Is there something you regret Jow Forums??
Regret thread
Many things
I want to be forgotten, that would give me a peace of mind for once.
deleting old shitcoin wallets.
I regret being alive everyday
I regret that one times I showed my penis at a urinal accidentally.
Donating sperm. I've got like 40+ kids in Brazil now and the number is only going to rise.
in general, of course
the main thing I'm thinking of currently is a racially tinted comment i made today which got me weird looks. it wasnt racist or anything but it mentioned race in a context where it didnt apply so it was weirrd.
Turning down my only chance at young love to play WoW....
>tfw traded in tomorrow for today
fucked my 3 weeks nofap this morning
tried one thing too far
failed again later thinking i had no more nut in me, apparently did, a lot
Feel like shit now
Had a good friendship with my oneitis, until I ruined it. Burned that bridge like a muslim woman who insulted the quran.
remind me why I shouldnt fap
Dont know if it counts, but I once jerked off too hard and shit on the floor. thats normal, r.. right guys?
coming out lmfao, shit ruined my life and now im stuck with the virgin lgbt stereotype crew help
I wish I had treated math more seriously in school. So many fun things you can do with a solid background in math.
You only regret that because you were caught you shitting wanking bastard you
Unless you're a woman there is nothing to regret about that. Quit your bitching.
i wasn't caught luckily, but hours before that i found nudes of my grandmother on a minecraft site
You're bullshitting us. We need the story behind this.
fingering an Indian guy's butthole
i sold it to a hooker user
your time to shine user, tell us about it
Boo fuckin' hoo. At least you're not a virgin anymore. There's nothing women hate more than a virgin man.
>There's nothing women hate more than a virgin man.
what about... two virgin men
yeah but you can just lie about not being a virgin, they cant prove that
Going to be a bit short since theres not a whole lot too it, but ill go ahead
>First time greentexting so no kill pls
>be 14ish at the time
>never seen porn before
>was into minecraft at the time, especially modded
>this modpack that i was playing that was popular at the time had a mod that was confusing
>decide to google for a wiki on the mod
>found a site that was for the mod, and general minecraft shit
>an ad comes up
>full blown porn ad, several nude woman on it
>instantly X page in shock
>end up going back around 10 minutes later
>get horny when another ad comes up
>click it on semi-accident
>site pops up
>one of the nudes used in the backround is a picture of my grandmother
>face and all
>click out and have that burned in my mind since
I've never meantioned it to her and never will, best bit was her tits were photoshopped larger than they are IRL which makes no sence since they are the size of small melons anyways
When I visited Japan, a girl died. I lit the house on fire.
>go out, get wasted
>Indian fucker from uni finds me, also drunk and wants my help to get home
>ok I'll help you
>we walk back but to my house instead
>tells me he needs his phone charged
>we go to my room, I'm naive the entire time
>we sit on my bed and he starts touching me and kissing me
>Didn't expect this but go with it
>He takes out his dick, this starts escalating fast, I'm unsure the whole time but he insists so I still go with it
>he wants his butthole fingered so I do it, and a few other things happen
>spend the next week wanting to kind of kill myself
I've done other degenerate things since then so I guess this is who I am
I have a lot of regrets but one that particularly pains me is kinda weird: killing off a character in my autistic childhood story then resurrecting him later on. It completely destroyed any believability or tension in the plot by making death impermanent and it fucked up the continuity. Both the scene where he died and the scene where he was resurrected were cool to imagine but it felt weird and wrong afterward. As a result I basically stopped imagining the story. I can deal with being a 24 year old virgin. I can deal with being a worthless wagecuck. I can deal with still living with my parents. But it was a lot easier when I had this story, and my alter ego. And now I have too many main characters, the PoV and continuity if everything is fucked, the point of him dying is now moot. So in an autistic rage I threw it all away like a child who builds his Lego set the wrong way. And I can't just retcon it away because it "happened." Its hard to explain. Also kinda sad given how many other things in my life I've fucked up: missed opportunities with women and jobs, being a general lazy shit, and so on. But this stands out for some reason, because I feel like "come on I can't even have that?" All the stories I liked are going to shit: that one, my d&d game campaigns, star wars, the walking dead....everything goes rotten.
and now the question becomes: male or female?
this really hot bird i went to high school with was obviously really into me for whatever reason and I never banged her. the night of our graduation she straight up asked me if i wanted to come home with her but i was sleepy and drunk off my ass so I said no and went home instead
Stupid limey.
What do you think? original post i swear
Obviously male.
Im so sorry.
Original I guess.
tranny, also kys
i wish i had been a better boyfriend.
I'm not that mentally ill
Not putting my foot down with my last girlfriend. After so much shit happened between us I kept letting it slide and she ended up dumping me over text one night for some Chad.
24 yo vkhv here
>not getting in shape before turning 20 or being pretty much overweight all my youth, which made me unconfident and i may have been these 2-4 cms taller.
>there was this one girl maybe attracted to me, but i fucked it up, because i was too dumb to notice. i would have been to cowardly anyway.
>being this fucking coward introvert with mild bipolar and shit, whatever, who cant make any friends neither offline nor online. i have almost no friends, except these few from high school and like one from Uni i talk to sometimes - none female.
>should have started programming earlier and read more books related. im almost done with Uni and my programming is still shit. have to refresh lots of knowledge. unemployed despite many interviews.
It hurts so fucking much to realise that you had your chance. And u still fucked it up beyond imagination.