Fembots, would you consider yourself a good person?

Fembots, would you consider yourself a good person?

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no. i'm lazy. i don't take care of myself or the things im responsible for. i feel exhausted and unmotivated all the time. i've been a bully to a lot of people in my life, too, moreso in the past. and i'm a bad friend. i let all of my relationships whither and die. and when i was 14 i killed rats i was responsible for and i don't know why.

Are you one of those BPD girls?

i'm not sure. it's been suggested to me before by people who knew me very personally. probably.

That sucks. What do you want to do with yourself? Do you see it actually happening?

see what actually happening?
i have no idea, honestly, i'm just coasting by right now.

I meant, like, what do you want to do with yourself, and do you actually imagine you'll do it or just be a lazy shit (like me) who does nothing about their problems?

How old are you? Are you a NEET?

i'm 18, 19 in a few months. i held a job bagging groceries and doing carts for a little over a year, until i got fired for bringing a knife to work
i haven't gotten a new job since then, that was around january
i'm finishing out my last year of online highschool still
it was supposed to end last school year but i earned exactly 0 credits my first 2 years of highschool
my entire life plan right now is to finish highschool, get a stable job, and move out and live somewhere humble, probably with roommates. i have small dreams.
i don't have much of anything i'm passionate about, career-wise or otherwise. so, i really just don't know what to do.
my day to day life doesn't feel as depressing or bleak as i'm making it sound, but i try not to think about the bigger picture, because then it does feel pretty awful. every day kind of feels the same.

I try to be. I think so.

>until i got fired for bringing a knife to work
You might want to keep that one to yourself for the rest of your life, user. Threads like these are an obvious exception. It makes you sound a little deranged.

>i'm finishing out my last year of online highschool still
Good luck with that. I assume you're an American. Are you doing a GED? I don't actually know what that is, but I assume it's some kind of alternative to actually finishing high school?

>i have small dreams.
Same. At least by normal peoples' standards. For someone like me my dreams are pretty grandiose. I want to get a job I don't hate and live in a comfy apartment by myself. I'm a 25-year-old NEET, though, so that ain't happening ever.

>every day kind of feels the same.
IKTF so hard.


You might just be depressed. Go see a shrink, maybe that'll help you.

>You might want to keep that one to yourself for the rest of your life, user. Threads like these are an obvious exception. It makes you sound a little deranged.
yeah, it does
it makes more sense in context, but the story kinda reveals information i didn't want to share.
i brought the knife every day because i live in a ghetto area and have to walk to and from work, and people have harassed me walking home before. for a while, i was walking home with it in my palm every day, with my work shirt wrapped around my hand.
i got fired because someone yelled "faggot" at me while i was pushing carts. i got stuff like that a lot because i'm a tranny. i flipped them off and they followed me to the back of the lot and tried to fight me. i pulled a knife, they stopped. i told my managers to call the police, they didn't, i got suspended for a week and fired at the beginning of my next shift. i don't really regret it, but i miss my old job and work friends a lot. it was most of the socialization i got since starting online school.

GED's are an alternative to highschool diplomas, you are correct. you get those by going through GED courses; i'm still going after my normal diploma, i'm just repeating a year, essentially.

you can absolutely make that happen. the hardest part is starting (work/going out). i promise everything gets easier after the first day. never easy, but easier, and worth it. i believe in you.
i used to, when i was younger. it was nice, but my mom pulled me out of it because i told her i wasnt feeling different.
i might try to go again, but i don't know if i'll be in a position where i'm capable of it when i'm on my own. good advice, anyways, so thank you.

I've been a bad person most of my life, but I'm trying to change. I also got a husband who's a very good person because I couldn't deal with someone like myself.

I used to molest my little sister so not really

That's hot. Do you still do it?

No but we're still close

How old were you two when it happened? How far did you go?

I first did stuff when I was 12 and she was 9. We played "fashion show" which was really a way to get her to change in front of me a lot. Eventually we started "walking the runway" naked and I touched her. When she was 13 we had full blown sex a few times.

Are you both still into girls? Ever had a bf?

She's had a boyfriend. I turned into a bit of a shut in and have been really confused about my sexuality since I've been able to feel it so no.

How can "fembots" be good people if they don't fuck me?

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Would YOU fuck you?

No I'm not originally gay

No, desu
I try my best not to hurt people but I don't really do good things, I'm more focused on my own self preservation.
I'd say I'm morally neutral at best

Not really. I don't care about my friends as much as I should, I don't get along with my parents because I'm a disappointment, I'm pretty lazy etc

I used to post nudes for robots in servers so I would say so.

Pls be my gf and bully me


Here's your answer user.

whos this goofy nigga lmao

You and your kind bring down our board and give females unwarranted self importance. I suggest you hang yourself to rid the shame.

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>people literally bragging and competing to be seen as the lowest of the low
>that post is whats bringing the board down

You may just listen to him

Every beta phaggot that posts something about "Fembots" should get instant IP ban. Fembot is a fucking myth you dumb shits.

Have you considered becoming an HBO star?

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>being a pathetic gf beggar on Jow Forums
Sorry but even incels have more self respect.

There are no women on the internet. If everyone followed that rule this place would be much nicer.

But no. some homo larper has to throw "fembot" baits around , I cant believe that betas still have hope to become chad one day, I se regular posts that are funny unlike this one , and they dont get much attention, they have like 10-20 replies at best, but this "Fembot" shit gets +100 replies or so, this only proves how filthy and discusting beta phaggots are, they litteraly dont realise that even If these larpers are real females, they are not here to become their cute WAIFUS or whatever, they are here just to get their broken egos feed by dumb betas, and after she gets confirmation from 100 beta phaggots on Jow Forums she will feel confident again, and she will start chasing that Chad again.

Couldn't have said it better, if the pathetic excuse of men who beg for gf's accepted their lot in life. Chad will remain Chad, while the average man would need to provide the moon and stars.

>you can absolutely make that happen. the hardest part is starting (work/going out). i promise everything gets easier after the first day. never easy, but easier, and worth it. i believe in you.
T-thanks, user. That's really nice of you to say.

Keep swallowing that bluepill, you dumb shit.

>used to
Too late to ask for some now?

I killed rats too. D:

Must have been a really big knife for them to fire you over that. Next time carry a normal sized pocket knife like everyone else, dumb tranny.

Sorry, my boyfriend doesnt like me showing off to strangers so they're only our mutual friends now

Aw, too bad. Can you at least mention your height, weight, bra size as consolation?

not really? it was a normal folding knife, i didn't even show them. i just told them. get a job.
can't let anyone in my personal life who knows about the rats
also i have a very sweet boyfriend already
course :)

I'm pretty alright desu. I haven't really done anything really horrific, but little things like not texting back and being lazy at the wrong times still count toward the "bad" side of my personality.

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>i got fired for bringing a knife to work
absolutely based and wife material

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no. i hurt people i care about just by being myself. how can i not be myself? its impossible

I'm not the worst person. I've had a pretty rough time so Ive some amount of empathy, I'm kind to animals, I don't lie and I'm loyal. But I'm also childish and a bit confrontational as I'm pretty sensitive and think everything's an attack.. It usually is though. I've been kind to a guy at work who is also an outsider, stuck up for him when others are talking about him. but now even he's turned on me as a way to boost his own popularity, making me the butt of jokes.

What's the fucking point. I could be the kindest person ever but I'm still ugly and socially retarded

This is a recurring theme I see in a lot of robot posts. Someone using you as the subject of a joke is NOT the same thing as being attacked. You have to realize that to normies that kind of thing usually means you're chill with them. Obviously it's different if they're not joking and are just insulting you, but people make jokes about other people all the time and they rarely mean any harm.

I think lashing out and generally being unpleasant to me as a way to boost your own reputation is enough of an attack. I'm not autistic, I know the tone of it and what it means. You don't.

>being the subject of a joke is just fun and games.

What is bullying.

What qualifies as a good person, OP-sama? Is it just not doing bad things? Or is it actively doing good things?

I'm a useless autistic NEET that leeches off my dad, that can be seen as pretty awful. However, I'm also not doing anything particularly bad. Does that make me a good person? I wouldn't think so.

As such, my conclusion is that I'm trash that needs to be taken out. I already knew that though.

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I'm not a good person but I'm not a bad person either. Moral ambiguity turns me on.

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i think we are perfect for each other then..

>55 fembots
>None of them want to be my gf

Fuck this gay earth

I do. I believe I'm compassionate. I have a mean sense of humor but really mean no harm to others. I'm not perfect and sometimes make poor decisions but overall I try my best in life and work hard to reach my goals (:

where did you get that number from?

would have sex again if you could?

I try to be a good person, but due to my autism I have a lot of misunderstandings that make people think I'm a bad person.

People think I'm a good person, but I kill small animals, and dream of shooting up my school.

absolutely not considering i schlick every night to fantasies about murder

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>years of abuse flashing before my eyes
Idk user. This is why I am miserable and mopping on the floor most of the day.

Getting murdered or murdering?

every time i get interested in some fembot they post their face or nudes and i instantly lose interest .

you are not missing out on anything user.

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you're all subversive whores who don't deserve rights

both originololi

>i'm not sure
You are not. You need a doctor for a diagnosis.

No shit. Are you actually retarded?

Just came here to ask what anime this is from, if anyone would be so kind.

I've seen several of your posts before, you have a good relationship with your father at least right? it probably isn't as bad as you think if he isn't pestering you non-stop to start working or to go to school etc.

I live with my parents while working and they still moan as much as they did when I was a NEET, I think to make it end I'd have to cut them out of my life completely, but then I'd have nobody left, I don't go outside as it is and I have OCD. I think if your dad is alright with you, then you should try to be okay too.

Also I think a good person is someone who doesn't let their own circumstances or others influence them into doing things (or wishing for things) that hurt people or objects, even if they don't actively do good things. The majority of this board aren't good people.

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For the most part, yeah. I was an entitled brat when I was younger (parents both have six figure incomes and I got literally anything I wanted) but real world exposure once I went to college and stuff really helped me a lot.

Be my rich sugar mama gf

The only thing that distinguish mentally ill people from the others is a medical diagnosis. If you never did something *that* crazy that put you in a mental hospital or forced you to go a psychiatrist you shouldn't consider yourself mentally ill. It's literally this simple.