Literally going to kill myself because I don't want to work

Literally going to kill myself because I don't want to work

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Know that feel brother
This kind of existence is not very valuable

Be happy you've got a job. I don't get NEETbux and my mom is on my ass every day to get a job.

I don't blame you. At least make an effort to improve your situation before offing yourself though.

most relatable post I have seen on this board. fuck

When you have no ambitions is hard to focus on something

That is our dilemma. Where does one obtain ambitions or passions?

Just kill a billionaire instead. Then nobody has to be a slave.

>At least make an effort to improve your situation

Sounds like a lot of work.

...except the murderer who goes to prison and all other humans who still live in the wake of ll the other billionaires

have you tried Jow Forums
theres lots of options
dropshipping, referrals, etc

There are tons of suicides. If people start shooting up billionaires and their entourages instead of, say elementary schools, the problem will get fixed in no time! There are less than 2,000 billionaires on Earth. There's a school shooting in America literally every fucking nanosecond. You do the math.

what do those words mean? o

i am like you OP. i did try to kill myself in graduate school while job searching and then i tried to kill myself again about 4 months into my first job in sales at a major airline in Los Angeles.

My parents took me back in, and I worked at my dad's business doing paperwork for about 25, 30 hours a week, really chill, no pressure. i went to therapy and got on medicine for bipolar disorder. i quit drinking.

and then i found a job at a tech company. it uses my skills that i actually am interested in and pays well and has EXTREMELY relaxed hours.

yes, im from a good family and have a BA and MA, this helped me survive the hard years. but you can find a place for yourself in this world. you can actually find a job that makes you more happy than it does suicidal. but it could take an entire decade. it took me 5 years. but im happy now.

but i've had the gun in my mouth, cocked. do you know you can breathe through a gun barrel with your lips wrapped around it? i didn't. the air tastes like pennies though.

life is going to suck total fucking ass for you for a long long time but there is a way out. there was for me.

Work makes you a better person. Think of that while you're complaining like a bitch.

alright. you go first, faggot

I'm not suicidal though. If I am, sure.

I feel you. Gonna take a year off work in 13 months or so and relax, try to work out and get a good strong body (childhood dream but im weak and a quitter), then jump off a buding

So tired of working and I refuse to live this life due to expectations.

I'm fucking screwed. I have a job but I live off of it. One day someone spreads shit and now I'm scheduled 12 hours this week because I'm a robot or cyborg and that makes rumors true. How do I live off that? I don't. I've got 6 weeks at best before I drain all my money. I have to decide between suicide and living out of a car and with the onset of winter I don't know what to expect. I- I'm gonna make it thru this time, anons, right? I barely survived last winter with 50 dollars to last me for food for a month

Cool pic, really familiar view.
Where you from OP?

just go Iive in the woods or something

powerful billionaires have more security than most heads of state. how would one loser get to them?

iktf. Every day I drag myself into the office I spend half the time looking out the window thinking which building would be best to throw myself off of. Not even kidding.
Unfortunately I have things i need to accomplish still, so I can't die just yet. It's hard when you work 40 hours a week, spend another 10 either in commute or prep or cleanup, and then you're too tired to work on your own shit.
No one keeps their money under the mattress anymore, it's all in the bank now.
God, I knew that feel. Honestly user just get another job, go looking right fucking now. I had two jobs that did that kind of shit. I got fired from the one and quit the other, and both cases I was happier for it.


I'm also feeling suicidal exactly because I don't want to work. When you truly realize that you are nothing but a slave that has been told they have freedom your entire life, and you have designed and built yourself up to suit a system that wants to chew you up and use you as fuel for more chewing, you just want it all to end instead of continuing the charade.

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so why don't you look for work doing something you find interesting? Quit being a westernized brat, life isn't easy.

The men of generations prior to us conquered nations, explored unseen lands, put their lives on the line for something they believed in, and constantly sought to become greater.

Today we stare at screens for every waking hour of every day so that Mr. Shekelstein can buy his 400th pair of extinct rhino-hide slippers, and no one can figure out why suicides and depression have suddenly spiked so high in recent decades.

Normals are so autistic.

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You know there is work that doesn't involve staring at screens every waking hour? You won't get to be a fatass in a comfy office but you won't be in "the system". Our ancestors lives were much harder and shorter. You're romanticizing something you never experienced. The hard times are coming back though, if it makes you feel better.

That sounds great but is the same as suicide

that image is totally sweden

working really isn't worth it, i'd rather be a hobo or die than work. if my mom dies before i do i'll just kill myself probably

Average people in those times were farmers, miners, and later factory workers, doing back-breaking labor from sunrise to sunset. You're lucky to live in this time.

True, you could just be a hobo. Just get a decent coat and boots and you're golden, mate.

you don't need to work user
look into carding