How will Carncucks ever recover?

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Hahaha that pic.
Average meat and dairy eater will always mog vegans.

He's literally dead.

i'd rather die a man than live as a vegan

Well cock is a meat and I'm sure you'd find it hard to give that up.

gayshaming in 2018 you're on the wrong side of history faggot

Attached: butwhy.jpg (902x843, 139K)

sure, it's the meat, and not the roids...

He looks like he's about to cry

Which one of them is still alive?

that's a lot of words for "I suck a lot of cock and that's ok because I am a Jow Forums gymcel"

The guy on the right is still alive, and will probably be the next 60-70 years.

The guy on the left died in his 40s

Thanks user I'm gonna use this one more often

Vegans BTFO

You won't be a man when your dick doesn't work anymore from your arterial blockage due to consuming saturated fat and cholesterol dumb faggot

Go vegan and you'll get cancer 4 years later than a regular person! What are you waiting for?

And set aside $50,000 for the veneers and implants, should be fine, go vegan!

Attached: Arnolds Way to Dental health.jpg (777x542, 56K)

I'd rather live one day as a man than live 1000 years as a vegan.

#egan gains


vegans and fags are literally worse than shit

Vegans live proud happy lives.

Attached: Vegan and Proud.jpg (900x900, 201K)

In awe of the size of this lad, the absolute unit

wich one of them is castrated?


Pretty much every vegan 'man' including the faggot in the OP.

(pic related is Freelee's 20 year younger castrato zoy boy.

Attached: Pain of the beta male Vegan cuck.jpg (897x478, 29K)

Mexican here but damn mixed kids are ugly

Former ketotard here. I never saw my first row of abdominal muscle until I switched to a high-carb low-fat diet. All the proof you really need to see that keto is a shitty fad diet is to look at the "experts" who promote it, look at their credentials, then look at their waistlines.

When the time comes that I do get that deep six-pack, I will know that I got there eating oats, lentils, fruits, and vegetables. Not bacon and butter coffee.

Attached: Joffrey Baratheon.jpg (731x715, 155K)

post body

Nah I look like shit. It's a work in progress. Still look and feel a hell of a lot better on carbs than I did on keto.

larp harder vegan. Post body

shitty larp
shitty bait
kill yourself

Here's some vegans, let's see how they look, lot of six packs and abs in this rock solid bunch---

Did rich ever do prison time? I can’t find anything about him doing time but he has the elbow spiderweb tats. D-do you really think Dick Piano would fake doing time to look hard?

I'm not even vegan. I just like laughing at the keto cult's downward spiral into absurdity because it wasted so much of my time and money.

Tell me, if carbs kept anyone from getting lean, how come ketotards on Jow Forums use emaciated (read: lean) people as example against veganism?

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kill yourself

Meat is the staple for muscle growth and fat loss. Vegans are emaciated because they don't eat meat.

If you needed meat to grow muscle and lose fat, wouldn't these people have very little muscle, *and* a lot of fat?

I watched all three of sv3rge's "epitome of malnourishment" videos several times, and I only saw one person who fit that description. Nearly everyone else was skinny and lean.

>Skinny and lean.

OK that's true for most vegans lol.

Attached: More Vegan Legends.jpg (1333x498, 113K)

they're not "lean" you goofball, they're fucking falling apart. holocaust victims weren't "lean" either. you need a reality check.

Have you seen the old footage of people liberated from the camps? They were ripped and shredded. You can see their bones jutting out from underneath their skin. How is that not lean?

Attached: dachausurvivor2.jpg (450x360, 13K)

Vegan lean bra.

Attached: VEGAN LEGENDS.jpg (1335x492, 88K)

Freelee no longer with DurianRider?

How come whenever i eat steak or good piece of fish i wake up the next day with a roaring massive erection

That's some really bad LARP.

think it's the zinc

They're mostly skinny because it's very hard to meet a decent calorie total on a vegan diet.

Even if it wasn't, protein and amino acids are the building blocks for muscle, and vegan diets have very poor sources of both. Bad absorption rates, incomplete profiles.

Some user posted about how good beans are for protein, something like one cup of beans had 15g of protein and all the aminos you need, but then you look at an equal weight of chicken breast and it has 70g of protein. Very poor diet.

Equal volume

That's two relationships ago. Freelee is with "vertical addiction" a healthy looking younger man (now castrated lol per Freelee's orders).

DurianRider is with GetFitWithNatasha, a young 20 something aussie sex kitten who is not yet showing the ravages of the vegan diet.

Durianrider very very skilled at showing off Natashas tight bod for the views on his jewtube channel lol.

Attached: Get Fit.jpg (246x138, 18K)

100g od beans (dry uncooked) has about 20-22g of protein and fuckloads of carbs
100g of chicken breast (raw) has about 25g of protein and a little bit of fat
I don't really see how that goes in chicken's favour, because you get more kcal from the same amount with close enough protein content from beans

Durian Rider is out there, you can't deny it lol..

>protein from beans is complete protein

>roid rash

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wtf are those chicken nugget bicep insertions

But that’s even more words, you retarded shitposter.

I lost 40 lbs on keto eating however much I wanted under 30g carbs. How you gonna tell me it doesn't work???

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Good luck bro, I'm on modified Sverige 'light' omnivore diet, focused on raw organic meat in the morning.