Tfw no femanon to cuddle with while watching old horror movies

>tfw no femanon to cuddle with while watching old horror movies

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I won't lie, this feel is just becoming more painful with every passing day.
Also, >tfw no femanon to sing sweetly to

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What's your favorite horror movie then

I've not seen as many films as I'd like but. if I had to pick it would be Jaws.

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>TFW no fembot to wath anime and play vidya with

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Jaws is good but not the kind of horror I was thinking about. I really liked In the Mouth of Madness recently. Recommend it.

Fembots have good taste in films. My fembot friend knows every old, obscure horror film. We watch stuff together sometimes. Feels good, man.

I get you, I'll have to give that a look-see then.

This is also a bad one.

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op here I like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alien, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, poltergeist 1982, Scream and others

Ah okay well we got pretty different tastes in movies. I like mostly psychological horror, not big on slashers except the original Nightmare on Elm Street.

I also like the the silence of the lambs, psychological horror is also good if it's well made

Silence was great. The first SAW was pretty good imo. Favorite is probably American Psycho though I'm not sure I'd consider it a horror movie even.

>American Psycho
Was great the plot in the end. I definitely need watch it again

Since we're here, does anyone want to watch some films with me? I'm NEET so I've got nothing else to do. Also, I'm a guy since that apparently matters to some.

ok i don't mind. I did made this to see if any girl was interested in horror themed movies but I can make a rabbit stream if you want.
and if you're still here

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Let's try to all agree on what we want to watch before we worry about how we'll do it. Rabbit sounds good, though.

ok what do you guys want to watch?
we could make a strawpoll

I watch it like once a month, it's an awesome movie.

Shit I'd love to but I need to go to my grandfather's. But if someone's up for it in a couple of hours/nighttime in yurop I'm game.

ok. I have a better idea, I can make a server.
We don't need to watch it now/
If you want to be in it add me sacso#1692

tfw no femanon gf to cuddle and watch korean revenge movies

>tfw gf to watch old obscure horror movies with, play old console games, new releases, collect anime merch and just be neets together

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TCM is incredible, but I think Tobe Hooper lucked out with it. Everything else by him I've seen was trash.
Poltergeist doesn't count, it's a Spielberg film.

>tfw I alredy got my gf into horror movies