>There will be 500,000 adults on the autism spectrum aging into adulthood over the next 10 years. Yet a whopping 85% of college grads affected by autism are unemployed, compared to the national unemployment rate of 4.5%.
85% of college-educated autists are unemployed
NPCs don't want to hire autists, even if they're qualified.
Then they hypocritically shame autists like Chris-Chan for being unemployed.
I guess I shouldn't feel bad for not bothering with uni then because I was gonna be a neet anyways
t. 20 yr old Asspie diagnosed at age 5
Actual autism, as opposed to social anxiety, is the closest someone can be to lacking sentience.
the closest thing to lacking sentience is literal mental retardation, which high functioning autists/Asspies lack.
It's fun to meme that basic bitches are NPCs though so I'm gonna stick to that
this is truth. i've applied for probably close to 100 jobs that i was qualified for and only got 2 and they didn't last long.
t. aspie
do you have to mention it when you are looking for a job?
no i only mentioned it maybe once or twice. its not about they rejected me because i said i have assburgers, its that they rejected me because i was "weird"
that sucks user, I'm sorry to hear that
Jesus that sucks man sorry to heard that. I'm a senior and im going to graduate this year and going into my trade and . Im terrified that the boomers and other Gen X arent gonna hire me because of my learning disability and aspies. Best of luck to you pal.
It must suck to have autism and still haven't given up on life. It's like a slow decline in happiness until you finally kill yourself. Senpai should have realized when he was 14 and getting bullied like the rest of us that life was hopeless.
Giving up on life is a beta bitch thing to do. I have aspergers but i strive to do my best. Because of that i got a 11 dollar a hour job a thicc qt 3.14 navajo gf and self respect. Its not impossible but it is hard.
i naively believed all the normalfaggots shouting
>it gets better, just hang in there!
>you have so much potential!
spoiler alert: it did not get better. my potential remains largely unused.
I feel like when normies say you have potential when you have autism it actually means "oh your "personality" is so unique their have to hire you". Like I hear my dad so oh you don't talk so much so you should be able to find a job. Only problem , turns out people don't like non social people in a work area what a shock.
I just joined the military and stopped paying the kikes. Unfortunately my autism focus still isn't on my job, if it was I'd be a god. But at the same time people will keep you down here and when I make inquiries they shove their ranks in my face then do nothing.
yeah this.
>"Why do you think you'd be a good fit for this position?"
>i'm detail oriented and i don't like to talk to people and i'm anal retentive about efficiency
>"Alright we have your information on file, thanks user"
i guess you don't want effective employees then, cool.
>paying the kikes.
Oh you're still paying the kikes, except now you do it in sand nigger blood instead of money.
Would you hire Sonichu's creator?
Because we mostly prefer to work alone, however most corporate positions require team work skillset. Even if its dumb af and elevate some simple task to enourmous problem, Thats The way they do it, so menager and not-really-helpful colleages can show their "massive" involvement in "project" on chart during some meeting
i can pull off being a happy friendly socialised normie for the length of an interview, firm handshake, keep smiling, fake laughs etc (inb4 boomer)
tbqh networking and who you know is really important to finding a decent job
>college-graduated autist
>have had a job since graduating 4 years ago
Reading this I feel like I've been trying too hard
This is exactly the kind of discrimination autistic people face in tthe job market every day. Oh it's not because you're autistic, it's because you're weird. Fuck directly off with that shit. I lost out on a promotion i was well qualified for just this year because the other, significantly less experienced, applicant had "better communication skills".
To be fair. Some jobs require good social skills. And us spergs just arent good at that. What job were u trying to get?
>tfw assburger but can hide it
>tfw most dont know or even suspect unless I actually tell them
Never reveal your personal secrets or ailments anons. But keep track of others.
I never got bullied past third grade, even did a bit of bullying myself until the police nearly got involved. Now I just see most others as a waste of my time. Such things are just minor speed bumps.
This would be good for Jow Forums
We need more real autistic to laugh of
Cwc is actual bad person though, autism or not
This is so true. Where I used to work my coworkers knew I was autistic and although didn't know exactly how to deal with it, they let me do my own thing a little bit more and it worked out. At my new job they will just cut hours as an incentive and I'm treated like some irresponsible 15 y/o
As an autist I can attest to this. Even low-level part-time jobs are nearly impossible to get for someone like me. I've applied for hundreds of jobs only to find that no one is willing to hire me. Employers will even make up excuses for not talking to me. People think I'm a NEET because I'm lazy. No, I just don't want to go through the aggravating process of trying to find work in this environment.
>the best an aspie gan get is a minimum wage job and a fat mexican gf
>tfw high functioning aspie android
>can get jobs but coworkers get pissy over time because I don't small talk with them or want to talk about facebook memes or what their kid recently shat on or laugh at their retarded "jokes"
>have to job hop to keep them from realizing
Indeed. You have to have low standards for success if you're autistic in a society built for neurotypicals.