>it's just a bit of skin
>I'm glad I had it done as a baby
>it makes your dick grow bigger
>women prefer it
>it's cleaner
>it prevents HIV
>my dick works fine
>my dick is sensitive enough
>stop calling me mutilated
>don't compare it to female circumcison
>are you anti-Semitic or something?
Things NPCs say about male genital mutliation (circumcision)
Other urls found in this thread:
>it prevents HIV
I've never heard this one before. Do normalshits really believe something so asinine and based on nothing?
One fake study was created by Shlomos that claimed it. But NPCs believe it.
This is what cut rationalization is like
I remember some cutfag linked me a study wherein the rate of aids / STDs was like 0.5% lower than uncut fags and justified that as a reason to get cut. something along those lines
my fucking face when
It's based on flawed studies, usually done by Jewish researchers, some with links to circumfetishists:
>In an interview, Daniel Halperin cites Vernon Quaintance, Brian Morris and Circlist as credible resources in favor of circumcision.[6] It is important to note that Quaintance and Morris are both proud members and promoters of Gilgal Society and Circlist, which openly admit to a morbid fascination with circumcision to the point of sado-masochistic fetish. Morris has included CircList as a resource in a recent paper,[7] and Quaintance is both the head of Gilgal Society, and head moderator at Circlist. Vernon Quaintance was recently arrested for child pornography.[8][9]
>intact wiki
I don't like cutfaggotry either, but don't pretend like that source doesn't cherry pick
It's pretty normal, i wouldn't blame him for that. Very few people would accept something like that so easily. Trying to grasp at anything to stay in denial is a natural self-defense mechanism.
Obligatory video for anyone interested to go more in depth about this topic. To some people, the guy might look and sound like a douche but everything he says is the truth. This is no alt-right or left vs right bullshit, this is pure intent to inform people about circumcision, there's no agenda nor ideology behind this talk.
Just a coincidence that so many circumcision advocates are circumfetishists or have obvious ties to them, huh?
What are NCP's?
>Are you anti-Semitic or something?
Who isn't?
>>women prefer it
Well, that's true, since it's so commonplace now
I'm uncircumsised but my dick still looks like left side when I pull my foreskin back. Did I masturbate to often? what can I do?
>It feels better for the woman
Dad uses this argument. I'm still gonna kill him and the pedo femoid that did it to me.
I don't really care since I'm not going to have sex anyway
Cutfags get laid less because they enjoy sex less ergo they have fewer stds.
This is still more believable than the idea that being mutilated somehow physically protects against std transmission.
Hey man I think it's bullshit too. But its as undistilled as I can remember what he tried to slap me with. My fucking face
>Cutfags get laid less because they enjoy sex
Not a pro-cutnigger but that's a good thing
Casual sex is reprehensible
Cutfags also develop weirder and more deviant fetishes because they can't get off from normal PIV sex.
Many can't ever orgasm from a blowjob.
So they get into feet, pegging, piss, etc.
>are you anti-Semitic or something?
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to criticise religious practises that are objectively harmful in every way.
Who cares if it was the kikes, instead of the muzzies, who came up with it. GM is GM.
What happened to "mybodymychoice"?
My own personal rationalization of it is that I simply don't care.
Sex makes up such a minuscule amount of my life that a "few" cut off nerve endings aren't going to make a difference between how I am now and fame, success, and fortune.
The very few times I did have sex, I really liked it and felt pleasure down there.
Could I be missing out on more? Sure! But what does it matter? It felt good at the moment and that's all that matters to me.
Rather than keeping both or one eye on the past and regret, I'm going to keep them both on the present and enjoy what I have rather than bitch and moan about it on an anonymous image board, thinking it's going to make a difference.
>it's cleaner
cutfags can't into personal hygiene or some shit?
Literally soap and water on rolled back foreskin
what in the fuck
If your'e okay with having your foreskin removed, what else are you going to be "okay with" getting removed or taken away from your life?
You're getting salami sliced here my friend
I think it boils down to "Deal with it." rather than a weakness in my personality that makes me allow people to steal from me.
My salami was already sliced, so I have to make due and enjoy what I have, and I have no problem with that.
Life is good, I have my health, and I have work. What more could I ask for?
You don't tell an amputee who lost their legs that they're weak because they're "okay with losing them" as soon as they learn to walk again with prosthetics.
So how is this any different?
"if you cut off all of your limbs you're like 50% less able to get cancer"
This is literally the type of logic normies use to justify it
I'm a cutfag and not when I justify it. Hell, it's probably BECAUSE I'm a cutfag that I hate it.
I feel sorry for you then.
You're missing out on life with all that regret and anger holding you back.
You should probably off your parents for doing something to you that causes so much inner strife and turmoil... Maybe then you'll feel better.
I'm talking about this retard
Oh come on now... We're talking about circumcision and you bring up a term that uses a phallic-like word depending on the context.
But if it makes you feel better about yourself when you call others retards, then hey, more power to you.
Misunderstanding or not though, I still responded to it well enough and gave you my answer.