Where are you at the moment?
Where are you at the moment?
why no just take the elevator straight down?
I skiped 2d porn and went straight to hating women
wanting to be the gf. I've literally had dreams where I turn into a girl
>tfw no gf
and I will not go beyond because im not mentally ill
Was close to going full homo but went back up to MGTOW after realizing fagging it up won't make me happy either.
Skipped the tfw no gf phase. been with over a dozen girls in relationships since high school. skipped the hating women because women are fine, despite you neckbeard virgins saying otherwise lol.
skipped mgtow. I was about those traps, now I'm transitioning so I can be the GF. feels gud.
>Wanting to be the GF
Aww man I'm all the way at the bottom already... And my ultimate submissiveness doesn't help... It makes me like it..
Up top + tfw no gf sometimes
Over a decade in this shithole and I'll never be infected with the gay
Hating women stage right now. Wish I could get to the end faster but I'm not quite ready yet
I tried the last thing and then went back to hating woman. It's a solid point after all.
I keep getting dangerously close to suicide, then back to hating women and self improvement, then right back down to being the gf and crossdressing, and then it cycles back again. Wish I could just end it.
How do you find someone to turn you into their cute and obedient submissive GF(male) who cooks and cleans and they can use for sex and cuddles? It seems like only the weirdest and borderline creepiest dudes are the only ones interested?...
A little after being the GF
wow dude i havnt dressed as a girl i mean im not gay but i mean i dont think i have to be gay either for that kindof shit. it probably all streams from internet porn. anime and the likes fuels the desires too far till you aren't even in control of your actions.
I got the same issues too (except dressing as a girl) and i've just decided to accept myself like a hospital patient ,i mean im sick and i shouldn't deny it. im trying to be nicer to myself these days, not so judgemental.
TFW no GF for over 20 years.
So you went back in the closet.
I would be interested but i still have to find one of you that is actually convincing. I know it's setting the standard too high but i despise masculine features, dick included, yet the thought of dominating a feminized fag is kind of stimulating. Good thing i will never find someone who looks good enough for it.
hating women, since 2011
I am 36
Would you want them to be convincing right away? I def don't pass as fem or anything but I would want someone to make me into it. Kinda design me the way they like as a fem? At the same time I'd learn what kind of foods they like so I could cook, and learn what kind of sex they like. Like, if I knew over time that everyday you like a blowjob when you got home, I'd do that. And then you'd teach me to give head just how you like, while you're making me into a fem that you could like. I'm really really submissive so that kind of thing gets me going bad anyway.
And as for a masculine dick. I mean, someone could always put me in a chastity and fuck me with panties covering it, or something?
there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a sissy boyfriend to take ownership of.
>s-stupid g-goyim! you WILL marry shaniqua right this moment!!!
whomst is this semen demoness (male)
Been there from the start tho.
Went down to being the gf, took hormones for a year, then dangerously close to suicide, now I'm back at homosexuality
dangerously close at wanting to be the gf again make it stop
Why do people find this attractive
>Would you want them to be convincing right away?
Kind of. It would be almost impossible for me to want to do anything with someone possessing a manly face, manly arms, manly legs and a manly waist. It's a real turn off for me because i'm not attracted to such things, even the voice alone would destroy everything but maybe i could endure it if he looked like a girl. I know it's just one of my shitty fantasies. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would like someone like you, actual bisexuals or homosexuals. You just have to keep looking around, you'll surely find someone.
dunno, try browsing the gay or cosplay boards.
Wanting to be the GF, and I only see my self going further down that path.
are you a roastie or something? fuck off.
I skipped 3D porn and have been at the 2D porn step forever.
At the top despite being a khv at 28. I just accepted that I'm not compatible with most people and I'm a loner. I don't really have much of a libido anyways. I do get horny but it takes me less than a minute to cum and get it over with. I guess having a tiny dick also helps me cope since even if I wanted to look for someone 9/10 times I'd be humiliated and tossed aside. I might as well be dickless and say I lost it in an accident or something.
I'm waiting at the bottom.
I wish I was you.
I fapped to ugly 3D for many many years.
the yare weird fags that is why
Is there a step somewhere in there where you aren't suicidal but you realize the only chance of giving your parents a grandkid is through asexual fission?
Asking for a friend
I am a healthy male, roasties are the ones who support homos
>So you went back in the closet.
Yes, where I belong.
I'm at MGTOW and have been pretty steady there
A faggot who's not in self-denial but still wishes to not be gay? Are you a gay christian or something?
Anyone just lonely and need meaningful friendship?
Wanting to be the gf. But I currently hate women and am an MRA.
I got to hating women and at some point began worshipping this thing
Starting to get thoughts of being the GF
I got down to Hating Women at one stage but I seem to have grown out of it all and don't even watch porn anymore
>Are you a gay christian or something?
No, fucking men just doesn't seem worth the trouble. I'm happy enough without sex, but I would fuck a chick if she made it easy.
Someone make me their femboy submissive housewife please
Wanting-to-be-gay stage
In between tfw no gf and hating women
Hating women/Mgtow and ill stay here probably
>Not wanting a good life that your family can be proud to show off
Yeah, must be religious nut
A bisexual worshipper of the Jow Forumsube.
between wanting and being
ive been taking estrogen pills for about 3 months now
>I've literally had dreams where I turn into a girl
tfw this tfw
>dangerously close at wanting to be the gf again make it stop
it probably wont stop sorry
went all the way down now nowhere with no libido. If I had libido Id be both total up and down combined.
I don't think it's conclusive
I've been watching porn for a while now, it actually irritates me how dependant I seem to be on it
I've never really hated women as a whole, but there are a few select women that just piss me off, most of the time I'm just indifferent until I have to say something
I don't really live on the internet, so I don't know what mgtow is
So I've done Porn, 2d porn, and I usually stop a traps, not because I think it's not gay, but because it is gay, without being 100% gay, it's like 60% gay, and I think that's livable, and it's a rare occurrence too, sometimes the same old stuff gets boring so I just switch to traps for about 2 days and then the normal stuff comes back to me
Never really took an interest in anything outside of that
im stuck somewhere between hating women and mgtow
Someone post the comfy plateau variant of the OP.
Its not even that. I just don't see the point in having sex with men other than reveling in hedonism. Girls seem better overall, but even they are a huge headache.
Halfway between homosexuality and wanting to be the GF.
Being forced into it would be kinky.
>Wanting to be the gf
Is it weird I've kinda wished to be a girl since I was a kid?
thats a really cute boy, why would he spend his birthdays alone? id have taken him out for a night in town
also why the heck does his dad have a 17inch massive gamer laptop with an apple logo? im sure they dont sell that shit.