What is your dream?
What is your dream job?
What is your major?
What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
What is your dream?
To have an insane drag car
To be an engineer for my own boutique car company
I dropped out of highschool
There are only 2 people left in the world with my last name
>What is your dream?
To be genuinely recognized by others as a woman and not as a man
>What is your dream job?
Video game developer
>What is your major?
Computer programming
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
I'm not interesting
>What is your dream?
a farm in the mountains, away from most other people
>What is your dream job?
at this point, no idea
>What is your major?
bs in physics
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
absolutely nothing
To be more skilled/worldly/personable, basically a never-ending dream.
NASA or other companies delving in space exploration. I'd take any innovative tech job though.
Computer Science & Engineering
I'm of average height/girth/length and a 5/10.
>What is your dream?
To be a Greco-Romanesque God
>What is your dream job?
Cult leader
>What is your major?
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you?
People seem to think I am a good listener when in truth I hardly listen at all and just pretend to understand.
>There are only 2 people left in the world with my last name
I know you probably don't want to release it.
spell it backwards, I can decode it.
To find some inner stability and Harmony in my world view.
To be able to write books and have them turned into movies/tvshows/videogames
Dropped out
I'm Skitzotypol, meaning only 3% of the population has my personality type.
It's a simple corruption of the ukrainian word for anvil
Lottery winner
Lottery winner
real robot
>What is your dream?
to create something that makes people happy
>What is your dream job?
comics if i could draw
>What is your major?
computer science
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
i still fap to the same newgrounds flash that i first ejaculated to (at 11, now i'm 20)
>What is your dream?
Live a quiet life with a wife
>What is your dream job?
Guess it would be translator, wish I could speak Japanese and translate games and Anime/Manga officially(not like these faggots that see everything as problematic)
>What is your major?
Highschool i think, but i'm improving my major.
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
Nothing really.
>What is your dream?
Have a cabin in the woods with an M2 and a old Jeep in the driveway.
>What is your dream job?
Working for the forest service as an engineer.
>What is your major?
Electrical/Civil Engineering
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
Super lazy and a semi stoner but smart as hell. I think I do drugs and such because I lack stimulation (physical, emotional) from the world in my life.
Quiet happy life.
I don't think anything about me is interesting.
>What is your dream?
To be able to live very lavishly, and spend as much as I want on gaming and whatnot.
>What is your dream job?
To not work at all
>What is your major?
History currently but thinking about switching to economics (I don't think my country has this major system for college so I don't know if I'm getting the question right)
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
I was raped by a male cousin that's like 3 years older than me since I was 7 to when I was maybe 14, I have been a porn addict since I was 7y/o. There's probably more things more interesting about me but I tend to focus on negative things.
>To be rich
>anything that pays good and involves minimal amount of human contact
>I have no formal education worth mentioning
>I have no interesting facts/things about me
Background character tier at this point.
get rich
drop out
i have a birthmark between my ass cheeks
normiest thread i've ever seen, delete it
>What is your dream?
i don't remember
>What is your dream job?
to be a shut in until i die
>What is your major?
i skipped collage to work right away
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
nothing about me is interesting
>What is your dream?
I want to be a perfectly healthy human being with enhanced abilities.
>enhanced cognitive abilities, literally a living computer with a 200+ iq, memory that allows me to remember every single moment of my life
>superhuman strength, could stop a tank with my bare hands
>superhuman speed, could chase down an animal with no difficulty
>superhuman endurance, could run for days without breaking a sweat
>never feeling hunger, thirst, or the desire to sleep
>could see clearly in the dark, underwater, and sights miles away
>hear heartbeats, whispers, sounds miles away
>detect scents, odors, that no other human can
>could breathe/hold my breath underwater for as long as i wanted to, no difficulties in high altitudes
>accelerated regenerative abilities; i could lose a limb and grow it back in seconds
>stronger body, greater pain tolerance, could endure any physical pain or discomfort
I want to be more human, and lose my humanity in the process. I want to be the next step in human evolution. A physical ubermensch.
>What is your dream job?
Furitistic bioengineering corporation CEO. I would provide state of the art medicine, prosthetics, and provide what I would have to others. Like a cyberpunk CEO, but in an utopia, and not in a gritty, densely populated future that smells like shit and pollution.
Realistically speaking though, I think I'd like to be the CEO/founder of a financial institution. Just create a bank that doesn't fuck people other, helps corporations, and is just a reliable, safe place to store your money that educates its clients on how to handle their finances.
>What is your major?
I don't have one.
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
Don't know. Depends on who you ask.
>What is your dream?
Get a player
>What is your dream job?
Go on quests
>What is your major?
Taking you from the foyer to potion shop.
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
I walk faster than your walking speed and slower than your running speed.
jesus christ, get the fuck out of here
have a sweet traditional gf and have kids who will always be loved and appreciated
>dream job
Working in a Network Operations Center like pic related with a giant screens on the walls. Probably as a military officer or contractor
The ultimate meme major, computer science
>Interesting thing
I used to read a SHIT ton of books in elementary school. Like an autistic amount, I distinctly remember getting in trouble for reading The Two Towers in the middle of class in 5th grade. As a result i now have a very good vocabulary and very bad social skills.
dont really have one just want to be comfy and find a good husband and have kids
practical nurse or archaeologist
ive literally never had a single friend my entire life
oops forgot major, i havent ever been to any kind of educational facility haha
LMAO. this shit is too funny. die
>To make some acclaimed media/shows
>Work in animation industry, though I can't draw unfortunately but I still would want to be in that industry, so probably as some other job
>Bio/CS so nothing to do with what I would really want to be doing instead
>Have had meningitis three times
To be a world class strongman/powerlifter.
Army Engineer officer.
Speech language pathology.
I'm the youngest person in my family at 20 years old.
to be loved very intensely
>dream job
stay at home dad
public relations (lol)
>interesting fact
I do hard drugs at the office so I can make it through the day. I'll probably sink my career because of it. If that happens and I dont have a waifu to look after me I'll kill myself
To be the firstan to step on Mars
To be a ceasar
Second year in applied maths/physics
I will someday own my own planet
>What is your dream?
To have enough money to live comfortably in a nice small place, away from most people.
>What is your dream job?
Game dev I guess? I do make games on the side, but it's not a business I'm interested in pursuing since it's hard getting into it. Honestly any job with working with Python or C is a job I enjoy.
>What is your major?
CS I guess? Never went to college, just work as a backend dev.
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
I play fighting games and enjoy tournaments a lot. Not good at fighting games though, but I enjoy the activity a lot.
>What is your dream?
I don't really have one. Too disillusioned to believe things might be good in any scenario
>What is your dream job?
Something well-paying that doesn't require much thought
>What is your major?
Gcraphic design, so pretty much going for the dream job
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
When I was 14 I managed to slip an entire length of PS3 power cord up my ass, like 4 feet of wire, no lube. Don't know how I didn't rupture my colon desu
>What is your dream?
To live in either the Harry Potter universe being able to use magic, or just living in the Star Wars universe in the Galactic Empire era. Both seem fun.
>What is your dream job?
Soccer player
>What is your major?
>What is the most interesting fact/thing about you
I lack a soul