Love Trope

>really enjoying a cartoon
>the writers decide to give the main character a love interest
>they have no interesting personality, they only serve to be the main characters love interest
>I have to skip a few episodes because the love interest character is so insufferably dull

Why do so many cartoons feel like they NEED to have a plot about relationships at least once? It can really bring down an otherwise great show. Actually, I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that EVERY cartoon released in the last 20 years features this, and it's beyond irritating.

>inb4 seething virgin
I'm only mad because this always feels so shoehorned in. If it was well integrated, I would have no qualms.

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i feel irritated by it too OP

>watch Regular Show
>mordecuck always drops his spaghetti and always pushes his friends away for literal thots
>season 5 is the worst when it comes to this
>he learns nothing from any of it

What character traits does Margaret even have other than being female? Why do normalfags eat this shit up?

>he learns nothing from any of it
Because in the eyes of the show's intended normalfuck audience, he didn't do anything wrong. It's all a normal part of life to them.

We might be able to find things about these shows that we enjoy. But make no mistake, they weren't made for our viewing.

other than negative traits i cant think of any good ones she has. when shes first introduced shes being shown as some cheap girl who goes from man to man

>when shes first introduced shes being shown as some cheap girl who goes from man to man
I haven't seen Regular Show in ages, was this portrayed negatively? If so, that's actually pretty based.

Regular show would have been better if they worked at a gas station like in 2 in the AM PM

not in particular, other than mordecai being insecure it wasnt really mentioned. it was pretty obvious though especially in comparison to Eileen who was wholesome and actually had hobbies

The comfiest episodes are where they're doing totally benign things, like staying up all night or daring each other to do stupid shit. Especially relatable since at the time of my first viewing, I had a good friend who I spent a lot of time with doing similar things.
I can never go back to those simpler times.

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Wow. So Mordecai is constantly lusting after a used up whore, and it's portrayed as a good thing.

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pretty much, then he goes after another basic bitch in the form of CJ

their whole beaver dam is the definition of comfy. ive literally imagined myself living there countless times

>wanting substance and character development from a fucking children's cartoon.
Jesus christ, you are fucking dumb.

Because adding in love adds tension that's easy to create a low-effort high rate-of-return story line around
And it appeals to teenagers and females

But there IS some substance with the two main characters, it's about on par with Ren and Stimpy. The show would be perfect if it stuck with the simpler atmosphere of season 1, but it's still good overall. Don't write it off completely just because it was aired on a children's network.

>"When I became an adult, I put away childish things, including the desire to appear very grown up."

I didn't like them when I was a child or teenager either, I guess I'm just an unfeeling autistic.
>tfw too smart to like love stories

You are nitpicking a show made for children, do you realize the fucking absurdity of your statement, you dumb fucking nigger?

Since it's a show intended for mainly children, that raises more questions. Let's say the average Nickelodeon viewer at the time is 10 or 11 years old, when I was that age no one I knew wanted anything to do with stupid girls. Why would they try to introduce a major female character? This was in 1997, so before gender politics corrupted media fully. I guess it all worked out though, she was only in 3 or 4 episodes.

>You are nitpicking a show made for children
You've clearly never seen this show, or Ren and Stimpy for that matter. It's not just another dumb cheap cartoon made to sedate children while mommy makes dinner. It can be clever.

Doesn't Regular Show also make frequent use of le epic internet references? I want to like the show, but there's so many issues.

there are some episodes where they reference memes or real life internet trends, but those are rare. the only episode where i can remember it being a big focus is when they try to make viral videos

Wasn't this thread just on another board?

>"I don't watch cartoons, that makes me better than you"
So mature and adult, enjoy your Game of Thrones you normalshit.

Yeah, /co/. But I wanted to see what you robots think of this issue, since /co/ is infested with overly emotional women.

At least Regular Show doesn't have lesbians.
I'm still mad

It's a cheap way to write a short story with a quick resolution.
Its also a bonus if the character or shipping becomes popular so they can bring it back and do the same thing over again.

I wish the first priority of cartoon arists and game developers could be making an exceptional work of art, not just making money.

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The writers of these shows are normalfags, so they don't understand what it's like to not have relationships be normal things - like with kids, especially boys. They just write what they know, or at least fantasized about at the earliest age they can really remember (teenagers).

>You are nitpicking a show made for children
I wonder why they could be hammering the idea of sex and relationships into children? Hmmm

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Bumping this love hate thread