Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?
Ive lied myself thinking I will eventually be with her

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is OP slater or?
ahahah ha *wheeze* ahahahahahahahah haahahahahahhahha oh no no no hahhahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

who are you in the discord

Also get the fuck bad to discord, discordshitter

Can a man get some sauce on this cute boy? Pls thx

rare raccoon

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bump for tranny

That's a trap? fucking kms

yes, I seen it on chaturbate.

Oh it's a guy? that's why I didn't find "her" that attractive. LMFAO now that I think about it, imagine how this guys looks without all the makeup and the wig LOL I can visualize it so well

Is this ol stew n brew?

>stew n brew
sure is

Attached: warmfreshpaint aka stewsandbrews.webm (400x300, 1.92M)

keep this shit up and see what happens

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>that transphob npc

She is so beautiful, I'd really like to kiss her and maybe play with her girl peen if it doesn't make her too dysphoric

Attached: 1535012177731 warmfreshpaint.jpg (997x593, 134K)

define transphob

it's a he, but I'm with you on everything else

see this guy

being hesitant to use the preferred pronouns of a transperson

She has aged really badly

Attached: DmfiqC7WwAADncC.jpg (854x480, 33K)

wtf it looks like she hasn't eaten her titty pills in two years
That's all just age?

that's a weird way to phrase it. not using someone's preferred pronouns doesn't necessarily mean you're hesitant to do so, if you don't at all plan to use them

t. transphob npc

True it's not the definition of transphobic but it's definitely the number one example of transphobia

literally a dude with a wig. prove ME wrong libtard cucks

already been notified boss

then what is transphobia?

I'm not sure if she's stopped taking HRT, or just started taking drugs and has let her body become malnourished. Either way she looks grotesque now, which is a shame

True, I guess estrogen can't do much if there's no body fat to place femininely

yeah i think it's fair to assume her diet is shit. tis indeed a shame