Tfw not born in USA

>tfw not born in USA
>tfw ywn have a qt energetic big titty American patriot gf

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Hey bud, America is made of immigrants

Just come over here and get one, girls love fancy accents

>finger on trigger, absolutely disgusting roastie

>live in usa
>won't get one either

>no trigger discipline
Into the trash

fine-eyed gentlemen

Name? Does she have an IG?

>that utter lack of trigger discipline
I'm not surprised, but I'm still disgusted.

I think it sounds better than it actually would be. It would be super cringey and too intense. It's the gf's job to be feminine, not masculine.

How many gallons of cum do you thnk she has consumed?

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Why would anyone shoop the timestamp

>muh trigger discipline
Kys faggot

>tfw born in the USA
>have to worry about getting shot and BTFO by nature

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Alright here is why you dont want an American girlfriend.

When I first came here I noticed that Americans have no manners. At all. Especially when eating. It's pretty gross.
Eventually I got used to it so it doesn't affect me now.

2nd. That girl? She will get fat. Very fat. Not all of them will but that one you can see that she wont be THICC she will be mostly fat. Americans tend to get fat in the wrong places.

C. Ive dated a lot of rich uppity class white girls like her even in the country where they are supposed to be good women they aren't. They are very slooty and probably have fucked half of the school. Even the ugly ones. The ugly ones especially get fucked by black dudes.
A black dudes motto is "pussy is pussy" so even if you think you are safe dating an average or ugly one you are not.

4. They are very... dumb. Not like stereotypically blond dumb. But more like... like they dont really even know that anything else outside of the US exists.
Some of the rich girls that went to private schools thought that Mexico and Brazil were all desert. I shit you not. Some thought that Chile and Argentina were all wild jungle and you could not get any of them to point to any other countries on a map. They are just idk man. Slow. Dome thought Argentina was in Spain. It's all shit like that. Shit that should be obvious.
>what's a celcius?
>why dont Africans just leave or get jobs?
>user why does your phones time say 16:35? Lol there is not 1635 your phone is broken.

You know shit like that.

E. They are not loyal at all. That's it.

Plus they dont age well.

Now this is not true for all of them but it is true for quite a lot of them. So the odds of you finding something different than that are slim.

"Trigger discipline" is for cucks with no self control. It didn't exist until well after guns were invented and do nothing but make you look like an absolute child.

I've always wondered if what they say about the typical American girl is true, are they really that dumb? Didn't they go to school?

Not him but Americans in general are uncultered. I don't see why this wouldn't apply to the women.

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Underage bot, it's people like you who give actual gun nuts a bad name. You'll probably end up shooting yourself or a friend on accident because you're gesturing with your "Brand new Highpoint pistol" you absolute degradation.

No, I am an actual gunowner with several firearms. Maybe if degenerates didn't drink/do drugs and use guns, they wouldn't need to baby the location of their finger? Have a little self control man

On average they are pretty dumb. You dont notice it until you actually try to have a conversation about something important. Or when they ask stupid questions.
They do go to school but their curriculum is an absolute joke. I remember coming my first year in the US was 7th grade. I knew more math, science, geography and world history than they all did.
What I thought was funny is that the principal talked to me and my parents about putting me back a year so I could keep up with their curriculum. I refused because that sounded stupid as fuck. Ended up on honors shortly after picking up English. Which didnt even take long. Protip Math is the language of the universe.

On the plus side they are pretty. And very kind hearted. But that's a double edge since they are nice to everyone and that means every other guy. They do seem to try to be nice and almost every American I've met has been very nice.
Americans are nice.

>owning guns
absolutely degenerate
>increasing the likelihood of accidents occurring

Nofuns fag
Try not being a limp noodle poofter next time

It all depends on where exactly you go, there are a fuckton of regional differences even within the same state. Fatness, for example, tends to be most predominant in the south and mid west.
>heh, i know need trigur dis-disi-know how, i smart
>*shoots self or someone else on accident*
>americans are nice

Why would you want to be born American?

The only things worse is being born Japanese, and the absolute worst - English.


was not original your comment

>kind hearted
did they put your eyes in wrong or did they melt your brain with the american dream

what kind of torture have they performed on you?

>>americans are nice
Compared to Europeans? Absolutely

The niceness is fake user, and there will be more than plenty of people who will happily fuck up your shit. Euros and the like are just more upfront about it, except for Finns I guess.
t. live on the east coast

non-brown americans don't have a soul.

based and true
american roasties suck

I'm currently seeing a girl who's an american. She has lived here for around 5 years. Its a bit weird sometimes, since she has some oddly conservative views without being complete white trash. She does have big tiddies also.

t: Europoor

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