Wagie, wagie, get in cagie

Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.

Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bones,
Bosses need vacation homes.

Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
Buy all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.

Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.

Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.

Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.

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>not ""working"" night Shift

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get in your wagecage slave, boss might see you out!

Unironically, i work from home.
t. Reservation Agent who works midnight shift

Boss Appreciation Day is next month lads, what will you guys be doing that day?
I'll be sitting on my fat ass playing video games and eating wagie-made fast food.

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Soon they will put wagies in chains so they "don't get lost" while at work and I want to hear all the justifications wagies will continue to make over how they are totally not slaves and that they aren't wasting their lives away for their overlords, hahaha.

t. worthless depressed friendless virgin loser neet

ragey wagie, back to your cagie!

That's some good poetry

im a neet, im just not a faggot like you

Don't be angry at the NEET, I would be a NEET for life and quit my wagecuck position provided I was self-sufficient.

amazon is actually extremely easy and pays much more than probably every other comparable job by skills

the people who write articles complaining about it are pampered jewish journalists who have never worked a real job and NEETs who worked there for a week as a temp (because Amazon will hire literally anybody).

t. Bezz

yes but there is no need to bully the wagecucks. Many wagies are fellow robots who have no choice

>not being part time master race

Best of both worlds

Neets posting wagie stuff doesn't really bother you does it? I'm a wagecuck myself and I find it quite funny.

I'm a wageslave and I find it funny because it is true.

I agree, it's just that my parents are getting sick of my shit.

Same but even if I worked full time I couldn't afford to move out so fuck it lel

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At least my wagecage is a little bigger than that at Amazon.
>t. Newsagents

Im a lazy part time wagie and I still hate my life

I have no idea how full time wagies especially trapped by marriages and kids make it through the week without an heroing

I know, what's the point of working full time just to pay 3/4 of it towards rent? At least I get to keep my part time wagebucks.

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>I have no idea how full time wagies especially trapped by marriages and kids make it through the week without an heroing

This desu

Can anyone explain how these people aren't constantly /themselves?

Transitioning to a union was one of the best things I could have done for myself honestly. I don't want to get paid for doing nothing but I don't want to be overworked and I want to be paid extra if I have to work over 40 hours



As a neet, I enjoy the thought of wagies working in cagies for me, I should order more stuff from Amazon.

All wagies work in cagies, it's just that some are bigger than others. Funny that Amazon are making the transition to full representation of modern slave labour.

capitalist overlords have enforced full-time upon everyone because of health insurance

I don't have health insurance, the Irish healthcare system is decent enough as is.

what do you do fampai?

>All wagies work in cagies, it's just that some are bigger than others.

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you should because it makes our annually awarded share prices go up

Doesn't that violate some regulations what the actual fuck?

they can just say it's for the safety of the worker when operating in a warehouse, we all know what it's really for, keeping wagies in their proper place.

The fact that the keypad/lock is on the outside with no visible way to open it from the inside even in an emergency tells you how much Amazon values its drones.

The position of slave really hasn't changed much since antiquity. Back then the master had to take care of the slave by providing shelter, food and drink. Today that translates to a minimum wage.

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What are you people proposing as an alternative? How will society run if no one works?

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Unionize brainlet

This is poetry of the highest quality and a mandatory read for NEETs and wagies alike.

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>tfw in military

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>bringing back that meme
It may have originally failed because of the spoiler text. I quite like Smug Wojack, but the Smug Spoiler text branch thankfully fell through. Mix up the style. Are you the same guy that tried to force it all those years ago?

Here is the OG screencap

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I'm OP and I'm literally a wagie myself wishing I was a NEET tbqhfam