What things are absolute dealbreakers for you, anons...

What things are absolute dealbreakers for you, anons? In partners or friends or any potential sort of relationship in general.

For me it's
>is a social worker
>works in medical field

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solid deal breakers

If you wanna make it more accurate she'd have a track that's half the length but there'd be other black people grabbing her at the heels.

it's literally the opposite, it's even the men who are complaining, what the fuck.

>not a virgin
>watches (((television)))
>posts pictures of herself on internet
>raised without a father
>uses (((social media)))
>piercings (modest earrings are ok)
>dresses immodestly (jeans, tight shirts)
>snarky/sarcastic/bad attitude
>went to (((college)))
>supports abortion
>doesn't want kids
>(((career woman)))

>dresses immodestly
What? Jeans are a thick material that completely cover the legs? How is that in any way immodest? Arent dresses and tights immodest?

Women should wear long skirts or dresses. Anything that accentuates the female figure so she can get attention in public is immodest. If she is doing an outdoor activity with me, jeans would be acceptable.

You must be a very fun person to be around...

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you should move to Gilead.

He probably very mmuch wishes he could

>watches (((television)))
>dresses immodestly (jeans, tight shirts)
>(jeans, tight shirts)
>dresses immodestly
I'm confused

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Surprised you're christian and not muslim

The funny thing is you will probably find someone who's broken enough to be with. Good luck, I guess...

>virtuous, chaste woman
Enjoy your independent, (((liberated))) wymyn. I'd rather be alone than deal with modernist trash

>easily sidestep wire
>croc can't fit in that hole, just a harmless head
>wall already broken lucky you don't have to climb it
>the pit is retarded, spikes should be at bottom spears sticking out implies the bottom is secure just climb in and out using the spears to help you
>all the while wearing convenient track gear while other guy has to do it in a suit and uncomfortable shoes
this is ironically red pilled

for a gf:
>depressed/anxious/any other mental illness
>likes anime or has any other nerdy interests

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so literally no girl

Why are you stopping are potential relationship? We could have been internet buddies.

> used super trooper movie

WTF is a used movie you dumb cunt. How does a movie change just because somebody else watched it?

And super troopers is good.

This except who gives a fuck about jeans or tight shirts. Everything else is pretty much the same way I feel. Too much of that garbage already.

why is someone working in a medical field a no go for you?

A woman who feels that she needs to draw attention to the sexual parts of her body while in public is not a virtuous woman


>uses discord

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Get behind me satan

>believing the OP's picture
>shorter than me, a five foot seven guy(our kids would be fucking tiny)
>hating children
>hating "herself" for attention
>needing emotional pampering from men
>raised without a good dad
>uses social media
>doesn't want kids
>too much stuff
>supports abortion
>hates men
>hates this country for normie reasons
>nonwhite in body/attitude

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Relax dude, I'm only pro-choice because abortion kills a lot of niggers.

/!\ Here are the real warnings y'all /!\
>is a nurse, cashier, other shit retail tier job
>dyed edgy hair tattoos and piercings
>fat or noticeably overweight
>pagan, believes in horoscope, or other wiccan bullshit
>talks a lot. has loud, affected laugh
>has "guy friends" (faggot orbiters)
>face always in phone
>has had many partners despite being young
>extremely feminist SJW etc
>listens to nigger music



This place is a fucking circus these days, truelly.

affirmative action at work!

wait, wasn't it the other way around?

this is literally impossible to find unless you kidnap a girl from a FLDS cult


>muh edgy athiesm
It's not 2010 anymore. Accept Christ into your heart, and live a more fulfilling, noble life. Find a pure Christian qt and make lots of babies. Raise them to be conservative patriotic Americans

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I hate 'Murica, whatcha gonna do about it, bitch?

Beautiful pic. Utopian society, basically. Back when women still had attitude and power but also had class.

>doesn't want kids
>dyed hair
>short hair
>non blue eyes
>fat (over 200lbs)

With Christ, all things are possible

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>is a nurse, cashier, other shit retail tier job

>Picky eater
>Low sex drive or sexual dysfunction

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have the man and woman swap sides and also have the woman carried over the finish line by a dozen other men

>extremely right wing
>shit job
>extremely religious
>doesnt share at least some interests with me (anime, history, fitness, sports and more that I dont feel like listing out)

Because they have no direction in life and no ambition. If you're in your 20's and working a cashiering job that a robot can perform then you deserve zero respect

Gilead literally did nothing wrong

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isn't it normal for people in their 20s to not have a steady job yet? they're either in school or just graduated right? and what's wrong with nurses

The only direction in life that matters is me.

>he values (((((((((((fun))))))))))) over Christian values

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>he needs religion to dictate having morals

theyre all sluts

I'm an atheist

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>Only retards who's only skill is adding numbers work as cashiers
tfw can't do basic addition and being a cashier is too hard for me

Thats it. Just take care of yourself. Is that too much too ask?

Christians were like this for generations before they were cucked.

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you wouldn't be friends with someone overweight? i was only friends with a fat person in school because they made me look better by comparison and lessened my social anxiety when i was with them

>dick smells funky after showers
>dick covered in pimples and blackheads
>oily hair no matter how many showers you have
that's a sign you are so fargone hygenically, you need a chemical bath to get properly clean.
>fursuits, anything involving fursuits

I can't be friends with you if you constantly complain about your dick pimples and smell like death's funky toe cheese.

I have a fat friend but he wasnt fat till later. We're just really good friends. I really think fat people are disgusting.

>dick covered in pimples and blackheads
>you've sucked a dick like this
Please get checked.

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are dicks supposed to smell like anything, barring infections and the like?

I never said that, you don't even know what I did with that dick, but since you insist:

>I told him to get checked

be a good friend and tell him to lose weight

I try. Hes really broken in terms of motivation.

dicks have a few smells.

they havent showered in 4 days at least

they haven't washed let alone showered in at least a week

>skin and sweat
usually after a run, smells good

>skin and cum
either they produce a lot of cum and/or testosterone, or they just stepped out of the shower

>you don't even know what I did with that dick
Oh yeah I know.

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Hello Ryan, have you gotten your dick checked yet?

No shit

>(((fun))) is a jewish invention

I kek'd

>dick covered in pimples and blackheads
Literally never even heard of this

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(((Fun))) as in degeneracy. There's of fun that doesn't involve drinking, drugs or copulation.

looks like this only a dick, not a nose.

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This. I'm an unironic Christfag and I fully admit most churches have been pozzed to hell and back. (((Vatican II))) ruined the Catholic Church, and most protty denominations accept all kinds of degeneracy just to keep the pews full. But Jesus warned this would happen in the final days, you just got to find a church that preaches the Bible (even the uncomfortable parts), and see how seriously the congregation takes it. You shall know a tree by it's fruit

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*plenty of fun

>Implying I said anything about drinking, drugs or copulation.

>complains about atheist degeneracy
>posts picture of it
>it's just Jow Forums

seems legit.

>be fat and know it's my fault
>have given up everything in life
>don't even have the motivation to do basic hygiene like showering or brushing my teeth
>don't go outside so don't feel obligated to look good for anyone anyway
help user how do i find the motivation to not be fat

You didn't need to. You implied I was referring to fun as a whole.

I've never heard of that on dicks and I don't need any more imagery.

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instead of accepting it and being okay with being fat, fight back.
you can lose weight by moving around and breathing more than you regularly do, but you also have to eat less.

just remember the golden rules, eat less, breathe more, move more.

even if you are moving and breathing and not eating while sitting down, at least you are doing some sort of continuous exercise.

start small, with things like hopping from foot to foot while breathing and folding laundry, or even just marching in place and swinging your arms back and forth while breathing in front of the tv.
rent aerobics videos and listen to motivational music like "One Vision" on repeat for 4 hours at max volume.

>oily hair no matter how many showers you have

black heads in particular appearing on the penis shaft can be a sign of acne, but it is more commonly a sign of penile cancer.

Gotta say, I do like nun porn

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One of very few normal, stable well paying jobs where someone would even remotely consider dating a NEET.

Nigger what

>One of very few normal, stable well paying jobs where someone would even remotely consider dating a NEET.
well what is it

Porn is a tool of Satan, and an industry owned almost wholly by (((them))). Repent and ask Christ to help you stop watching porn

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Well I already see you got none of those this is why you hate it so much
>muh sour grapes

Maybe he's not a NEET, user.

>poor hygiene (dental included)
>values / prioritizes money
>pushes marriage or kids within the year
>does not communicate issues or desires
>is fat, chubby is fine but if I take care of myself I expect her to do the same
>is not independent
>thinks video games are a bad thing
>wants to do something every fucking day
That costs money and to me shows she has no hobbies or interests if she needs to constantly be out trying to entertain herself
>Slutty past
Simply because I refrained so what was it about them that made them incapable? I do not want that spreading on to any would be kids.
>very hairy asshole
>teeth that are fucked beyond repair
Crooked is okay but if they are rotted and shit that is gross
>pushes her beliefs (religion/sjw/vegan etc)

There is some others but I can over look them if she is a good person.

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Lol, just go around you stupid nigger.

I've copulated plenty. That's why I know it doesn't bring true happiness. True happiness is having a loving wife and family.
You know better than to assume that drinking and drugs are hard to get. That's the easy way out.

>very hairy asshole

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>very bad relationship with one or both parents
>lots of guy friends
>lots of guy friends that she has slept with before
>few men that she has dated but many that she has fucked
>mentions ex more than in passing
>tries to use sex or denial of sex to get me to agree with her or do what she wants
>single moms
>hasn't been out of a relationship for more than a couple months
>doesn't like when you work out/diet/get fit/ or whines about you "taking it too seriously"

That's what I can come up with off the top of my head. Based on what I've experienced in dating these are red flags that tell you to run.

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>very hairy asshole

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imagine being bald before the race even begins, this guy will never reach the end. very deep.

This reply made me laugh.
Thanks user.

Not sure why but something in my instinct just does not like lots of hair there on a woman. Vaginal is fine but something about the asshole, I do not know why.

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finally someone understands the comic

Oooh, good point with guy friends. When there is quite a few that is an absolute nope. Not sure how I forgot that.

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>looking at a girl's asshole

When you are fucking her from the back it is just kind of there...
I mean, I guess I could put a post it note over it or maybe some play-doh. Make a sunflower or something in place.

Wait, I set myself up for
>missionary position for procreation
Ah well, too late I put the time in to type.

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Yeah I've made the mistake of not thinking much about it before, and goddamn did it become a nightmare that I paid for.

I laughed harder than I wanted to because I know the feel

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Thanks user, you've exposed all the normalfags who are stuck in their neo-western urbanite echoe chambers, and are incapable of realizing that not everyone in the world is the same as what they experienced in high school and neo-western media.

Pro-tip r9k, the world is really big, in fact, the US is really big, and the small sample size of people you've experienced in person and seen on TV doesn't represent the rest of the country, much less, the world.

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>tfw have no idea what this post is trying to say

>tfw have no idea what this post is trying to ask

>tfw have no idea what this post is trying to ask
what did he mean by this