Can Chad actually be the best friend a robot could ever have and vice versa? Is this the superstar team of friendships?
Can Chad actually be the best friend a robot could ever have and vice versa? Is this the superstar team of friendships?
Yes. Especially at Uni
Can they both be bisexual?
It can happen, but don't rely on believing it'll happen.
I've posted this a few times, doubt anyone here fucking remembers.
My best friend is an actual black chad that has all the 10/10 roasties craving after him. I am his literal best friend and its pretty fucking rad.
Sure it is desu
I used to have some Chad friends, but the women around them were seriously messed up, the kind to even rank Chads.
Chad is busy with his large amount of high level normalfag friends.
I really don't see it happening unless the 'virgin' is just a slightly strange guy who serves as the chads underling.
Chad can be anyone's best friend, that's why he's chad. The question is if the robot can be a decent friend.
this is weird, but I do have a chad friend. He literally has girl orbiters on his Instagram. He showed me the msg's they send him after he post on his story and is crazy.
I will never orbit a girl just because I saw how dumb it looks from the other side.
Two of my closest friend are chads with girlfriends they've had for over a year. I love both of those guys
If you're a young robot and want to get out of this place, it is imperative you start talking to men who are good with women. You will learn a lot. Don't let your perspective be controlled by the posters here.
Once I met a Chad in uni. He looked like an asshole but physics teacher put us together to work on a project. I went to his house and he had a lot of retro consoles and a ton of videogames and magazines in his room. We then played all day instead of working on our project. Later his mom make dinner and it was delicious. One of the comfiest days in uni. That was like 3 years ago. Still being friends on Facebook and talk occasionally about technology and new games.
Yes. 23 yo khv here and of the few genuine friends I've had half of them were actual Chads
>Can Chad actually be the best friend a robot could ever have and vice versa? Is this the superstar team of friendships?
absolutely. having friends in general is a rewarding experience if you enjoy it.
the ultimate friends you can have are the ones that help you grow; so it's even cooler to see a chad befriending a virgin.
Yes, my chad friend hugely helped me with working out.
I made this image a while ago, good meme i guess but overall a waste of a whole day of work
Chad is a nice guy
Chad doesn't bully people
Yes. Chads are better friends to robots than other robots
Robots have a crab bucket mentality, Chads (at least the good ones) try to build everyone up.
My best friend through highschool was a chad and it was depressing seeing dozens of women chasing him and ignoring me when i was hanging with him
Chads compete between each others.
Robots wear each others down.
The only patrician choice is a Chad-Robot friendship.
fuck I want pizza so bad :(
i honestly dont mind chads, they have infinite wisdom when it comes to girls
>we were both kind of friends
>then"chad" gets cool and becomes a real chad
>stay friends
>we hang out sometimes
Of all the people I'd remain friends with, I never thought it would be this guy, I also never thought he would outdo everyone around him.
Really an amazing guy
this. Chads are not enemies but Brads and normalfags.
bullshit. they encourage women to be shallow, stupid and dishonest. themselves they have ruined the culture and the structure of higher education, by diluting it. they may not be my enemy, but they are a poor choice of a friend
I have some chad friends and the only negative is that you can't reveal too much of your powerlevel and some disconnect in activities you enjoy. I wish I had some nerd friends too.
Finally, you silly robotchads have seen the light
why is this image so true? what the fuck? someone with a conscience on this site?
Any robot friends with a Chad is a certified masochist. The Chad only likes you for the ego boost, confirmation that he has superior genes. He continues to fuck women, making dating impossible for you as Chad is the only person who can turn them on now.
These Virgin and Chad friends comics are basically just a ripoff of Nerd & Jock
Idk man girls get lonely I had alot of Chads exs hit me up after he would ditch them and I was deff not good looking at 15
chads are cool people, and fun to hang out with. i don't get why people diss them, besides jealousity
its pretty good i like it
I've only had a virChad friendship once in my life and it came from us bonding over his helping me kicking my bullies asses.
Sure he was the sole reason I've ever been arested and I understand his standoffish and chad'ish ways were from his father kicking him down, but we had a lot of great times together. We played through our libraries of N64 and PS titles together from Mario & Goldeneye to Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil.
Good times.
>be best friends with Chad in grade school 1-10
>he's the strongest, fastest and most confident kid in our class
>I'm a scrawny lanklet and by far the smartest (a few years ahead of our class academically speaking)
>I help him out in classes and with homework and stuff, do projects together, always ace them because of my intellect and our teamwork
>he lets me hang out with the other cool kids
>school has a bad case of bullies in the class above
>other kids are bullied, Chad is left alone
>bullies never bully me because I'm always with Chad
>9th grade I'm sleeping over at Chad's
>watching him sexting with a girl who's hot for him on MSN messenger (that was the shit, remember?)
>we're both super excited (we're all virgins at this point)
>24 now
>he got together with his 10th grade sweetheart and they have a house and two dogs
>I'm taking off a great, promising career
>still a scrawny lanklet and a weirdo
>still friends who see each other during Christmas holiday
He's the only friend from childhood that I still keep regular contact with.
>MSN messenger
FUUUUUUUUCKKK time sure flies