How do i fix pic related?

how do i fix pic related?

Attached: pectus sledgehammer excevatum.jpg (576x960, 91K)

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Pop it back out

Use a Humanity


Seriously though use a toilet plunger and suction it out

caber or prami

Listen OP and everyone else with some sort of deformity: You can't fix this. Swallow this pill and accept your fat; do not give up on the quest for aesthetics and strength however. You'll have a somewhat shit chest. But what about you abs? Legs? Back? Arms? Get fucking strong and accept it, play your weakness to make it a strength.

I got surgery: they popped the bone out, pressed it for and then put a metal bar behind it when they put it back
Afaik that’s the only way, and I still have a scar and a slight indent, but I’m a dyel so that’s not helping

Use a plunger.


>Swallow this pill and accept your fat


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yes you can, pectus excavatum can be fixed with surgery

Pectus excavatum is a congenital anomaly. You can't fix it anymore I can fix being a turbo manlet, lad

>pectus excavatum
>flared ribs
>erythematotelangiectatic cherry angioma ridden "skin"
your hibernian ancestors are smiling upon you

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funny dark souls meme xD

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I got surgery because the deepest point of mine was an inch from my spine

Post surgery the indent came back slightly and looks basically like yours

Tl;dr you’re fine, stop being a baby

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>I still have a scar and a slight indent

If OP's case is this terrible like the pic he uploaded then it's gonna be the exact same: he will not escape it.

The same way Greg Plit fixed his phobia of trains


Steve Reeves had pectus

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specifically posing so it would not be noticeable

I think he had a mild case, and built his chest heavy to hide it

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Nuss procedure is the best way to fix pectus and flared ribs.

Recovery sucks, but it's not as bad as some make it out to be. You will get plenty of pain management.

Lifting weights also helps with recovery as it increases bone mineralization rate systemically.

He did have mild pectus.

When it's present without other disorders (no marfans or aything else), the current research is actually showing maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy to be the likely cause.

Vitamin D is essential in laying down bone minerals and if it's low during the time when the rib cage is developing the bones are too soft and sink in, then as we grow the ribcage grows inward deeper. Part of why it gets worse as we reach adulthood.

Sometimes it is hereditary, but it can also skip generations or be completely random and not appear again in successive generations. It might also be some families require more vitamin D.

Hard to say, but your genes might not be 100% fucked.

Me, my brother and my cousin all have it so I would say a genetic element is likely

Don’t listen to this retard, Arnold Schwarzenegger had it too and his chest was amazing. OP, you’re literally in skeleton mode which is why it shows.

Right, but the point is specifically how it genetically plays out.

Is it a set of genes that just makes the ribs grow in?

Or that the individual requires more vitamin D to help the bones & cartilage of the ribs firm up enough to prevent them from sinking in, and this higher Vit D requirement is hereditary?

The reason to pinpoint a cause is to prevent it in future generations.

The cousin is on the paternal side if that helps. My Dad has also said that he was aware that it was something genetic in his side of the family for previous generations.

same but with psoriasis

fucking skeleton lizard mutants unite

Well, then when you have kids at least try trouble shooting. Most preggers vitamins don't contain enough D3 so make sure she's supplementing with it too. Make sure it's getting checked on her blood tests to not be too low (or too high, but it's hard to accidentally go too high).

Other than that there might not be much you can do but at least if your kids get it then it's not from a lack of effort.

i have the opposite problem

Pack it with makeup

Do I have it and is 20 years old too late to fix it

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>flared ribs
>severe seborrheic dermatitis
i don't know how much longer i can go on lads

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Lift weights

I also had the surgery

Sauce me


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stud welder and a slide hammer. oh, and an angle grinder (for cleanup)

HAHAHA damn son looks like you fought e honda and lost haha

The fuck does that even mean boomer

Son, once you turn 29 you'll know.

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surgery or get over it.
pro tip: choose getting over it like I did. Nobody fucking cares

Girls won't have sex with me because of it.

Hold your nose and breath out hard

now what?

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no that's because of the rest of your bad looks and personality

Kek i got a big ass hole There but people love to touch it. Im not skinny ass wanker like you might be the reason

I forgot what thread I was in and was wondering why people would love to touch your asshole

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I see this shit all the time on this board. You guys are fucked stop trying.