Attached: room.jpg (1024x768, 69K)

horrid. My room is messy but isn't that bad. feel bad for living in filth


>search image
>no results
cmon dude throw that food away

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Here it is in all it's spIendor

Attached: room.jpg (8160x5312, 677K)

they are full of crumbs and other filthy shit. clean up your shit.


Jeez, OP.

I can tell you're a loser NEET who spends 24/7 in his room. Considering you're there so often with a ton of time, the least you can do for yourself is clean up a bit.


You 100% nut in those trash bags.

Because who needs sunlight

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the other half

Attached: room.jpg (415x554, 27K)

Clean your room, you stupid cock sucker.

what is wrong with curtains?

>VHS tapes

Why, user?

I dont have a room at the moment. I sleep on my mothers couch.

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It emits light. And when youre trying to sleep, that one fucking light beam will hit you right in the eye lid and it sucks.

I prefer to be in the dark 24/7 and curtains let light into my room.
I only moved into my room this month, for past 4+ years I had been living in the living room on foam

Attached: My foam thing I sleep on.jpg (420x560, 27K)

Enjoy your new room, user. Ill get one again soon enough.

dude its great, I am putting art of my Waifu up and I can fap whenever and I keep the door locked 24/7

My basement hideaway.

Attached: nobodyloveyou.jpg (800x600, 58K)

webcams broken so heres the floorplan, in all its MSpaint glory

Attached: Room.png (837x438, 18K)

>gamer shit
>console shit
>canadian flag to top it all off
is this you, user?
Honestly the only thing that's redeeming are the vhs tapes, books and computer

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i think youre overestimating how much anyone gives a shit about your opinion, and I'm not even the dude you're replying to

heres a second (you)

>i think youre overestimating how much anyone gives a shit about your opinion
my opinion isn't the only one, every other person who sees that would say the same thing, except maybe a handful of people.

Adults refusing to grow out of children's entertainment is a genuine problem

nope. adults overly concerned with how others spend their time is a genuine problem.


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

- C. S. Lewis

A quote from a children's author is not helping your cause

Not only is OP a failure, his Caps Lock button is broken too :(

I'm not trying to further a cause. I'm just saying. if you care even a little how others spend their time, especially when it harms no one, youre probably a bigger loser than the person youre criticizing.

do you know where you are? "failure" isnt an insult here. this is a board for failures.

I'm with you on this. People need to grow the fuck up. If you are an adult and reading Harry Potter (outside of reading to your children I suppose) or any ya crap you need to reevaluate your life.


I can't tell if you are a hipster, a 35 year old man with creepy taste or a teenager who doesn't know any better.

current state of my depression nest, the reason why you just see the bed is cause its not even my room, i just have a bed in someone else's

Attached: 20180911_234626.jpg (1560x2080, 1.11M)

Uniromically looks cool as fuck.

feels good man
90% of the floor used to be under 6-12 inches of trash

Attached: room.jpg (3208x1184, 1.3M)

Yeah, but most of us are relatively clean failures. OP is a disgusting failure.

wow that is, truly, a disgusting room. mostly cause of the bathroom tile floor

What the fuck is that brown shit on the floor?

I don't understand how you people can stand living in your own filth. I'd want to kill myself.

This one's compfy as fuck. Nice lighting.

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>imagine all the porn he watches
That place is missing a womens touch, man. Drink some soi...

>how you people can stand living in your filth
being suicidally depressed far beyond the point of caring, and spending all your free time either sleeping or being incredibly intoxicated. i dont like living in filth but i hate myself way too much to do anything

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At least there's no trash strewn around on the floor, right?

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Post a timestamp, faggot.

>pretending your therapist's office is your bedroom

There's a first step to fixing your broken life

Attached: Cleaned Room.jpg (750x572, 188K)

I'm not at home. What's so unbelievable about it? I have more pictures of it saved than I should tho, for threads on Jow Forums.

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What keyboard is that? Also edgy mug man jesus

well its also not MY room and a lot of the filth isnt because of me, when i have tried to clean it it just gets dirty again. considering my life situation, i just consider myself lucky to have a bed at all, and thats all i got

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good taste

How fucking virgin are you?

This is why i hate poverty. Its just gross, it festers dirt and depression. Dude join the airforce.

Just some cheap chinkshit. Anne Pro. Had it for a bit over a year now, and it's fine for me, but a lot of people seem to be having issues. Poor QC.
Mug was a gift, it's insulated, keeps coffee hot for a longer time.
'bout 3.5/10

thanks for posting, you all are great for making my night better by having and posting in a comfy thread

Have one more original, OP.

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tfw can't post own room because I know too many Jow Forums dwellers irl and they'd recognize me

Keep posting rooms, I enjoy looking at them

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Fuck the haters man. This shit is maximum comfy.

You have roommates?

>Schizo user's house
>boomers rental suit
>i try to be photogenic and impress anonymous strangers
>jugs that aren't full of piss
>grandmas countryside house
>grandpas study turned into a zoomers wet dream
>closet sized room with a window

comfy, perfect for watching films and falling asleep

i agree more people should post

Nah, I am way to awkward for roomates anyway. What made you think I did?

it ain't cheap

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What do you do for a living? Aren't you too successful for r9k?

>grandmas countryside house
Sounds compfy as fuck, I wish that were true

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Your room looks compact, as if you attempted to fit all your possesions into it. Plus the tv.

Whats ur jawb

Holy shit is that San Fran?

I just like compact. Nothing better than cozying up while it is snowing and watching some Christmas movies in a small comfy room. Snowy days are my favorite, I took pic related last year.

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textless posts are not allowed.

originally 123

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Lend me $20 but by lend I mean give because I will probably not spend it on anything for months and definitely will not pay you back.

I would feel horribly guilty if anyone gave me money. Idk how the bums do it. Just take shit from people more successful with no intention of doing right by it.

Anyways, sorry anons. Too paranoid to post my room.

Attached: 16E163C4-E44A-45AF-AB5D-3BD6F28FD153.jpg (268x188, 15K)

>tfw comfy desk nook in room
>Tfw camera on phone is too shit to capture it fully

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>Ywn have a room this compfy

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string lights are comfy, but for some reason i dont like yours

sorry user

Post thong and feet

Try to keep it nice and clean. Never going to move out anyway

Attached: Comb12092018014919.jpg (1008x2142, 405K)

Atta girl


>all the clean rooms in this thread
nobody here is a robot except for
I don't feel any empathy or understanding with anyone else in this thread. my room is a filthy sty. I can't walk barefoot anymore because i get too much hair stuck to the bottom of my feet. i don't have any clean clothes, just wear a moldy towel all day that i put on after i get out of the shower. my room smells strongly of urine and dead skin. there are bread crumbs all over my sheets and i haven't washed my blanket in four years. fuck all of you fucking clean OCD normfaggot NPCs. cleaning your room is fucking normie as shit.

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Better photo with some lighting

Attached: Snapchat-1508603927.jpg (1080x810, 255K)

It is, shame I barely get to spend time there.
eh, close enough
too old for that
Not bad
Staring at numbers on a computer screen.
Damn that's nice. When you look at a single building, and its unassuming, bland features, it doesn't evoke any feelings, but when looking at a collection of them that fills everything in your view, I can't help but be impressed.
Is that a basement room?

Post a picture, niggerfaggot

>ur not a real human bean unless u live in filth
clean your room

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Mine is kinda bland, but I can't be fucked to decorate it

Attached: room.jpg (4032x3024, 1.92M)

Here is my nest
this is my home

Attached: 20180912_030036.jpg?width=1443&height=466.jpg (1443x466, 74K)

Bland is good. Decorating it on purpose is degenerate.

not my room, but here's my kitchen

Attached: 20180912_020024.jpg (2576x1932, 1.56M)

I normally have most stuffies on my bed and stuff

The cat would be better off being homeless wtf. You renovating or just live in a poverty area?

set your house on fire then kill yourself

Rural Russia/10
jesusfuckingchrist looking at some of these pictures is giving me a very strong itch to clean something fggffffssgsslet me clean your rooms for you.

nice nest

holy shit user why is there a toilet in your kitchen

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Third worlder? Looks like a house I saw in the Dominican Republic.

Hats off to you OP for making an actually good thread

You can find these houses in almost every country. Just forgotten people, living in forgotten houses.

It is probably Detroit

nope, i live in texas