real british music edition
dubs gets to name my first poo of the day. should be with us within the hour.
First poo of the day? Mate I poo a couple times a week.
>real british music edition
Having 'lunch. Two sandwiches and a muller light yoghurt, with two tesco brand banana flavour cereal bars I use for dipping into it
What lettuce do you use? I use romaine hearts because I like the name
reading about ants
I'm on poo number 2 of the morning
97 Calories
Carb 3g
Protein 10g
Fat 6g
Sugar 1.27g
Ice Cream:
137 Calories
62g Carb
65g Fat
9.2g Protein
14g Sugar
So going by these macro nutrients 100 calories of ice cream would add more fat then 100 calories of tofu.
You may get the same kj of energy but the macro nutrients are so insanely different due to the composition of the food.
This is why just counting calories is stupid.
waste of digits lad. its weird that you dont poo at least once a day.
Two sandwiches
Two cereal bars
And yoghurt.
No wonder you're fat.
Is that an actual sourced document because it's well known that sugar and carbs are converted to fat if not used.
Calories in < Calories Used is so unbelievably simplified.
in a hypothetical situation in which i had two tilde's one on her normal diet and one on the same diet with ice cream replaced by tofu.
The new diet tilde would lose more fat then the original tilde.
You cannot refute that less fat intake wouldn't result in less fat loss.
Nothing there says anything about adding more fat to the person.
You are totally wrong mate. Not all fat content in food goes right onto your hips.
All research hoes to show its purely calories in vs calories out.
Did you ever have this pedometer? I got it with Pokemon SoulSilver, it was so much fun. I was saving up all my steps to get a Spiritomb, but in the end it I wasn't able to acquire one before I lost interest because it took so many steos
this is how ants have sex. that's the bloke hanging on at the back
You're wrong lad i wish i had prepared a case point argument for this because i know you're wrong.
If you have spent more then 5 minutes in a gym lad you would realize that it's way more complicated then the average layman believes.
You may use the same amount of energy no matter what you eat but the extra "energy" will be converted into fat storage because that's what our bodies do, we don't just shit out all the extra fat or sugar we don't need.
Which one of you was this?
>Operates a teen chat website
>Trying to meet kids for sex.
ant fucking his mummy
Lol what a soi ant
That's one thicc ant arse
You are wrong mate.
99% of weight gain is by storing excess energy as fat. That excess energy is calories.
I don't think you understand the chemistry. You are following old style a advice from the 50s. That has been proven to be wrong.
imagine getting to blow your load in a fat ant arse
>gym bro
Yes. I will take that over science. OK mate. It was fun but I'm done if you resort to "I know because I go to the gym"
You're either misunderstanding me or delusional.
Yes weight gain is excess energy so if you're taking in more energy via the way of carbs and sugar that don't get processed by your liver.
You will gain fat thus having a diet with less carbs and sugar results in more fat loss.
>usually let the cats have some of the chicken I use for sandwiches
>offer them some BBQ chicken today
>neither will touch it
Quite surprised they care its BBQ. Fat one is trying to steal my yoghurt off me though
I bad two, one with each copy. I loved the gimmick at the time and took it with me to school everyday. The pokemon in the later areas that had rare moves always appealed to me
ya fackin shitcunt
deidre can fuck off
so can the nonce hunters
Yeah mate. You're right. I was misunderstanding you because you said calories don't matter. I misunderstood you because you clearly do not understand what a calorie is.
A calorie is not something intrinsic to that item. It's a measure of all the energy released by all its composite components when burnt in your system.
Calories are directly related to sugars and carbs in food. As calories are related to energy produced when glucose is burnt.
Glucose from the sugars and carbs.
This is going to be one short day for me with a very high chance of being home for the night
Hehe, I also had both HeartGold and SoulSilver. Mummy used to sometimes get me both versions of whatever new pokemon game had been released when it was Christmas or my birthday and she didn't really know what else to get me. Was quite sweet of her Tbh
>seething nonce whos upset his ring of paedo mates are all getting nicked by nonce hunters
I understand what you mean in relation to energy, you're right that 100 calories of ice cream will equate to the same amount of energy that 100 calories of tofu provides.
But what i am saying is that these 100 calories are extremely different due to the amount of carbs and sugar in them.
Because the liver cannot process all the excess after the basal metabolic rate has taken what it needs.
So even though they provide the same energy they can still make you gain different amounts of fat.
here's a simple example
>so even if you're losing lets say 1 g of fat a day for simplicity without the sugar diet
>if you follow the sugar diet you may be losing 1.5g of fat.
You'll still be intaking the same amount of calories but you will still lose more fat on the low sugar diet due to the liver not needing to store as much excess sugar into fat.
This was my argument from the beginning.
Just begged with an eBay seller to undervalue their customs slip by $3 so I don't have to pay the Royal Mail's (((handling fee)))
Importing things is ruining my life and self-esteem.
Did they agree to do it?
i don't think you had to beg. it's probably a common request
And i don't want you to think i was having a go i was just trying to formulate my thoughts into a coherent point so that you understand what i meant.
I'm not very good at text chat so i will concede that i may have fucked up the way my message would be portrayed.
can we meet up behind the dumbells and kiss now?
*pounces on you*
don't do a runner ya fackin shitcunt
your held under section of my body till polis come
you're fucked ya nonce monsta
Welcome to post brexit Britain
Wish they taken the thumb out ages ago to get it sorted
Maybe stop buying overpriced weeb trinkets from Japan lad
have we any follow up from these videos. what happened after they got their taxis?
It's an adaptor that I've tried to buy from two other places. That yank is the only one that sells it now and at a premium.
Put the letter in a cupboard downstairs. Will text mum its location after I've left for work in about 10 minutes
Maybe keeping a thoughts diary might not be a bad idea just as a way of expressing personal thoughts in some way. My therapist said something about keeping a diary as part of treatment so might have to do it anyway
I would usually get one version and my sister the other. Sometimes I'd get one for my birthday and one for Christmas though. I remember my dad bought LeafGreen for me. One of my happy memories
Hi lads,
My interview for the job went really well. Not sure what will happen now, but maybe I'll end up working with Amer again.
You and him should hang out or something
hahahha lads i put a coat i na warddrobe luv ya mum xx
Anyone know how I can get my doctor to prescribe benzos?
Yeah I sent him a message on PSN yesterday, hoping we can meet up for a burrito.
Almost impossible if you're a young man.
On that note uhh... anyone buying me some tasty goujons?
Just get it on dnm lad
Or you can get etizolam cheap and legally, I used to do them loads when I was in uni
I want to name my first son Goujon.
i'd kill shane for free
Nope get em your self
Don't forget me mate. Who'd you think you are?
I'm 26 and they have me on SSRI's and beta blockers instead, they didn't out right refuse but said they'd rather not.
I could go that route I guess but I'd rather have it on prescription. Never heard of etizolam will look into it, cheers.
I need Sainsbury's Breaded Chicken Goujons by Sainsbury's. Only buy if you are good looking though.
They are fag tendies.
put an appropriate amount of money in an envelope and hand them the envelope when you go in for your appointment
almost impossible, and if you get prescribed it's rarely for long term anxiety they'll give you a few 2mg valium (tiny dose) for a week at max.
my mom gets 10 2mg valium for flight anxiety. i can get 100 x 1mg etizolam for 25 on the dark web.
I wonder how many questionable images the nonce hunters have on their devices
got ya sorted
call him Goujon John
Yeah, doctors often phrase things like "rather not" or "I'd advise you to do this instead..." like it's your choice. Unfortunately that's just a polite way to outright refuse.
They taste bad.
Bbbbatty boi.
Fuck me lad
That's a sweet memory. I had FireRed myself. And yeah a diary for personal thoughts seems like a good idea, I reckon having that outlet for things like that, where you can get whatever thoughts you have to stop bouncing around inside your head and instead getting themn out and onto the paper would probably have cathartic qualities. I used to keep a diary myself in secondary school
When I was at uni the GP prescribed me a week's worth of 2mg diazepam to calm me down when I needed it as I was very emotionally volatile at the time
There was a sculptor called Jean Goujon. I wonder if they are related.
Well, lads? Going with my autism support worker to see a careers place who help people with ASD. Not looking forward to it.
And for my breakfast I had a bowl of Tesco Frosted Flakes and a cup of coffee.
Posted by me, Benny Hill, at 1206 from my parent's home.
Time for another miserable day of being a gross NEET, h-haha. Going to go to the corner shop later to buy yummy drinks to consume while I browse the Jow Forums catalogue and wish I was asleep.
Enjoy your kidney stones lad
>want to have a lie in, wake up earlier than normal
>need to be up early, don't want to get up
What's today's poison? Try 100plus if you can find it.
Lads when i bust a nut its pinky and i think its blood, do i go doctors or not .not larping like the cyst guy im fucking serious pic related. Even time stamped do i have cancer
I don't see a time in that stamp, lad. If real, you should see your doctor. You probably have a UTI or penis cancer.
I won't.
I don't believe that's sold in the UK. Are you even from the UK?
>blood in semen
That's pretty fucking serious lad, get to a doctor asap
Can you pay in heron foods contactless using your phone? Lost me bank card.
disgusting and a weak load. what a faggot
if you are under 40 the chances of you having cancer are miniscule. It's almost certainly nothing more than inflammation somewhere.
See a doctor anyway though.
Any of you remember that guy who had a serious bacterial infection in his prostate? He used to post updates here. His cum was literally grey goo. Best to get it checked out now. I have loads of weird problems that I haven't bothered to get checked out, though. And they're all getting worse year by year. Don't be like me.
it looks bad but it's probably not too serious, your semen ducts are probably inflamed
Yeah I figured, maybe a different doctor would be more malleable but I don't hold out much hope.
You're the second person to recommend etizolam so I'm definitely going to look into it, cheers.
don't try doctor shopping, guaranteed to get you labelled as a drug seeker
why don't you just use the dark web? takes an hour to set up and i can tell you a vendor, shipping cut off is 3pm so you could have your etizolam tomorrow
This lad is correct. Doctors are suspicious enough of young guys who seem to know a lot about pharmacology.
Not shopping it's just my local surgery is very short on doctors so you usually see a different locum every time you go.
I occasionally piss blood aswell as cumming blood hope its fucking cancer. Smoking finally paid off.
Who the fuck are you then? Just what we need, another trip fag.
How can I get prescribed a corpse to eat?
I used to work with Amer at the call centre.
That looks like the more sensible route, if you could tell me a reliable vendor I'd appreciate it.
Oh, you mean Monica. The Iron Maiden fan.
>the Iron Maiden fan
Is that why I got called Monica in a thread because I wanted to talk about Brave New World. Who is Monica?
Moni. The tranny and paki trip who is also a sex offender. Pretends to like Iron Maiden because he's a shell of a human being.
in that case you can try but the previous person's notes will be right in front of them. keep going back and if you do need them then you'll get some eventually but it won't be a large prescription
Yeah we ran into each other at the gig. I didn't even know he was an Iron Maiden fan.
Look, we all have our individual quirks.
do you know how to use the dark web already?
if not, set up an account on coinbase or bittylicious, buy your bitcoins (i prefer to buy bitcoin cash as less transfer fees)
head to dream market, you should be able to find links on google and open up your bitcoin cash or bitcoin wallet in the top right corner after making an account
download gpg4usb and set it up
search districtten, he sells blue valium for really cheap (tested as etizolam though the bastard but still worth it for how cheap)
send your bitcoins from coinbase/bittylicious to your dream wallet, you can send them to a separate bitcoin wallet first if you want for extra safety but you shouldn't have to for domestic orders
open the order for the etizolam from districtten and go down to the address shipping box, enter districtten's private key into gpg4usb and encrypt your address with it
paste your encrypted address into the shipping/order box and press confirm (need to wait for bitcoins to be in your dream acc first)
this guy is 99% next day delivery
They want to see me again in a months time so might try and broach the subject again but wont push it. Going to look into etizolam in the mean time.
It's not very nice of you to take poleys job after they rejected him for sexoffences.