Why are fit people usually low IQ and in some cases borderline retarded...

why are fit people usually low IQ and in some cases borderline retarded? too much time lifting and not enough time reading? Really quite sad.

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Go read a book then bookfag.

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Did a muscle chad steal ur oneitis, virgin?

>defensive deflections based in insecurity that don't deny the original charge

low IQ idiots confirmed. thanks for proving my point.


Spoken like a true virgin
Thanks for proving my point

I miss /fitlit/

Aren’t thou structured like a wilted branch? Doth thou still suckle thy mothers breast?

>current year of our Lord
>dost not even hoist thy iron

It’s decidedly clear thou shan’t make it.

I work a full-time job, lift, study programming, and read in my free time. Lifting actually motivated me to study and read.

i dont know, i find that people with good genetics for aesthetics are more likely to be intelligent when they lift

it's typically mutts that can only do one thing (either lift and look like a buff mutt or study and look like a nerd mutt)

Imagine accusing other people of being low IQ and also thinking that reading affects your IQ.

Everyone would have called me a nerd before I got my gains. I was always labeled as smart for being a lanky dyel. Now that I have gains I'm apparently a dumb dumb. Perception is everything.

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10 STR

literally the opposite

Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university, reveals a major new study.

did you read the report? It says it's cardio that results in higher iq because of greater amounts of oxygen getting to the brain. Muscularity had no effect.

Proving my point. Doubling down on your stupidity. It's really quite sad.

you confirmed yourself a retard. lifting makes your brain work better

OP said fit not strongfat or whatever the fuck you thought we could mind-read off of you.

>posts low quality bait
>"I charge thee with le dumb"
>green words

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Strength training stimulates the central nervous system. In a sense, it takes more brains to lift heavy weight.

How about I force feed you a knuckle sandwich you fucking dork

I know it's a bait thread but it's quite funny how someone claims that others are dumb while implying a causational relationship between book reading and higher IQ

This is a really shitty question. It'd be like if I asked when you stopped beating your wife, it has a different premise built into it disguising that false premise from a degree of scrutiny because if someone addresses the premise instead of the question, you can attack them for avoiding the question.

Its also a really shallow way of trying to piss people off and, dare say, is ultimately just you projecting you're shortcomings on other people