Roasty rage

roasties dont think your virginity is a mens rights issue. i think it is because its not just sex but love and partnerships we are denied. an thats something no roastie ever has to put up with.

Attached: A054DD5E-1FC8-416E-9B09-7CA74F879BFA.png (640x1136, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She seems reasonable. What's wrong with her post?

She seems smart... I do not get it. I like her so far

she's right honestly

Okay what are we gonna do about you being a virgin? Force women to fuck you?
What about tyrone? But hes gay, guess your his state issued cock sleeve now
None of this shit attracts people because none of it makes sense you ignoramus

>The societal need for feminism.

Please end me.

>Societal need for feminism


>male suicide rates are a problem
>the reasons behind male suicide rates aren't a problem though

Reminder of the study that was deleted from publication recently because the findings "might fall into the hands of the right"

Far great variability in men than in women

What are the reasons behind male suicide rates?

Nah man, we all just need feminism. We all need to recognize ourself as the horrible monster we are.

Loneliness and lack of sexual fulfillment

Really? Can you back that claim up with studies?

Burden of proof isnt on me, feminist cunt

There isn't a single study to back this up.
When it comes to women suicide, on the other hand...

Attached: 003.jpg (1031x1182, 991K)

You make a claim, the burden of proof is on you. Quit being such a lazy asshole and maybe you wont constantly wind up feeling like the lonely failure that you are, faggot.

You made a claim, you prove it. Especially when your claim doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

how about homelessness?

what about war?

what about work related death?

also why isn't sex a gender issue?

why do YOU think male suicide rates are higher?
>inb4 methods

One reason is that males are more impulsive and likely to go through the suicide while females will stop short and just cry for attention.

What I'm getting at here with the Trojan virus, is that males have more distinctive traits than women thus women are more selective in mates and vice versa, which in theory can be used to explain the abhorrent disproportionate percentage of success in relationships between menand women, and the external hypothesis that this is indeed an evolutionary self defense mechanism that would allow males to determine if they are actually the biological father of their child.

Yes this indeed would endanger the group think.

They threw away their virginities, stupid NPC.

Attached: 1524753998643.jpg (603x1024, 134K)

>Okay what are we gonna do about you being a virgin? Force women to fuck you?

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Nah, the obvious solution is for this problem here is Genetically Engineered Catgirls for Domestic Ownership

Attached: flat_800x800_075_f.u1.jpg (800x522, 67K)

>not killing themselves earlier

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-12-02-59-36-1.png (1434x1540, 1.03M)

Dumb roastie will still defend sexual liberation as if it's good for anyone. When men don't get pussy or a family of their own because they're ugly or socially inept, they have no reason to care about society. Guess who builds and maintains societies? I'll give you a hint, the men who check off all the specific checkboxes women can now demand from their walking dicks would only make up maybe 5% of them.

So many redditors and normalfags in this post HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH

Attached: images.jpg (179x282, 7K)

Just a few years ago they wouldnt even have admitted those "real" issues. They are on the retreat and think appeasement can end hostilities. Reminder that reasonable feminists are only reasonable for as long as they need to be until you let down your guard. Then you get muh wage gap equalization tax before you know it.

Why do women believe we all want to rape them?
Is it outward projection of what they want or something?
I'd much rather the girl not be screaming and crying desu

Attached: 1520698765548.gif (1193x900, 961K)

ITT: posters who have not even read the text in OP's post.

But rape is legal (for non-whites). Even if the girl is far below the age of consent. Apparently that's just legal now (for non-whites).

Creepy fucking virgins (white) need to deal with it.

If we're talking about 'Murica, they could legalise prostitution. You don't have to fuck Tyrone unless you want $150 for half an hour of lying down, which is a trade that e.g. /r9gay/ would probably be happy to make.

Really? Where is this?

The SOCIETAL need for feminism

lol what a pseud

Funny thing is, 90% or more of roasties who say stuff like that are about to hit the wall and they know it.
For some reason (it seems) they want to deflect these thoughts of never being attractive again and turn the focus from it onto men (incels).
It's actually pretty sweet and while it used to piss me off, now such roastie posts make me smile.

>incels thinking they are in any way relevant or anyone cares about them

Not that guy but a lot of what he says is probably true. While the incel numbers are growing, the numbers of male suicides are growing as well.
Is there a connection and can I prove it? No I can't but I as an incel man can see them being real in myself and a few men I knew.

We are all important to someone, you keep defending the roast and being a good cuck in general.

Oh yeah, it's a fact that this board is swarmed with that trash since earlier this year, especially since summer I'd say. Pic related.

Attached: old-roastie-white-knights.jpg (1695x2453, 918K)

Well thank you for proving my point kinda. Deflection of a source is still a deflection and you are not too high on the arguments pyramid.

Attached: 11143187_10152828270794646_8544693025519827565_n.jpg (640x486, 31K)

This is incredibly naive desu

>Men are killing themselves more than women because they can't get sex
Sorry you're retarded user

I agree with the first half of her points, those are real men's issues. The latter half which I disagree with are strawmen of the men's issues she thinks men think are men's issues.

>rape being illegal
I don't know what that is a reference to, but there are many countries where men cannot legally be victims of rape, so in a way the "legality of rape" is a men's issue. It's also lesbian issue if rape is by definition forced insertion.
>women having choices
Again, I don't know what this is a reference to, but what about men's choices in the women's choices? I'm talking about when woman wants to abort a baby and the father has no say in it, which I agree is woman's choice because it's her body. But what if woman wants to give a birth to baby and forces the man to pay alimony? Where's the man's choice of denying fatherhood? Woman can deny the father from seeing the child or even from being born, but she can also force a man to be father.
>the societal need for feminism
This is so ambiguous and unclear. Some of the men's issues are directly caused by feminist theory implemented in legal system, in example the duluth model.

Not really. She thinks women aren't privileged.

>Humans don't need the touch of someone else.
Lol get a load of this retard who thinks he is well informed. Even fucking dogs need it or else they commit self harm.
Millions of years of fucking taken from men in ~10 years would NEVER work the right way.

>incel numbers are growing
Wrong. The opposite is true. Incels are lessening in number due to better communications and awareness.

Wait I think I remember your sorry ass from a thread a couple of days ago. You said something similar and even built the sentence the same way.
Sure, turn your head away from pic related and act like this doesn't exist.

Attached: celibacy.png (968x657, 157K)

>there are many countries where men cannot legally be victims of rape
Really? List them.

He literally recanted that graph later because he got called out on it being fake. It obviously is.

United Kingdom, United States

Attached: uk rape.png (500x693, 380K)

this is the real graph though

Attached: Millennial-unmarried-incels-by-sex.jpg (770x500, 51K)

It wasn't fake, it made "people" (leftists, whiteknights and women) butthurt, he changed it with pic related, so a graph about something completely different (no sex last year).
Prove that the other one isn't right and that taking it down wasn't just a pure damage control.

Attached: incel censorship.png (2532x1936, 768K)

I have a hard time believing any of the "men" in here are the men we actually need to keep shit going. A little bit of social pressure is a good thing and you all seem to agree with that when it comes to women and them taking their "rightful" place, but you don't agree for yourselves and figure out how to be a provider. Instead you sit in your parents house and ease your loneliness and sexual frustrations here and there with 2D fantasies. It sustains you just enough to get by day to day but it's also killing your incentive to get out into the real world and find some real fulfillment. Meanwhile most normie females have so many options they don't even realize you guys exist.
None of you robots deserve love desu, no one deserves love, no one is just entitled to it. You have literally nothing to offer anyone emotionally or physically and most of you are just drains on your parents as well.

This board is just a landfill of broken, discarded boys trying to convince each other that it's everyone else's fault that they have nothing to offer, and a place to exchange coping mechanisms.

>this is the real graph though
...because it works for out FREEDOM FOR WEEMEEN AND FUCK MEN agenda.

Read you absolute cancer cell.

Also notice how they don't even say the previous cahrt was wrong, it merely had a "data error" (yeah right), never explaining what the error was.
Then they gave a completely different chart about NOT HAVING SEX IN THE LAST YEAR chart and swapped the colors.
Either way, the retard here stated that the incel numbers aren't growin and are going down, so he's either way wrong on this.

>roasties dont think your virginity is a mens rights issue.
Well...she's correct. Is this a falseflag or something?

? That doesn't say men cannot be rape victims at all. Why are you lying on a Vietnamese rice cooking forum?

>You have literally nothing to offer anyone emotionally or physically

How do you justify this? What you really mean is, 'you don't have anything to offer financially' if you're talking about neets only here.

Even then I have known long term neets who have/had good girlfriends. Then there's all the tortured wageslaves who work hard just to keep their minds off things, I've seen many of those. Probably much more hard working than you. Probably many here have a higher/more relevant university degree than you.

I realize you think you're the best person alive, a lot of us do. But it's actually not true at all. There is no such thing as real fulfilment, and DESU 'deserve' love maybe not but 'need'? Yeah I'd say so. I'd like you to to take a look around at people in relationships and ask yourself how many of them meet your lofty standards. Not many at all would.

It is so obviously fake you brainlet. Explain how it is possible that according to the graph, after 2014 there are literally 0% of women aged 22-35 not having sex?

The number of volcels is growing. Not incels.

Guys pushed sexual liberation for women just as much and wanted access to easier sex, for girls to be more liberal with sex, and it bit us in the ass. We want our porn but we don't want our wives doing it. And now porn is so easy to see and get for US and girls are getting to see that black dudes are more hung and better in bed. We have no chance and it's all our faults. We just need to race mix now I wouldn't mind an Asian girl but I don't want an Asian son. Birth control and condoms was a fucking mistake. Glorifying whores in the media was a fucking mistake, cuz when they see what we like they try to copy it.

Is that such a major difference in the end of the day?

Why did I have to be born in a post-feminism society? It's literally hell.

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Wait a minute.
I'm not native English so I might be understanding this wrong, but celibate basically means the same as single right?
Do you really think that not a single women between 22-35, since 2014, is single?

>mfw the pages upon pages upon pages of girls doing webcam porn

Attached: 1534381875538.jpg (638x640, 89K)

Have you been diagnosed with autism? Serious unironical question.

Why would you assume that he does?

Lol easily. Women at that age fuck at least AT LEAST 3 different men a year and cheat more than men nowadays.

Cope and no actual counter argument.

>Guys pushed sexual liberation for women just as much and wanted access to easier sex
You mean the top 20% of guys, yes, I agree, they too are behind this, not just women. And thot enablers white knights too.
I never wanted sexual liberation so speak for yourself.

>celibate basically means the same as single right
No, it's completely different thing. Celibacy = no sex. The 80% of thots are fucking at least 3 different men each year. They don't have to be n a relationship.
Then they hit the wall and make posts on social media like in OP pic.

FUCK, forgot a very fitting pic for that post, so pic related.

Attached: sounds familiar.jpg (1018x6344, 461K)

No I literally meant emotionally and physically. Not every neet is the same ofc, but I'm sure you know the kind I'm talking about. My brother is one and it's hell and thankless trying to love and support him when he hates himself.

Spooky. We are at the last stage: husks waiting for a global disaster to destroy everything.

hmm, I get it.
So 17% of men between 22-35 are virgins?
That sounds like a bit much, no?
0% women are virgin at that age is totally believable though.

It's not up to you to help him with basic things like not being fat or completely deranged. How bad is he? A lot of normies actually happen to be fat and deranged. Sad!

This reminds me of this black Chad in my history class a couple years back that was always messing with the school sluts and then would complain about them being sluts all the time like tf u expect. He was playin a Nicki Minaj video on his phone showin some1 the video and said something like damn see I need to get me a woman like that, and all the girls heard. I wonder how many of the girls that wanted his dick went home and watched that video to see what he liked lol

of course they did and why he was covered in pussy

>So 17% of men between 22-35 are virgins?
>That sounds like a bit much, no?
No, not at all. Most of those are the young 22-26 year olds. It gets better as they are olders since they lived in the times of sexual liberation
not being that strong and endorsed. It's even worse for 18-22 year olds today.
And it's not about virginity but about having constant posibility of having sex. You can be a non virgin yet be a incel. Read pic related.
80% of women have constant possibility of having sex, while only 20% of men have it. More or less. This is what female liberation, left wing and liberalism brought us.

Attached: 20-80% is real.png (919x7935, 1.78M)

>Verifiable statistics by government organization show a not-small % of women still virgins at ages 22-35
Hurr it's false and wrong
>unsourced unverifiable graph on incel blog says 0% of girls are virgins after age 22
Durr this is true

It is literally a requirement to be a brainlet to be an incel. With an IQ of over 80 you can't just believe this shit.

How many shekels did you get paid for this shillpost, Shlomo?

This board has really been infested with feminists and onions boyd

>she's right
>the societal need for feminism
>letting a woman dictate what men's rights is and isn't

When are we going to purge these feminists from r9k?

We learned something similar in biology last year.
There was this graph that showed how many children every male walrus had in a population.
Only 8 out of 120+ walrus males were having children.
The first alpha male in order was having 100+ kids, while the second only had 60 or so and it went down drastically until after the 8th walrus in order, none of the remaining had any kids at all.
So I guess that with sexual liberation, the natural selection process is taking part again.

Are you talking about the charts in this pic related? The sources were exactly the same you absolute quarterbrain.

>Verifiable statistics by government organization show a not-small % of women still virgins at ages 22-35
You absolute mental nobody, read what the second chart shows. It doesn't show incels, it doesn't show virgins, merely people who didn't have sex in the year prior. Kill yourself, please.

>exposing the leftist agenda
>somehow that means you are a jewish shill

Yeah and cows go meow. The absolute fucking state of thot enablers in the year 2018.

I think he's kinda done desu. He turned 40 this year. He's all take take take, use use use, hateful, abusive, and it took him a long time of fighting against help to get into his miserable hole. I'm sick of having to take care of him when he's 10 yrs. older than me. I'm going to have to take him when my parents die too. I still can't stand the idea of him being miserable but I'm starting to kind of hate him and am having trouble pretending not to. Can't even talk about the weather around him without him yelling in argument and we all just kinda have to agree with him quickly and move on before he gets ragey. Been trying to persuade him to get a new ID and go to therapy for years. He's not even in the system anywhere anymore and we need a bunch of shit we can't get without his help for his ID. I mean wtf can we even do? He's not retarded or anything he just got teased a fuckton growing up and our older brother molested him.

Well yes, we are indeed becoming more animalistic as a society. Read that pic related. This is what conformity and easy living (socialism) do to the society.

>the natural selection process is taking part again.

The whores fuck Chad and Tyrone during their primes years and either settle and have children with a beta or get stuck raising a niglet.

Meant to reply. Yeah I'm only here because of him, I used to use Jow Forums back in the day but I kinda forgot about it until I realized this was his homepage.

You are a shill for the agenda of destroying the white race. You spread lies about how only a few males will breed and you shouldn't even try.

The first chart shows virginity. The one that is obviously fake yet brainlets like you still believe it.

I mean it means they get the stronger genes and still have all the security. so whoring themselves out to get on chads or tyrones radar early on is probably a pretty safe bet for the survivability of their progeny

Oh get the fuck out of here, it's not Jow Forums where every single post that doesn't jerk you off by praising the white race is a shill post that wants to destroy your race.

>Can't read with comprehention. Gives absolutely no counter arguments other than "it's OBVIOUSLY fake" for every argument he doesn't like.
>Calls others brainlets.
Suicide. Do it. NOW!

i.e. women are animals.

Yeah I mean it's sad but he has to help himself it's not on you. Maybe you should tell him that he can't live with you after your parents go, might motivate him. Ideally he would have been given an ultimatum by your parents. It's definitely not good to have a safety net that will be there no matter what, I speak from personal experience.

Yeah dude so are we. Humans are literally animals lol

The first graph is obviously fake because it implies that since 2014, every single woman lost her virginity before age 22.

This is a retarded incel meme. Women will settle down and have children with Chad. Why would they suddenly downgrade?

What makes us human though, is fighting against our natural desires in order to reach for greater goals.
Humanity hasn't come this far only to fall back into hedonism.

There are animals with monogamous sexual strategies. idk where this idea comes from that animals are polygamous or only have a handful of males mating when that's actually one of the rarest and worst strategies in nature.
In terms of us great apes, we're closest to chimps and bonobos who are polygynandrous, and most males and females mate, it is not bottlenecked like walruses. What we're experiencing isn't natural, and I think it's that we still have holdovers from monogamy which is causing serial monogamy as opposed to polygynandrous mating groups which is what we should have.

Because Chad doesn't want them. He fucks and ruins YOUR potential mates then he ends up with a virgin wife while you get his sloppy 100ths.

Good post and true.

This is easilly true except for very few far and in between magical unicorns out there who were so rare, they weren't found place in the chart.
Learn how women in XXI century work, underage faggot/thot enabler.

Why would Chad want a downgrade to a virgin wife?