Any truth to this?

Any truth to this?

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used to be very true, not so much anymore

It used to be true some years ago imo, nowadays I feel like instagram/twitter have different meme subcultures from Jow Forums altogether

some memes are born on facebook pages

its gotten to a point where some of Jow Forums's memes are like post ironic reactions to twitter memes

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Listen here m5

Facook isnt a laughtig matter okay?


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This is the type of shit you find on iFunny. This has nothing to do with Jow Forums or twitter.

Not since like 09

Normies make their own shitty memes now.

Those are called stillborn

Meme is dead once it hits reddit

Jow Forums meme culture and normie meme culture are separate now. I've never ever seen a Jow Forums meme get popular in other outlets. e.g normies don't talk about the npc meme or no agatha orbiters outside of Jow Forums exist.

a meme is dead once it stops being an inside joke

Sam O'Nella, i see you too are a man of taste

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Oh boy can't wait to see the NPC meme on Twitter.

Yea, maybe in 2012

that image and notion existed way before sam o'nella you absolute zoomer newfag. its not from your shitty zoomer youtuber

We need more offensive memes, not school shooter memes I mean memes normies consider offensive like the happy merchant.

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lmao I also get confused between sam o nella and casually explained

>spit in the bible challenge
>burn the flag challenge
>slap your friend challenge

these are all anti american and anti christian which are right up normie's alley
here's some real ones you fag
>Bacon in Halal session challenge
>shit in the Koran in public challenge
>stone a queer challenge

> right up normie's alley
i live in the bible belt tho, apologies

only memes Jow Forums makes now are incel propaganda

OriginalIy nope

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Agatha orbiters aren't memes retard. the npc meme is catching on

I remember in the old days we used to actually make so much fucking OC. boards were full of threads with almost every post being an OC image. Jow Forums had amazing threads full of greentext stories. now people just post screenshots of shit from twitter or huffpost articles and then bitch about it

twitter has a bigger influence on Jow Forums than vice versa these days

Used to be. Plenty of memes are born on the normie sites now-a-days though. And plenty die before Reddit assimilates them.

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That shit is forced by literal teenagers such as yourself

>Used to be. Plenty of memes are born on the normie sites now-a-days though. And plenty die before Reddit assimilates them.
Yeah, exactly, what are any recent 4chin maymays? I cannot recall any.

A few have come out of /tv/ like Sneed's Feed & Seed. But that never made the shift to normie sites, only to Reddit.

*breaks free of the cycle*

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Like PooPoo PeePee worked so well.

>post ironic
Just say the sincerity era next time.

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Lol haha gay check these quads now


baneposting, boomers, just B.E. yourself, these are just the popular ones, there are more obscure ones on boards like Jow Forums /tv/ /an/ etc.

But that is what I mean, this meme is more or less from the last decade. So if this is supposed to be one of the more recent popular ones, you can hardly call Jow Forums a meme factory anymore, sadly.

LoTR posting is another meme that is used on Jow Forums and /tv/. On /tv/ its used to poke fun at GRRM with "tax posting." On Jow Forums its used to poke fun at the migrant crisis.

/his/ have pregnant Anne Frank x Union soldier memes

Memes are birthed on secret zoomer discords now I think?

Black people found the internet so now they make their own memes on twitter, and then zoomers post them here.

There's one last step, which is Facebook: where boomers see it and it's even deader than dead.

Born on 4 chan
Avergae Person sees it
Emerges into meatspace
Jow Forums gets a kick out of meme entering the meatspace and the meme becomes "meta"
Meme is dead

most memes that jive with the public's humour are usually not from here.
some memes go through that image's process. They never know it's from Jow Forums, and usually it comes out irl months after it was relevant here.
some other memes from here make it to other sites and then the outside world and are treated seriously/misunderstood and are "problematic".

this place's memes are mostly contained these days which I'm grateful for, but something always slips through the cracks.

>Any truth to this?
I don't think there is desu. Like Cthulhu sleeping for strange aeons in the undersea city of R'lyeh, memes never truly die.

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That's a fucking joke mate
Seriously, the old catchphrase "/b/ was never good" which extended to this entire cesspool.

>Why am I still here

You guys ever wonder why wojak, aka "feels" guy was never truly popularized by the normies?
Yes they're aware of it but it was never truly understood. Generally the normie understands a meme when they can relate to it, that's not always the case ie baneposting, but allot of the time that's how they come to enjoy the humor
But that's also why they don't understand wojak
I guess that just tells you how disconnected we are from the rest of society
Idk maybe I'm just being melodramatic, just a thought I guess.

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I'm surprised I still like 9gag hate.

Ayyyyy based clownposter from that thread on /b/

Sometimes, this flow gets jammed too. Like how pepe, wojak, gondola, spurdo, and merchant haven't died after all this time, and really just stayed here and on the Jow Forums gateway subreddits.
Partial jams, like virgin vs chad, also occur. Seeing my colleagues at uni share them when they haven't even heard of Jow Forums or think it's all just nazis on /b/ is hilarious.
Good memes die due to low attention span normies who can't appreciate a well made running gag. I knew Fresco wouldn't survive summer though because he was shit.

I think you have a point, he's as versatile as facebook frog or at least has the potential to be but just never really took off the same way.
Other than here of course, on r9k to this day those two are still the best icons of the board

no seeing how AYY LMAO and Doge were tumblr originals and JUST was twitter.

Not true. All are now part of a huge chaotic web or memes. Jow Forums memes (like virgin walk/virgin vs chad) will still spread into the normie (or at least para-normie) sphere, but the opposite happens as well.

>>born on Jow Forums
>implying Jow Forums could produce a decent meme in current year

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>memes referencing other memes characteristic for the board (feelsguy and pepe i.e. fit outstandingly well to greentext memes)
>memes referencing dissimilar stereotypes and lifestyles, which targeted and mocked for low self-awareness
>complete cancer, used in ebic screencaps, surrounded with luls
>memes used to reflect on a situation or a habit and show the funny parts of it
>it was common on Jow Forums to make "relatable memes" in an ironic manner; weird premise > bad luck > funny outcome (shitting in the shower and throwing the turd to the toilet seat>missing the toilet seat>rage)
>memes used to make fun of memes, to exaggerate them or to go meta

>memes referencing dissimilar stereotypes and lifestyles, which *are targeted and mocked for low self-awareness

This is the new cycle

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You should add a loop at the end back to Jow Forums because this exact meme was recycled by all those websites until it ended up here again in another format

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fuck you asshole. Take your circlejerk and shove it up your ass and then go die maybe

>we need offensive memes
>B-but dont offend me!
>my feelings are sacred!
>o-offend those dumb normies
kill yourself as soon as possible

I didn't read your text, but all I can think about is that cat asking for a cheeseburger, haha.

Yep. I think Pepe is the only meme that has survived this process. Thank god they never got their filthy faggot hands on Wojak.

Twitter and Instagram are unironically producing better OC than this place these days, this year has just been yet another year of more pepe and wojak rehashes

Praise Kek and Shadilay, my fellow Kekistani brother.

Thank g*d those slimy NPC Chads and normies never got their hands on our feels guy.

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don't forget misinformed lol

Not really. Most "popularized" shit seems to originate from twitter and facebook, which are them popularized on reddit and tumblr, and "ironically" used here.

Most of the shit spewed here is too ironic for normalfags to get/use, so it either stays here or finds it way to some shitty, niche subreddit.

all binland and eastern eu memes break free from the cycle and get turn into normie free masterpieces

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