Posted a suicide note on reddit last day

>posted a suicide note on reddit last day
>contain that i can't find a job etc.
>a guy pm me his mail telling me he'll help me get a job
>i mail him
>he owns a big company in Italy
>he make me a CV
>he find me a job

p.s. i'm so autist to travel out my country to deal with life

>reply him that i'm sorry i'll off my self today
>open my mail box to see tons of messages

idk what to do i'm so fucked robot


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did you try sending out his cv to him message from you might be a usable cv or not ?

one more time user !!!!

He put effort on to your sorry ass user. At least try a week. It cant be that bad

i gave him a few details about me, then as a sort of help he created a cv for me

I can not find a job and I want to work. If some dude in Fucking Croatia or something offered me a job and a means to get there I would be counting nickels and dimes to get a passport and work. Any chance at a life away from the depression is one worth taking.

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yes i appreciate his efforts honestly but have some reasons to think it will not work
1 too poor to buy a plane ticket or to handle travel pays etc
2 i live in war zone so it's difficult to travel out

Just to clarify, getting a job, any job will help you with your depression. Delete any folders related to sex or nudity. Work a job, do some moderate excersize and you will start to feel better.

What are you posting on? What are you surrounded by? Sell, scanavenge and sell that shit too. Do what you can to make life work user.

yes true ... but it's hard when a guy has autism

yes i agree.
i actually started a no fap week ago & i really feel better, more effective to be specific..

Well that changes a little idk what to say now. People here walk thousands of miles to work on other countries cause shits so bad for them. What's keeping u waiting

>tfw don't own a shit cuz live with parents

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also a good fear i have is that i'll have to leave my college if i take that chance ...

Try going to a big market. Like a Fish market or farmers market the big ones. They hire people on site to load or unload trucks and shit. Its hard work but its something.

>posted a suicide note on reddit
if you wanna do it do it stop crying out for attention

This is so true in contrary to the hivemind here. Just don't expect to be completely cured after 2 weeks like fucking retards in these threads.

Don't move to another country just for a job you're not sure you'll even like.
What the fuck, why are you even considering something like this?

What kind of job and where in Italy? I need a fucking job so badly.

Where the fuck do you live? Syria?

If you off yourself you'll gonna regret it in many levels. To off yourself is not a way out. Is a way in a world of shit.

It is a pity that you've come here by way of suicide.
Clarence remained calm but I felt a surge of revolt within me. Suicide? I remembered the accusations of those perverse beings in the Lower Zones. Even though I was grateful to my benefactors, I couldn't accept this accusation.
"I believe you are mistaken", I said, distressed, "my departure from the world had other causes. I fought over forty days trying to overcome death. I suffered through two serious operations because of an intestinal occlusion."
"Quite so," the doctor continued, calm and perfectly composed, "but the occlusion was the result of very serious causes. Perhaps you haven't thought it over enough. The spirit body presents within it a complete history of the actions practiced on Earth."
Leaning over me, he went on, pointing to different parts of my body.
"Let's look at the intestinal zone," he said, "the occlusion was due to cancerous elements, which in turn arose from some indiscretions of yours, in which you contracted syphilis. The disease might not have assumed such grave characteristics had your mental attitudes been firmly based on the principles of moderation and brotherly love. Instead, you chose a dark, exasperating way of life which attracted destructive vibrations from those around you. You never imagined that anger attracts negative forces, did you?
Your lack of self control and your thoughtlessness in dealing with others, whom you so often unthinkingly offended, frequently left you under the influence of sickly and inferior beings. These circumstances greatly aggravated your physical state."
After a long pause, in which he went on examining me attentively, he continued: "Have you observed, my friend, that your liver was damaged through your action? That your kidneys were also mistreated in your reckless disregard for the divine gift of physical existence?"

I felt deeply disappointed, but the doctor, seemingly unaware of my anguish, continued to clarify: "The bodily organs possess incalculable reserves in accordance with the Lord's designs. You, my friend, evaded many excellent opportunities and wasted the precious blessing of physical existence. The long term assignment which you had been given by those of greater spiritual accomplishment was reduced to half hearted attempts at work which you never completed. Your entire gastronomical system was destroyed as a direct result of your "harmless" excesses in food and drink, and your essential energies were devoured by the syphilis you contracted through still other excesses. As we see, the diagnosis is incontestable."

Don't fuck up, or you'll going to regret deeply. It's guaranteed.

>why are desperate people making desperate decisions wtf

>I feel sad, so I'll abandon everything and move to a place that's completely alien to me, where I can't even comfortably go out to buy groceries because I don't know the language
>That'll help

This might be a really good way to find employment actually

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like i said, desperate people making desperate decisions.

Op you asshole fucking loser. Either move to Italy or off yourself. I'd take any chance to move to a better place.
Look at it as a wiped slate. A new beginning.

Well look at it this way you're already at the point of ending your life why not put in one last ditch effort and give it a chance? who knows you may have a happy life afterwards and if it fails you could always go back to square one and kill yourself, it's 50/50 only you can flip the coin

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