How do i fix my crooked yellow teeth?

how do i fix my crooked yellow teeth?

my shitty dental plan only covers cleanings, not straightening or whitening

Attached: teeth.jpg (800x473, 45K)

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Well you're outta luck then.

Quit drinking coffee, sodas and anything with sugar. I've heard white rice actually can stain your teeth white but not sure.

I don't drink any of those or eat sugar. I did drink a ton of soda as a kid, but haven't done so in 15+ years

do you even brush your teeth user?

if those are your teeth you need braces

>be american
>don't have a colgate smile that look photoshopped 100% of the time
>be considerd an ugly loser
>cant't get a job or friends
>get shot

Use olive oil as a mouthwash for 10 minutes a day. Spit into toilet. You don't want that going down the sink.

do you smoke?

keep coping, nigel


Get a clean, then maintain good oral hygiene. If you ever do get braces your oral hygiene should be good as they can act as food traps causing decay if you dont maintain them. No point in decaying the teeth youre trying to straighten.

In regards to straightening over the counter you can try your luck with some cheap aligners but know that they dont take on each case; usually only simple ones. If you need extractions, expansion etc youre out of luck. I would personally see an orthodontist only for my straightening and i did.

If you dont want to straighten them through orthodontic work you can always mask crooked teeth with restorative work; a skilled dentist can prepare crowns for your teeth that will allow the final restored tooth to look straight despite being on a crooked core; know that this will mean aggressive reduction and you may end up needing a root canal to finish the procedure.

Whitening you can do in the chair with high concentrations of H2O2 for the best result or simply use at home white strips. If you suffer from sensitivity issues i wouldnt recommend this, ive seen patients quit mid treatment due to too much pain. Again dont start using white strips/whitening paste/in chair whitening if you havent gotten a clean yet or youll just bleach your plaque.

start mewing goddammit

Rinse them with vinegar for 5 minuets every day.

Your teeth aren't that bad, but holy shit dude you need to brush more. Your gums are fat as fuck.

Open your wallet and pay the dentist for the services your insurance doesn't cover.

Have you tried brushing your teeth twice a day?

You go to the dentist and you get them straightened with braces, there is no other way and you know it.

As far as whitening is concerned, I wouldn't do it because they get stained more easily after


Isn't how yellow your teeth are genetic? Whatever the case, they should be somewhat yellow if they are healthy

Vaneers can correct those genetic flaws.

Do you actually brush your teeth + floss 3 times per day? If not, start with that. You can also add a whitening cream once per day.

Like this user said you can get a cleaning and then buy some strips to make them whiter.

You can get braces like invisilign for crookedness. For whiteness go to the store and buy hydrogen peroxide and put some on your toothpaste and brush with it once a week. It will get progressively brighter. Good luck, user.




Start mewing to fix crooked teeth.Also you can put toxic baking soda detergent in your mouth if you want white ass teeth fast.

FUCK mewing and braces OP, that takes way too long. I payed 3k to get it fixed, and you'll have amazing teeth in a month

it hurts tough, fucking 3x 4 hour dentist appointments

Damon system braces

Ropeneck x f

Attached: 1519438547513.png (253x199, 6K)

Hey user, I would recommend you to see an orthodontist like what this guy said I am personally going through invisalign treatment at this moment and don't regret getting my teeth fixed at an older age (I'm 25). Your crooked teeth will only trap more food over time, and it's harder to reach certain corners due to your teeth alignment.

Here is a pic of my teeth when I first started.

Attached: IMG_6689.jpg (2576x1932, 1.05M)

Five months later.

Attached: IMG_6830.jpg (2576x1932, 965K)