
2D woman are pure and perfect.
Fapping to 3DPD in the current year is biggest way to show you are a normie and NPC
>why do you fap to whores getting dicked it is gross?
After not fapping to 3D for long enough I now find all 3DPD disgusting.

Attached: tumblr_ojl8u1zOLN1uhj473o1_1280.png (1117x1668, 917K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>that one user who masturbates exclusively to one hentai artist
>that one user who spams 3dpd and 2d supremacy threads
>that one user who washes away the sorrow of never feeling the comfort of a real life woman by filling his brain with cartoon degeneracy

2D and 3DPD both share the same similarities in the end they will never care about you they'll never reciprocate the love you have for them you'll always watch them find happiness and lose their purity.

There is no hope or value in believing one is better over the other, neither will ever be obtainable.

>>that one user who washes away the sorrow of never feeling the comfort of a real life woman by filling his brain with cartoon degeneracy
You 3Dfags amuse me.
I have had sex with a 3D pig before, I regret it.
I am just trying to spread the good word.
>2D and 3DPD both share the same similarities in the end they will never care about you they'll never reciprocate the love you have for them you'll always watch them find happiness and lose their purity.
2D does not lose purity.
Also if you have a Waifu it is a bit different then you described.
>There is no hope or value in believing one is better over the other,
3D is gross and you are fapping to a whore spreading her flesh hole.
makes me sick

2D is Art

Attached: tumblr_o8um4b7Mw41uhj473o1_1280.jpg (959x1370, 183K)

2D really is perfect.
people who say it isnt are retarded

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>not fapping to both

What are you, retarded?

>fapping to 3D makes you an NPC
>fapping to 2D doesn't
If anything fapping to porn instead of your imagination (aka. thoughts) makes you an NPC. But good news: There are no NPCs, so you can fap to whatever the hell you want without having to worry about the (so far) worst meme of 2018.

>What are you, retarded?
if I was a retard I would fap to 3DPD.
user take the 2D pill
fapping to 2D is imagination

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if all those oneesans were drawn with dicks they would be perfect

When Chichi's bottoms are off, you can hear her fart through her vagina!!!!

Attached: chi_chi_by_x_rayroshi.jpg (611x917, 169K)

what chi chi is your fav?
loli chi chi?
or grown up chi chi?

what is with you and tubas.

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When I was a teen I used to watch gay porn everyday because 3D women are so gross

then I found anime porn and I have been straight ever since but only for 2D women

anime made me straight

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I like all of them. lol

>anime made me straight
2D pill will unironically do this.
Many people become prison gay and anime babes are the cure.
personal experience

I fap to both.

>fapping to 2D is imagination
Except it isn't because you directly rely on an external stimulus rather than creating your own or retelling previous stimuli to yourself. You rely on something somebody else came up with. You use their thoughts in lieu of own thoughts.

>You use their thoughts in lieu of own thoughts.
Yes but it is their thoughts made into art.
its imagination.

It's somebody else's imagination though. So there is no difference in regards what supposedly makes "NPCs".

what do you fap to user?

Attached: megu wojak.png (798x1000, 100K)

Asking other men,what they fap to?

user, you need to stop posting the 2D>3D shit. it's all over Jow Forums right now, there's at least 4 threads about this in the catalog. I'm not exactly sure why you're trying to convince robots of all people but it's getting tiresome.
still, I'd rather have this than the autistic racebait tranny threads

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I will consider it.
sorry user for shitting up R9K

I have tried not to spam too much...if I was cunt I would flood the board unironically :(

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Preaching to the choir my dude.
Youll never convince the ledditors on here though, dont bother.

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>Youll never convince the ledditors on here though, dont bother.
you are right DESU.....

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reddit fags are beyond help

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This is spreading the good word in a wholesome way.
We need threads like this.

well thanks user.
I try to do my best.

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You're a good man, user.
Can you gift me one of your finest dog girls?
I appreciate the cat-girls, elves and lolis but genetically engineered dog-girls are the only reason I have hope for science and also 3d love.

I dont have any hand saved but I will check my collection.
will fox girl do?
Only dog girls I have is shit art I wouldnt want to share

Attached: 9Cloud.us_0174-Konachan 99624 Animal Ears Apple Breasts Brown Hair Horo Long Hair Navel Nipples Nude (1600x1131, 660K)