Yesterday I pretended to have a gf again.
>rented hotel room
>jacked off to web porn, massage flyers, and the image of a fat assed hooker
>downloaded 150+gb of anime
>ate expensive steak with eggs
>had a wine
>showered, and bathed twice
>took a bus back home
My family thinks that I'm a real poon hound, because I do it once, or twice a month with a different fake GF.
Yesterday I pretended to have a gf again
No one else can relate?
Why not hire one if the younger call girls?
>I go out twice a month, the family thinks I'm a poon hound
>Why not hire one if the younger call girls?
I don't even know how user, and I feel like my thing just works for now.
>the image of a fat assed hooker
p-post image please?
Mental image. They hang out at the hotels.
Why not get an escort if you're paying for a hotel room?
We need more people like you on this board user.
>Why not get an escort if you're paying for a hotel room?
The risk of jail scares me.
>pay for semen demon
>go to jail
I don't know which prostitute that I could trust user.
>We need more people like you on this board user.
You should try it honestly. Everyone thinks that your alpha as fuck, and you get to treat yourself nice for a weekend.
I'm not very good at deluding my self. I prefer visiting real prostitutes (my waifus) but fuck, they are expensive af and you (atleast I) can't afford them every day, so it can't fill the void man. Maybe I should go 2D as well...
>real prostitutes
Teach me senpai.
Nothing to teach there, it's the same shit as fapping. It's cool for like 15-20mins until you cum, and afterwards you feel like shit, cuz in reallity pussy is just expensive and visually more pleasing way to cum.
no faggot, where you find them? how you get them? if you can somehow not scare away a prostitute by talking to her on the phone then you're just a norman. I swear hookers think I'm an undercover cop or something because of how autistic and nervous I am. And if a hooker is upfront I think they're undercovers.
>Nothing to teach there
I need a walkthrough for this though. How to pay a woman for sex, and then how to enjoy the sex to be had type walk through.
Is it like ordering food, but for sex like there's a known menu, and I just pick what I want, and pay?
>I need a walkthrough
Would really appreciate one
Escorts are legal matey. That's why they're called Escorts and not prostitutes.
> call friend that has car
> ask him if he is in mood for prostitutes
> we drive like 50km's in town nearby
> see like 20-30 prostitues in the park
> drive by the hottest one and ask her is she is working atm (she will say yes is she is a prostitute)
> ask her how much?
> she will say like 1500 (thrid world shithole money) for BJ and 2000 for bj + sex
> fuck her in car or in abandoned house nearby
Interesting thing is that I banged one of them without a condom, and I didn't got infected, looks like they are clean and good looking as well
Escorts are expensive af. The best thing is to find some small town that is populated with poor people, some ruined place with no opportunities . If you live in 1st world country you will have problem finding that, but it is not impossible, you just need to know people.
> scare a prostitute
man they would fuck a dog if you pay them, remember their job is to fuck monster for money.
>no friends
Still interested in a step by step on how to into anal wrecking a woman for money though.
Pls help.
It's pretty much impossible without any contacts, I have no social life, and a few childhood friend are GF phaggots that don't like prostitutes, the guy that drove me to a prostitute was my cousin that I have't seen in a long time (but he is also a good friend of mine) so I got a prostitute because I was a lucky phaggot, I was searching for prostitutes since I was 14-15 or so, and I could never find them. The point is if you don't have someone that can help you , you are pretty much fucked, atleast It was so for me.
I know where the whores are. I just don't know the next steps.
How to hold on to my spaghetti when they talk to me, and how to accomplish my goal of devastating their anals for a set fee?
Don't masturbate for a couple of days, the more you hold the better experience you will have, and drink a couple of shots of vodka or whiskey. Just don't get drunk ofc, drink just so you can relax.
I came in here to say how relaxing it is to get a room alone sometimes and somehow it's come to this post...what the fuck
How about
"How much"
>"How much"
Like off the bat.
>how much for bob n vagene butiful
look in yellow pages for escort.. call a few shady ones..not fancy.. they may not pick up the call.. but they may call back from another number.. give them your location/hotel room.. have like $300 usd.. fucking disgusting afterwards