I beat the shit out of my girlfriends cat when she's not home to satisfy an increasingly hard to control bloodlust, ama
I beat the shit out of my girlfriends cat when she's not home to satisfy an increasingly hard to control bloodlust, ama
Why do you take out such bloodlust on an animal?
Kill yourself you fucking faglord. Leave your girlfriend or something, you fat fuck. Go to a mental hospital.
Neck yourself faggot nigger fuck
Gore on humans is fine, but animals are poor helpless creatures. Off yourself, faggot.
How are you going to stop the cat from eating your eyes while you are sleeping?
there's no way you could "beat the shit" out of a cat without killing it, they are so small
kick the chair you fucking brain dead nigger
Youd be surprised how resilient they are. Cowardly, but resilient.
How do you repeatedly beat up a cat without killing it? Are you 10?
They can't tell on me.
I don't try to damage it. Just hurt it. Strangling, hard slaps, kicking. I guess I should've said torture, instead.
Please seek psychological help.
And direct your bloodlust at vidya, not animals.
Wouldn't know where to start. Even if I did, couldn't afford it. Part of the rage, I guess. Only thing that makes me feel anything but dread is hearing that cat scream. My blood rushes, adrenaline kicks in, teeth clench. I don't even like doing it, I just like the feeling I get from it. Sometimes I would tie her feet together by twisting rubber bands around them until she can't get them free and then just kind of take it all out on her. I'd never kill her or injure her limbs, though. That would be hard to explain to the gf and then it would all be over.
It's way, way too scared of me to even attempt that.
Is it pic related? Hope someone manages to trace it down and ddos you, you waste of cum
I hope you die a horrible death and end up in the lowest depths of hell
literally kill yourself. i am not even joking. i know this is Jow Forums where everybody says "hurr durr neck urself" over the dumbest shit, but i am honestly being 100% sincere here. if you have any love for society you will kill yourself as soon as possible. i don't care how you do it, just please do it. doesn't even have to be painful, just end your life so that the rest of the world doesn't have to suffer your existence.
You want me to come fight you instead OP?
you must have a great personality. must
You should try to beat your women instead of beating the cat. it will feel real good.
He said AMA... you forgot the ask part...
Lmao , all the butthurt faggots in this thread.
Don't direct your hate to animals. Try boxing.
I will find you and I will murder you you nigger
haha so funny haha lool you're really smart bro!!! you told those libtards!!!
t. literal nigger
The absolute state of the posts in this thread.
No you will not, you just want to sound stronger than you are. OP probably laughing from behind the screen.
Fuck, this is probably a larp given the increase in animal stuff tonight. Again, Jow Forums is just baby /b/.
If someone hurts my cat I'll stab his fucking neck
Already mentally confused again?
some psychopaths are respectable individuals who can control their appetite for violence and aim it at socially acceptable targets like pedophiles. you're clearly too stupid. who tortures their GIRLFRIEND's cat? you're practically begging to get caught.
you need to dump her and get away from this whole fucking thing before you either get caught torturing it or lose control and kill it, because that's how this is going to end.
this is just pathetic. you can't catch wild prey? you can't even catch frogs to kill? or literally anyone else's pets? no, you had to pick the cat that belongs to the person you're trying to convince you're normal.
fucking retarded.
Assuming that this isn't some larp, you're probably some scumfuck zoomer who's too much of a newfag to know that you're not the first faggot to pop shit like this over 4chin.
Hurts YOUR cat. That is not your cat and is further proof you will not do shit. But I get it hits close to home and you need to vent your anger. Just go pet your kitty user and tell it you love it.
I think most of us are like that with our pets. I am sure if this was not LARP that OPs GF would probably clue in by now from the cats fear.
I agree with user. You're a fucking idiot for thinking this is the right choice of action. Hunting didn't come to mind? No martial arts? Kickboxing? Not even threapy? Tard.
Tell me about your childhood, do you think there was trauma that occurred at a young age that was a precursor to this violent "bloodlust" behavior?
Would you do this to a human?
Do you browse rekt threads/gore threads?
Not OP but I watched my dog die just a couple of days ago, and theres a moment were something goes from being living to just organic material. I realized at that moment I might be a sick puppy myself because I didn't feel shit, and it was kinda the same when I tortured birds as a kid. The next step is for me to draw human blood but luckily I'm joining the military so I get to be a state sanctioned serial killer.