I chew minty gum so my breath doesnt smell

I chew minty gum so my breath doesnt smell.
How do I get rid of stinky breath without having to chew gum

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On the walk to work every morning , the library near me has a lemon tree and I stop by the tree and lick a lemon before work to freshen up. Lemons are a great way to freshen your breath and if you just lick the outside you get no sour juice in your mouth.

Get mints, they aren't gum.

Drink water regularly and use a toothpaste that promotes a good mouth environment.

This is my favorite type of mint if you'd like a recommendation. It tastes like baking soda or something like that.

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Also brush your tongue and roof of your mouth.

drink a lot more water every day

brush your teeth and floss every day

Drink some alcohol yo.

What fucking autistic freak licks a lemon on the outside.

shut up hoe. take your bad manners elsewhere.


Eat shit, Storm Bolt.

brush your tongue dipshit. and floss.

Floss, ur breath smells bad cause of the plaque in between ur teeth and the shit on ur tounge

drink piss, user

Go kick rocks, Lightning Rapist.

go punch pillows, guy

No joke, if you suck dick and the person has a long enough dick, they can scrape out a lot of what causes halitosis. I've always had fresh breath the morning after sucking a guy off.

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Iron your nipples, child molester.

youre not a child, beta farmer

why wouldn't you want your mouth to smell minty? best shit in the world, desu.


>a farmer that farms betas

brush your teeth daily? Mouthwash daily? change your diet so you arent eating shit?
One of my ADHD friends had absolutely fucking horrid breath, this was couple with the fact that he didnt really have a sense of other's personal space so he would always get up in my face. Kinda just a random thought that popped in my head.

>brush your teeth in the morning and at night time
>floss your teeth tooth brushes don't get shit between your teeth
>use a tongue scraper to scrape shit off your tongue or just use a brush.
>Keep your mouth moist dry mouth = bacteria growth
>Get strong mints like Altoids or ice breakers to put in your mouth after you eat a meal.
>Avoid eating things with strong odors like garlic and fish.
If you want to tell if your breath stinks you can tell by licking your wrist then letting it dry for 10 or so seconds.

go to the dentist if you haven't recently.

I do that but it doesn't help
I still get plaque buildup at the back of my tongue and scraping it off is very hard

go to the doctor and eat some parsley my dude

just use mouthwash in the morning
and dont eat fish for lunch

Dentist here. You have bad breath probably because you dont brush and floss your teeth. Get a cleaning and let the dentist show you the proper way to floss and brush. So many people dont know how and all the plaque and bacteria bond to your teeth and gums and make you smell like shit.

What if I do brush my teeth, gums, tongue, roof of mouth etc correctly yet still have unpleasant breath?
I eat normal things and don't drink carbonated soft drinks (or even soft drinks in general aside from ice tea occasionally)
I know it's not thrush because when I manage to scrape it off it doesn't bleed

Go to a dentist. You need full mouth series xrays. You may have periodontal disease. Cant tell without xrays. If you live in the dmv area I could take you for a discount.

I'm not in the US but thank you. I'll do that
Could it come from acid reflux?

No. Acid reflux would cause decay on your teeth and destroy enamel. Dentist can see it with a comp exam

My breath smells bad too, especially in the morning.
I think it's the little cavities between teeth. Teeth are all jumbled together, so they're hard to floss and flossing was always a bother to begin with. That bited me in the ass, it seems.
As soon as I feel hungry, my breath starts smelling bad again too. I hate this shit. Having to eat mint candy everyday because of it now.

Thanks! Didn't know the dry mouth part. I guess that's why my breath is so terrible after sleep.

Brush your tongue, you mongoloid.

Brush your fucking teeth you autist


I noticed my breath started smelling like that of old people. I then read about people removing their tonsilolithes with the handle of their toothbrush. I tried it and got a whole lot of disgustingly smelling shit out of them. I now regularly evacuate the cavities in my tonsils and haven't had that kind of bad breath ever since.
Oh, having an empty stomach can still give me kind of sour smelling breath but that's an easy fix in the western world.

>woman complain about smelly breath

Why are women so bad in mouth hygiene?

Poison someone else

If you dont floss you miss about 30% of the surface area of your teeth. You are 1/3rd yuckmouth nigga go floss.

Take all those dicks out of your mouth every once in a while.