What is it with this guy?

Whats with Jow Forumss fascination of this guy i actually do not understand why you guys have high admiration for him in particualr. Please enlighten me. Also do you think his facial aesthetics are lacking?

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he's the epitome of consistency equals results

he does nothing fancy in his diet or training, just stuck with it for years. he's basically the Jow Forums sticky personified

Dude has good vibes

I grew up lifting as a teen on scoobys advice, hes not really the one to go to if you want to get serious about a program, but if all you have is your dad's old dumbbells and an I beam to do pull ups on this man is the God of teaching you how to make lemons of lemonade

He’s just a chill guy with no bullshit. He’s also really gay

he's like a very likable uncle who is good at making the most out of a little bit

There's very little that could ever be said about scooby, he's super minimalist, hates the gym jew and teaches you how to make gains at home with very little. His diet advice is very good, and he's in great shape for 60, which proves the value of his advice. He preaches happiness and healthiness, basically the weight-lifting males version of a "wholeness guru"

also he's very upbeat and not at all self-absorbed like so many fitness youtubers, he's about the least pretentious person in fitness

This. Also he's a gay dad/mentor figure to a lot of confused young men here. I think you either follow the light side of Scooby or turn to the dark side and go alt-right.

Jefferson Chandelier is superior to Scoobert Doober.

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The guy has a really positive attitude, is 100% about people getting fit without spending any money and most of his info is (bro science nonwithstanding) pretty solid.

He also has no issues saying when he thinks somebody is lying, selling snake oil or making outrageous claims. For example he put Rippletits in the hall of shame, not because Starting strength was bad, but because Rippletits made misleading claims.

Guy is also just a really nice dude. Definitely didnt deserve the bullshit that was done to him. The "Jeff pls go" meme ended too fast; e should keep that going so everybody remembers.

one of the few decent fitness channels these days too bad he can't admit his gear use

He’s pretty much the only person on YouTube who genuinely seems to want people to get stronger and look better without hurting themselves.

The only thing I have against him is that his diet advice is borderline orthorexic, and he’s probably a little too conservative with his estimates of people’s potential. But not by much.

Scooby is one of the few genuine guys on fitness youtube. Living what he preaches.
I met him at a meet and greet - he took hours for us, without any financial gain.

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trips of truth and luck

And now you see why fit likes him

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When will he tell us that he is doing maintenence amount of test?

Another fake natty who likes to set unrealistic expectations about how fast you can gain muscle. He's afraid to admit that you can gain 3-5lbs of muscle mass in your first year of training.

do skateboard squats actually work though?

>Scooby isn't natty
He's been consistently training a good program for decades. How else is someone supposed to look after 30+ years of dedicated lifting? At worst he might be on TRT.

>At worst he might be on TRT.

He is. He admitted he's on it for those """"natural test levels"""" that are only natural for a 20 year old. He isn't natty.

Are there any +50y natties that actually look good?

>[citation needed]

J Jonah Jameson's actor does well for himself

he's 58 now and his physique is pretty much the same as when he was 45

he was our natty lord and savior before he became Scooby of many colors

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>le alt right boogeyman