Your age

>your age
>amount of times youve been rejected

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Twice by the same girl

Don't really regret it, in fact I like it better that way. I literally haven't talked to her since she rejected me, it's been 2 years almost

I once kept track of this for whole year. I included failed tinder conversations and non-responses to messages on dating sites as rejections.
Literally had to stop counting at 400.

I'm 35

I actually rejected 3 girls

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>7-8 times
At least im not the kind of guy like OP who thinks that not playing the game means never losing the game. I've got also had about the same amount of successes though.

Never asked a girl out again

It was online btw, and more of an indirect rejection.
Like he didn't flat out reject me, but from what he said it was pretty obvious.

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I want to end my life so fucking hard.

Add another to that, cuz some chick wanted to hang out, but told me right away that it would only be as friends, though i had only known her for about a few hours at that point i wasnt expecting anything to happen ever. But i guess you could still count that as a friendzone, since now(much later) i would very much like to have relations with this girl.

tinder doesn't count, otherwise the average guy would have 50+ rejections in 1 year

>3 times
After the third never again , becoming a wizard


Last one at age 20

>18 sorry
can't get rejected when you never try

can't get rejected if you don't try in the first place, op

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I've never talked to girls before, so..

now kiss.
Here, today on 9/11, we have witnessed a new relation form between anons.
>They reject each other ;-;

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>once kinda (didn't really like her but a friend pushed me)
But I haven't even tried after that.

yey I finally I got a gf! (if she agrees to be my gf)

>something around 25
I'm reminded of my failures when I look in the mirror

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>19 rejections, 0 accepted

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9. The fucked up part is only a few of them straight up rejected me. The rest strung me along and manipulated me.

I just never tried, lol

I've never interacted with girls.
It was hell being khv when I was younger but it has gotten easier to live with as I've aged.

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Miss me with that 3DPD shit

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t. Elliot


>1 explicitly, around 5 through hints
>rejected sex with a girl once because she was drunk
I'm a beta faggot

>2 times
both were kind of wierd in that they were into me but i think i scared them off