I met a bpd girl and she's at the point where she's threatening to kill herself
How bad would I be to ghost her
I met a bpd girl and she's at the point where she's threatening to kill herself
How bad would I be to ghost her
You'd be doing the world a favor by hopefully ridding the world of another Borderline "person".
My BPD ex threatened to kill herself all the time, she never did. The sad fact is that you can't do anything to fix her, and the longer you stick around the more likely you are to get hurt. Best thing you can do is cut and run. Borderlines are a lost cause.
>muh BPD
She's not going to successfully off herself. You don't mean that much to her. Just ghost her now.
She's not going to do it, she'll be back to dating 12 guys at the same time without any of them knowing in no time
Girls with BPD don't matter a fucking bit
She won't do it, they never do
Ghost her user, she'll use you
What is it with this board and BPD
Tumblr tier garbage
What's the best way to end it anons?
I want to make it easiest as possible for her for me to leave
Don't say anything, just leave and never speak to her again. Anything else is just giving her attention to feed on and more potential to cause more harm to you.
Just walk away. Ignore all attempts at contact and try to forget about her.
Do you think she'll fuck with my car?
She knows whereo live and we've been fucking for the past 5 weeks
>How bad would I be to ghost her
it will be the best decision you ever made desu
BPD women aren't people user, you don't have to care about them
Hahaha wow, not even the first, second or hundredth time I've read a post like this on here, you'd think robots would know better by now than to chase the crazies
I didn't think it'd be so bad
Am I a bad person for ghosting her?
Ghosted my ex bpd girlfriend 6 months ago. Best decision of my life. Not even exaggerating. She nearly destroyed my life and I should have done it long ago. Do it, user.
>She knows whereo live and we've been fucking for the past 5 weeks
I think it's over then. If you've fucked, she'll probably say you raped her or something. She probably will not just mess up your car, but may try to break in if she's crazy enough.
I guess I have to actually end things in person with her
Wish me luck bros
here's a tip
bring a friend and a camera. and documents\ all your texts with her, just in case she tries to get you in for rape accusations.
my apologies friends, I replied to the wrong guy
Bipolar women are the scum of the earth. Ghost her and pray she never finds you
Why everyone hates bpd people? Were humans too
right? I love you user!
She knows where I live, I have to actually plan this breakup up and I can't ghost her
Burden on others
is sex with a bpd girl fun ? are they wild
Cluster Bs are basically cancer Normies. They have all the same traits we despise about Normies horribly mutated and amplified to the max. Narcissism, impulsiveness, lack of compassion, lack of honor, manipulative, abusive, selfish, annoying and not too bright.
I rather stick with my paranoid and shut in Cluster As. They're friends to robots.
If you give her a proper breakup that gives her the perfect excuse to ramp up her BPD antics to try and force you to stay. Ghost her and she won't do shit and just look for some other sucker to give her attention.
its not worth it user, dont do it
Trust me... We are hurt too. We suffer. Imagine all your loved ones... Everyone u love turning against u one by one bcs of this fcking mental disorder. I cant get close to anyone anymore. Bcs i know i will suffer. I always do. I became almost an empty person who puts his mask everyday... I can only be happy when i am MYSELF which i cannot be anymore. I am just eagerly waiting for death at this point.
No just let her go, let her off herself sooner rather than stringing you along when she offs herself later
She will NOT. I can assure u that. Its just a way of controling people that care about her
>she'll probably say you raped her or something
Uh, yea well my fiance is a lawyer and has said countless times women don't just get away with shit like this as much as people are lead to believe.
Reminder that if you're at the point at which you can meet people then ghost them you're not a fucking robot Sega Electronics
Why is no one asking for timestamp nowadays? I guess ill have to do it... Tits or GTFO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
She threatened to kill herself when speaking to the last dozen guys that ended up ghosting her. She won't do it, move on.
>thinks a bpd will actually do it
What's the consensus on Cluster Cs? I remember there was this one thread where anons (mostly femanons, I think) compared AvPD to BPD in terms of undateability and destructiveness, but I don't know if that's the norm.
we're the artsy creative ones who are actually talented and not blowbrained stacy art hoes/chad "check out this C chord"
They do it all the time, it's their daily routine. Bye Felicia.
Ghost her today and by Friday she'll have found another victim.
You have nothing to lose other than a fuckton of hassle
What do I do if I'm Cluster C and not creative?
>C is for clingy
Were broken but at least we don't try to make your life a pain, usually we try to do the opposite so you don't abandon us (Because it's so nearly impossible for us to find meaningful relationships)
be thankful you have half a brain and a sensitive side
Ghost her she is a Roastie.
seriously man, fuck her and her floppy meat vagina.
I should probably have mentioned that I ask this because I have AvPD.
im dating someone with BPD atm... im dumb and was roped in for sex and what i thought was love. now if i even give the idea im leaving she threatens to kill herself. save yourself the trouble op.
if you haven't fucked her and she's unloading onto you like that, you're just walking right into the friendzone my dude
you get my point
You fuckers who fall for these retarded type of bitches (honestly it is most of them) are idiots. Holy shit, people on Jow Forums wanting to even put themselves into drama like this need to an hero jesus fucking christ.
Don't do that. Just talk less and less and less and eventually you'll become nothing.
As a BPD sufferer, just disappearing would be the worst and would not be easy for you or her.
I mean we are fucking and are technically seeing eachother so thats a nogo
I'm in this exact position today. Because I took too long to message her back she's now telling me about all the guys she's fucked behind my back and how much she hates me. This kinda irrational shit happens literally every week and she becomes this awful, spiteful cunt of a person. I know I gotta man up and walk away from this shit but the thought of starting all over again is scary as fuck cause i've invested so much in to this broad
>he thought that BPD was the same as anime
I had an abusive probably BPD friend in highschool. Always threatened self harm and that she was going to kill herself if I didn't coddle her. She was this beautiful really put-together-girl to everybody else, though. One time I had enough, called her parents, turned out she was lying and exaggerating about everything. Ever since then I refuse to put up with that shit from anyone- the moment someone starts with that crap I tell them to get help or I'll get it for them. I'm not a therapist and I'm not going to put up with being held emotionally hostage like that, idc how hot the girl is, she can fuck off
Oh God, just run dude. Run, and don't look back.
Women with a Cluster B personality disorders are to be avoided at all costs - they'll destroy you.