Kelly finally DID IT

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Cute girl.

Also gun wtf

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Kelly is always cute. Black hair is the most common in the world but the rarest in White people.

kewi is seekretly an illegal arms dealer!

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That is a GIRL right? I can't tell anymore :( but it's hot whatever the fuck it is. (please tell me this creature has a vagina)

black hair is my favorite ive been wanting kelly to post black hair pics since forever

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yes kelly is a girl i only post girls i dont like traps

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what an absolute qt i think kelly should be worshipped unironically

ironically worshiping kelly is pretty oke

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She dates a bean and seems stuck up as fuck. Shed never fucking date you, you fat loser. Give up.
Hope he pulls the trigger.

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woke i mean

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i don't even want to date her retard
>seems stuck up as fuck
>dates a bean
yeah whatever
>shed never date me
do you think i dont realize this?
>fat loser

thats a fake gun btw

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Is it Jerry time again, already? Times really does fly I guess.

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Man, forget cigarettes, how does Jerry afford all this hair dye? And forget the cigarette chemicals, what about all the hair dye chemicals?

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Kelly's hair is much too fine to pull off black hair. I like brunette/copper the best on her IMOP

She uses wigs like 90% of the time but I'm pretty sure this is what her hair looks like currently wigs aside

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Hmmm, asking the real questions. I guess I never really thought about it. Maybe depending on how smug Jerry is that day, his hair changes color, like a mood ring....but for smug. Maybe his super smug powers also make it say his hair can withstand the constant damage from hair dye. I wonder what flavor Doritos he ate today....

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has she posted her tiny tiddies yet? i wanna see them!

i too have an iphone. waw

Man, that time Jerry was so poor he had to dye his hair with dorito dust was so sad. I hope he watched that inspiring movie (I don't know if you know about it or not) called Paul Snart Mall Blarp in his trying times.

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samsung master race vro

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based jerry poster

umm kelly is NEVER sexual

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this is the best hair color for her.

Maybe the Dorito the souce of his power. You may very well have figured it all out! My God! It was just like in that movie Paul Snart Mall Blarp! What a world we live in.
>tfw your not Paul Snart

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this hair color looks good too.

i think she pulls off white hair good too. she posted a picture with bright green hair once but i cant post it cause its 2rare

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i wish kewi posted more pigtail pics

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Then why do you worship her?
>lying on the internet

Youre only lying to yourself, you creepy fuck.

yes this is a top tier cosplay. i agree.

i see the panda holding on. hmm

actually never noticed the panda

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oh wait i actually didnt fully know that one was a cosplay, who is it?

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thats a cool jacket.


por que

thats a better cosplay.

this was probably her coolest jacket

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the eyes look nice on this one, prolly photoshop rather than contacts tho

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Based Frosby user. I haven't spoken to you in a few days, I hope your doing well. I want to thank you again for this new Frosby pic. I love it. I still can't figure out if Frosby looks like his dogs, or if they look like him. Your a good fren.

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Can this be him?
The one l have waited centuries to see?
How strange
So far from his path that I barely see the promise of glory
Can this be him, this Hellboy?

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they do look cool

it doesnt hide her power level

This resemblance is just uncanny. You know, they always said that people look like their dogs.. But this? Could they be..siblings? No.. Frosby isn't part dog..

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eventually there reaches a point in which you just cannot hide your power level any longer

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The world may never know....I hope Based Frosby user is ok. I wonder if he pet his dog Jambo today......I hope he did.

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a boy
he ejaculated inside Kelly
it's over guys

bleez dont post discusting things in my kewi thweds

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she is dating THAT?

::thinking:: Kelly

hiding power levels is for our own good.

it's not a jacket, it's a hoodie

but she is fucking that guy
you should abandon her
kelly a slut

yes hoodie i meant hoodie

whatever its not like any of us were gonna date her also shes not a slut for having a bf

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>not showing up in full ahegao gear and snorting cocaine off of your arm in front of everybody

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you are kelly
if you speak english you would never mistake jacket for hoodie

Hi kelly
dumb that faggot and marry me


I will date Kelly and impregnate her.

Black hair makes her a 10/10

black hair makes her an 11/10
what a girl

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kelly is NOT for impregnation! i cant believe i need to say this!

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thats why her nose is pink !

it would be very funny if i (biggest kelly shiller of 2018) turned out to be just kelly shilling herself for more orbiters but no

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something i will never forget was when kelly posted something addressing the allegations that she was doing heroin by saying that theres not even any heroin in brazil

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what a slut
you and kelly are here creating these threads just for her popularity

not cool

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>just believe in it

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top tier cutes

>3rd world country
>No heroin
pick 1

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Why not? She is for marrrying and impregnating
She will be a mother. A cute mother.


you wish you lameposter! besides, if i were her i would've shilled her instagram more

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she is a bit fat here
but I will accept her

fucking orbiters. you all need to be gassed.

cute! moar powder candy

why because we arent in your hitomi thread? AHA stay mad

you are that girl?
kelly friend then

I can teach you english and also impregnate you
let's marry me, you and Kelly

she doesnt look fat, i mean look at the top of her arm in the first pic it doesnt look fat so she cant be fat

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when you out of candy uwu

you are cuter than Kelly desu

You know what.
Winter ended in Brazil.

Prepare yourselves for Kelly pics wearing short shorts and tiny tops

kelly is truly an artist..

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yeah thhose have been posted already actually

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>tibudako where are you to calm down your lady?


>kelly is a slut for having a boyfriend

its a bit edgy but not cringe if its a cute girl wearing it

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summer is in december faggot


about to conclude this kelly thread and go to bed

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yes. she is not pure anymore
she is used

this should be a painting, yeah she does take good photographs. the camera guy does good work too.

how silly!


a smart plan, to be honest.



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good night, nice poster. im already posting from bed.

-sent from my Iphone

>theres not even any heroin in brazil

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op should get off this board

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