have them do sport, just in case.
One of my wrists is bigger than both my parents but the other is really stunted after I snibsnabbedied that arm as a kid, also can't straighten it out properly
>ask why you have small frame
>get told
>n-n-no that's not why cope cope
No, he's not your real dad. Stop coping and deal with it retard. Genetics cause shitty frame. Your "dad" got cucked by some 6" wrist birdcel. Keep coping, idiot. Peace.
Not sure if serious.
It limits the muscle mass and strength you are able to achieve where your hand and wrist strength is concerned. Men in my family are small wristed but we have wide shoulders so none of us lacks upper-body strength, albeit everyone has weak hands.
what race is ur senpai?
>he already couldn't fit his hands in the jar.
Your mother's jar you mean?
>Son, by your age I already couldn't fit my wrist inside your mom
No he was talking about 3 liter jar. When teaspoon fell in it, it was hard to get it out.
>tfw wristlet, handlet and footlet
Should I just end it now?
my wrists are 7 inches and feel small as fuck already, have to put my watch on the tightest hole
I have 7 inch wrists, I can easily grab my wrist with my middle finger and thumb. With that said, when I was 19 years old, I was stronger than 99.9% of people in the world. Also, my grip and wrist strength is insane. Wrist size doesn't matter for strength and size gains.
>With that said, when I was 19 years old, I was stronger than 99.9%
It was mere an allegory