Are men getting uglier?

Honest question. My grandfather showed me old photos of himself and others from when he was in his 20s/30s and one thing i noticed is none of the men were unattractive looking. Everyone had great bone structure, nice kept hair with suits, and good posture. I dont think i saw a single recessed chin or mutt among them.

Now even with all the gym and nutrition knowledge men seem to be getting progressively uglier as time goes on. Is it just because more men are posting their photos online that i feel this way?

Women are the opposite and only more beautiful by the decade thanks to fillers and surgeries.

Attached: Clift,_Montgomery.jpg (220x293, 11K)

in the XX century ugly men were kept apart from society in the basement

a bad diet and a sedentary lifestyle does a lot of harm to anyone's appearance

testosterone gives you a better jaw and that's like 90% of your attractiveness as a male and testosterone levels are going down.

they didn't grow up on a diet of sugar, microwave meals, potato chips and icecream

No. If anything the young guys are getting more and more fit
Pic related, this is your average american hero actor in the 70s and nowadays.

Attached: 1.png (852x607, 1.05M)

Also this is James Bond in the 60s and James Bond in the 2000s. Standards truly went through the roof.

Attached: 1536680717-james-bond-then-now.jpg (600x375, 25K)

efron is surgery and hormone abuse central. also in my opinion both of the befores you posted are undeniably beautiful men, and predated good surgery tech

>average american hero actor
>Jean-Paul Belmondo

racemixing desu senpai

1)People were thinnier in the past
2)They didn't eat as much sugar
3)Diet were better

So on average they had better jaw and chin

The designers didn't go to the trouble of animating real characters just for the backstory, those old pictures are all just the same character with slightly different hairstyles. It's a lot harder to animate attractive 3D NPCs that behave normally, which is why so many characters have autism or are overweight nowadays. The load on the North American servers is getting way too high.

People were more active and ate better in the past. Old cameras also did not pick up blemishes and imperfections on a persons skin.

and Belmondo, former pro boxer who did his own stunts, would have broken roid Efron in half

And it's ironic considering (((sexual liberation))) was supposed to allow women to choose the best and most fit partners and not force them to marry a beta like back in the day. Yet it's had the opposite effect on kids.

Left looks better and you know it

i bet he would get max 7/10 on soc

I sure am not.
Best looking guys in my class.
On the other hand, I am short. One of God's cruel jokes.

Does this nigga fight Dracula or something

ok riddle me this. if estrogen makes men uglier, then why Chads still exist? do they not drink water?

Attached: Elon Cuck.png (1434x810, 1.03M)

They only drink pussy juices.

connery is the sexiest bond, you have shit taste desu

I also want the answer to this.
We all have the same dietary resources available, so how the fuck can it be food

If you got a nine inch penis your more likely to take care of yourself.

I'm gonna guess photos weren't as easy/more expensive/took more time so you didn't take pics of a bunch of ugly fags.

Black and white photos always make you look better.

It's probably largely this. I lived with a professional headshot photographer and he took a pic of me as thanks for something and its almost unrecognisable and the profile pic literally got me laid.

Look at OP pic he's leaning forward to push his jaw out and tilting his head to exaggerate it. It's clearly carefully lit.

He's no doubt a handsome man but the photographer helped him out alot. Unlike your retarded webcam tier selfies.

some people have genetic immunity
it's not just "eat phytoestrogen have lower testosterone", there's a whole bunch of (often epigenetically mediated) chemicals at play

explain more?
brainlet in chemistry here

>Every incel can do this
Fucking retarded, this shit is so out of the world for the average person, do you know how much the surgery for the hair and the maintenance of that shit costs?

Plastics, sunscreen, and a whole lot more mimic estrogen in the body.

Yes. The 56 percent meme is real. America used to be made up of good Northern European stock; after the 1965 immigration act it's become a mulatto wasteland.

It's because old cameras are much shittier than modern cameras.
It's like how we went from SD to HD T.V and realised how ugly news presenters were.

Also, cameras were super expensive back then so you wouldn't be wasting it taking photographs of ugly people.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_14.51_[2018.09.12_16.50 (1280x720, 230K)

Mouthbreathing and low test makes people ugly

He had jaw and hair implants you retard

Because men are realizing money is more important than looks or women

Maybe, but not in extreme rates.
When you look at old nazi footages, some of the soldiers seemed to have incel type jaws too. I can imagine, the today there are more of them, based on lower testosterone levels. The lower levels mainly come from the diet and the raising of the child. Winning or loosing fights can also influence the t levels of the child and therfore possibly influence his jaw development and how it looks when adult.

We've always been around. Check out Diane Arbus.

Attached: WyLgMwh.jpg (1237x1280, 304K)

It's a bit true but the biggest thing is everyone is fat as fuck and having a low bf is what really brings out a good face. Even the average faces looked good and handsome/rugged with low body fats.


they looked basically the same, maybe just a bit whiter

Attached: 1950s-rocker-buddy-holly-high-school_1_78fe4bd708ab8a7fc06a99961765e4b7.jpg (300x400, 33K)

lower body fat perc cus they ate less shitty food resulting in beter aesthetics

My grandfather was Mexican, but same thing. My grandparents were both very good looking, so were most of their highschool classmates. Parents are both good looking too. They get compliments from starngers on what a handsome couple they are. But me, I look like a 14 year old at 23, and not even a good looking 13 year old. Its all the chemicals in our daily lives I think. Look at some other countries with good looking people. A lot of them have tougher regulations on chemicals in food.

Plus, there were plenty of ugly celebrities too. W.C. Fields and Jimmy Durante (huge noses), Fatty Arbuckle and Oliver Hardy (obese), Mickey Rooney (short), Peter Lorre (bulging eyes) and many more that took advantage of their ugliness.

Everyone's getting uglier OP
Women in the time of that pic looked a lot better then than now

Clift was in the top 10% of men for his time, he was a hollywood heart throb. Not really fair to compare that to average men today.

this is purely subjective, and if you are comparing it to your grandfather's genetics, know that those same genes are in your genepool, and no two pools are going to be completely alike.
your grandfather's "good lookin' face" gene was probably overridden by some other faggot ancestor's "Make My Face A Brick" gene, to be honest senpai.
Whereas I am 29 and still look 19.

He was french, you emphasize the last syllable of his name.

If your granddad was a good looking guy in his prime then it stands to reason he pal'd around with other good looking men. Chads stick together, same way ugly fuckers end up being friends. The way you describe it sounds like he was some sort of business bigwig, think of Mad Men, all of those guys are good looking and successful, Pete however is not and gets shit on constantly.

This, OP is lucky to know he has good genes somewhere.
>Maternal grandfather
>patriot who wanted to leave high school to enlist but was told he had to graduate or his father wouldn't sign the papers
>WWII Marine Corps hero in the Pacific
>offered an officer's commission after the war, turned it down to further his education
>high school class president and baseball star
>became a finance executive in New York who traveled abroad to South America and Europe
>big framed Chad build
>extremely handsome, the town heartthrob
>always stood up for dorks getting bullied
>married the love of his life on his terms
>turns out my mother was adopted so I'm not related to him
>Paternal grandfather
>enlisted as a last resort
>Korea and Vietnam Air Force veteran
>generally dorky WASP features
>bony frame and long nose
>unsuccessful in his career attempts which is why he was an enlisted man until he got his pension
>bullied in school
>legally blind
>always wore polos and jeans
>married an average woman
>only sport he ever played was tennis
>is my dad's dad for sure

the right are more muscular for sure but the left are more naturally attractive. I wanna be on your side but I'm starting to agree with the OP the more that I think about it

It just requires exercise and a diet of high protein low sugar and lots of greens