/drugs/ Drug Thread

What are you guys into? What have you got for yourself today or for the coming days? I'm mainly into psychedelics and dissos but I've just been focusing on school lately. Sometimes I fuck with the occasional oxycodone or hydrocodone. Used to mess with benzos like valium and etizolam but those days are over.

I've done LSD, shrooms, DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-DMT, ketamine, DXM, o-pce, DPH (fuck deliriants), DXM+DPH, klonopin, valium, xanax, etizolam, hydrocodone, oxycodone, tianeptine, kratom, and adderall.
I think that's everything. I'm also pretty educated on a lot of different substances so feel free to ask any questions. I'm a pretty active member of the PsychonautWiki and various drug related discord servers (not the cancer ones like the r/drugs server)

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Done quite a few drugs such as yourself. Am thinking about doing low dose GHB? Thoughts?

>tfw outta weed
now the crazy dreams start, I had an extremely vivid dream last night where me and some people took LSD, and then I dreamed a whole acid trip that had moments ranging from everyone laughing and losing their minds while the room was changing colors and warping, to scenes of fractal electricity in a black void with hundreds of ice covered cartoon people flying around at extreme speeds while changing shapes just as quickly like in a funhouse mirror, it was fucking nuts, that's like the 4th dream I've had where I tripped in full within the dream

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been fucking with noz recently but weed is still my best friend. gonna be trying dmt soon

I'd say give it a shot. If you can get it and you're not prone to addiction then fuck it. Have any experience with other GABA receptor agonists? Seems like phenibut is most comparable to it

i have 24 gel tabs left, i plan to make them last me for a few years, my friend is also growing different species for shrooms and i plan to try those soon
i also get really good oil cartridges for cheap and i get incredible weed for dirt cheap in my illegal state
drug are one of the few reason i still want to live

I got adderall for my ADHD and I'm too much of a shithead to use it responsibly, I basically sleepwalk through my workday, pop 30mg before leaving, then drink and smoke weed and play vidya all evening. I'm a lonely loser but it feels okay

>so feel free to ask any questions
What happens when you take Choline or Piracetam after a Ritalin or Stimulant binge? Is it true it makes the comedown 10x worse?

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Not sure about choline but piracetam being a stimulant by itself is known to potentiate other stimulants. Dosing piracetam on the comedown of a stimulant binge would probably make you feel even more strung out than you already do so I wouldn't recommend it.

>tfw was stupid enough to take 3 Piracetam pills after a two week long Ritalin binge

>tfw lost contact with reality that week
Worst mistake of my life wtf

Do you enjoy stimulants?

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I have very little experience with stims. I've only ever taken Adderall and that was 30mg orally. It was pretty enjoyable but for some reason that I can't put my finger on I just enjoy downers more.

Have you taken them for how long at a time? Have you ever taken them daily or something?

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why did you stop using etiz? just ordered 100 of them.

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also what is your fav benzo? mine's etiz for sure.

anyone here on kratom? there is a huge discount on red thai at my domestic online kratom store. i want to know whether it is mainly sedative or stimulating, i want sedative. write a review of red thai if you've tried it.

What's Etizolam like? Is it just like Xanax and is it true it induces no cognitive deficits at all?

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most likely will impair cognitive function to some degree, if you start using daily at least.

for me etizolam feels pretty much like zopiclone, good stuff, very euphoric if your tolerance is low.

I stopped using benzos in general. They freak me out. You don't realize how fucked up you are and your memory becomes shit. My favorite benzo was valium. Etiz was nice but I simply enjoyed valium more.

I love kratom. I use it at least twice a week. Planning on dosing some Red Bali from purkratom after my workout later

mayby at low doses it doesnt but I think this rumor is due to benzo's making you feel like you're sober

Redpill me on xanax, trying some tomorrow.

yeah I feel you. they scare me too, probably the most dangerous drug i've fucked with. It still has wonderful effects tho

>this rumor is due to benzo's making you feel like you're sober
Benzos never make you feel sober. On the absolute contrary.

>Redpill me on xanax, trying some tomorrow.
What are you taking it for? It's great for panic. Nothing more.

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I love weed. I've been utterly dankrupt for the last 2 years because of my shitty job, though I've just left and I'm going to hang out with my mate and smoke up all weekend. Might finally have a bit spare.

Anyone else have issues actually accessing the drugs?

Gonna shoot some heroin on friday. Also anime is amazing for coping with being sober

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Done LSD, MDMA, speed.
Fuck is there any drug like mdma or speed that i can do regularly that wont fuck up my brain?

>Fuck is there any drug like mdma or speed that i can do regularly that wont fuck up my brain?
Does taking Ritalin everyday fuck your brain up forever?

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Hello fellow teens, who here is engaging in illicit activities tonight, and what are your addresses?

To a degree, yes

Is 30mg of Adderall IR too much for a first timer?

I did concerta for like 4-5 months everyday and came out fine after a couple weeks recovery. No idea if it did anything permanent to my brain to be honest, haven't been under the same amount of stress as when I was taking yet.

It will be a little intense but shouldn't cause issues

>To a degree, yes
What should I expect then?

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How did you feel when he crash came?

I'll just take 15mg and see how I feel. If I need more, I'll take the other half.

Anyone know where to get etizolam these days? All the old sites got taken down

Recently stopped smoking weed all week and just do it in the weekends now.
Makes it much more enjoyable. Might take a trip to the netherlands soon and have some of that 'legal' weed.
Any dutch anons here who can inform me of the process in buying from there? Do you just walk up to the counter and ask for whatever you want?

Are you talking about DomesticRCs? I got mine from there too.

fucking bongs started the chain rx

Absolutely brainfried for about 2 weeks, very tired and didn't want to do anything.
I've got one tab left, dunno when I'll use it.

>Absolutely brainfried for about 2 weeks
Can you please describe what you mean by "Brainfried"?

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Yeah, that was the main one. Are they open under a different name now?
Can you type that again but use English this time?

>Can you type that again but use English this time?
fucking (pejorative qualifier) bongs (british people) started the chain rx (chain reaction)
Once the brits cracked down on the clearnet research chemical sites, everyone else followed suit.
It's rude to be pointlessly condescending, even anonymously.

Not like ritalin i mean something that can ease off the social anxiety i.e. not being a robot, the only drugs that make me feel that way are those i said. The only thing that i have found in the internet is tramadol, any other drugs like that?

doing a red samsung pill and about half a gram of mdma on friday

Inb4 SSRIs i know they exist

Why you doing that much? Sounds like a night of jaw clenching and serotonin depletion

how much would you usually do if you

*If you wanted a nice roll

I only do that once in a year or so, and it is usually 150mg with like 50mg more on the peak. Never had a serious comedown or excessive overstimulating effects.
I feel like going over that just fucks my shit up for a week

Yesterday I took my first ever opioid, oxy. Got super nauseous in the last couple hours which I hate. Opioids aren't as good as I expected

I do the occasional blunt when i am done for the day. Maybe 3 times in a month.

Cocaine for having a good time with the lads on the weekend.

Seriously, am i the only one with a Cocaine habit in here? You guys take pretty much every Synthetic / Stimulant on the market but Cocaine is where you draw the line? Why?

A little story regarding my first encounter with anything more extreme than weed
>be me, 18
>last year of engineering school
>early spring, weather sucks
>stand at the bus stop with aquaintances from the smoking area
>one has his vape, tells me it has CBD oil in it
>CBD is non-psychoactive and thus legal where i live
>offers me a hit
>accept, take massive hit, used to vaping, hand it back
>nothing for 30 seconds
>mouth gets dry as a desert, vision blurry
>cant stand propperly, walk over to clothes donation container
>lean against it for a few minutes, one leg in the air, tripping too hardly to realize i can set it down
>eventually everything spins so badly, sit down onto the muddy ass sidewalk
>gets pants soaked, dont care
>close my eyes and focus on not dying
>open them after what feels like an hour
>realisticly speaking maby 10 minutes
>the world has turned into pulsating pixles
>cant make out any details
>sit there for the next 30 minutes, felt like a full day, miss bus
>eventually it fades
>slowly get up, completely soaked, didnt realize it started raining
>wait for next bus
>confront vapefag the next day, tells me it was spice mixed with other shit
>get sick
>havent touched drugs eversince

What a scumbag, spice is literally one of the most dangerous drugs

I have prescription valium, 5mg a day. I usually take 10mg. I do it most days but not everyday. How fucked am I?

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Friend of mine wants to do DPT this Friday and wants me to tripsit him since it's his first time. DPT is a substance that's supposed to very similar to DMT though the experience is described as darker, I actually hadn't heard of it until he told me about it. I don't have any experience with DPT or DMT though I'm knowledge about DMT and watched and read lots of different experiences, anyone got any tips what I should look out for while he's tripping, does speaking reassuring words help if he's freaking out?

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did spice in my mates bedroom
>be me 14
>hit the bong hard
>blow smoke out of window
>dont feel shit for like 2 minutes
>friend says hit bong again
>hit bong again even harder
>blow smoke out of window
>shudder as I exhale this time
>I'm in trouble
>tell friend that I need to lay down and lay on his bed
>30 seconds later start seeing kaleidoscopes
>I start freaking out and friend says its going to be okay
>Pass out
>Entire field of view is fuzzy like tv static a
>All I can hear is echos of my friends voice
>Convince myself I've died and this is all I'm going to experience for the rest of my life
>Stuck in constant thought loops and blinded by visuals for the next 2 hours
>Throw up twice
>Only shouting and screaming never talking
>At some point friends mum came in to ask if everything was okay
>Friend said I was having a bad reaction to ghost peppers
>Worst experience of my life

Fuck dude, im so glad i stopped after 1 hit, and even that fucked me up good

Spice is dark. More people call it legal high in the UK which is why I thought it was a good idea to try it because it was "legal". I beg anyone wanting to try it don't, It's scary enough thinking you're going to die and having ego deaths on safe substances like LSD and DMT, the fact that so many people have died from spice makes it even worse.

Was for sure one of the worst experiences i made in my life, havent even touched alcohol eversince

Is MDMA a good robot drug? My drug of choice is heroin and I like LSD.

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if you don't know what he means by brainfried, you've never ever done any drug before, not even smoked pot.
gtfo my thread larper

OP, just where do you get all these substances

About to roll up a joint of some frosty blueberry weed, also will smoke a bowl in the vaporizer. Didn't smoke yesterday so this will be good.

>waiting for my 1p-lsd to arrive
what am I in for boys

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Wtf is that name

Just found out you can buy 1p-lsd in canada

What is this

modified lsd. As good if not better than LSD

Top Lysergamides
1. ALd-52
2. 1p-Lsd
3. LSD
4. Al-lad

LSA, 1p-eth-lad,eth-lad

I'm this guy UPDATE: Took the 30mg and 5 hits from a thc cartridge. I went to piss and it felt like I was jizzing for 30 seconds. Mixing it with weed made the peak last up to two hours longer than average. Good stuff!

Could drugs help me overcome social anxiety?

benzodiazepines can.

just found out my ucle has schizophrenia and i've been doing a lot of acid for a while now
im gonna lose my mind in 10 years right

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Holy shit it's here. Surprised it came this early, I ordered from lysergi like 10 days ago. Should I even bother buying a reagent test kit or what?

What's a good clearnet source for benzos?

Are you fucking serious?
Where can i buy????????
And why isnt anyone buying it????

You can get 1P-LSD from Smokey's Chem Shop.

I love cocaine but most on here probably do not use it since it is fairly expensive, and some amps come fairly close to the effects of it.

Taking 3 tabs of 105ug LSD later, looking forward to being a space man, any anons got acid stories to share?

I've started smoking cigarettes and I've been hanging out with a shitton of stoners lately. Weed is pretty boring from what I can tell but I'll probably be doing coke, Xanax and shrooms within the next month.

i have one contact on the clearnet but he only sells domestically. you'll have to go deepweb i'm afraid, research what people write about different vendors on reddit etc and try to figure out who seems most legit.

or, you can try the natural and mostly legal alternative, kratom, it will probably be pretty effective as well...just not as effective as benzo.

I smoked 1 bowl of spice once and passed out while I was standing up, my friends nearly called an ambulance and my legs were uncontrollably twitching for the next 2 hours. Then the next time I smoked weed it felt like I was on spice again and I felt like death

Do any other 1 time spice users notice that weed still doesn't feel the same to them?

vendor talk is banned on Reddit. Golden age of RC is over fren

that's anxiety

I want to use Kratom instead of weed, do you have any advice on dosage/which kind to order?
Also are the effects comparable?
How strong is the effect? Do you actively feel it or is it more subtle?
Can I use it daily without too much of an issue?

Weed makes me feel so lonely. I think I'm going to try LSD...

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>hanging out with a shitton of stoners lately.

Stoners are the worst

Is it legal in canada

come to colombia, a g for ~2usd

Where was pablo born

Where can you go where people discuss vendors?

Potheads act all snooty because their drug is "natural maaan". They crumble when you tell that Heroin and Cocaine are also natural.

how the fuck does one get a hold of drugs? I want to try coke so bad but I don't know a single person that even uses the damn thing

Cocaine isnt natural
Coca leaves are but not cocaine

What do you guys do for work? or are you all NEETs? Been a NEET for a while now but I got really depressed today thinking about it. Dont have a degree and got kicked out of the military so best I could do is like Walmart or some shit. Never had a real job in my life. My parents are letting me live with them right now. Just feel like such a fuck up. Fuck havent drank in like 6 months but I want to black out

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I'm a temporary NEET. I'm starting college in January.

Kratom is nice. With no tolerance it's a little more than subtle. You can feel mildly euphoric at the right dose. There are 3 main types of strains: red, green, and white. As a general rule of thumb, red is sedating, white is stimulating, and green is in between. Gaia botanicals is a reputable vendor that a lot of people buy from. I purchase from purkratom. With no tolerance, start your dosing at like 2g and go from there. Just don't dose too high or you'll get nasty nausea.

first time drinker.

how much of this 5% 16oz beer should i drink so i dont vomit but i can still feel good. also how long will it take to hit me?

drink all of 16 oz, little by little
sip it cold
about 30 mins

after that 16 oz if you feel like you can go for more, do it

i won't vomit or have a hangover right? i don't want to be "drunk" just feel good. no sluring words or noticeable features.

Dude dont take that much you could overdose. THAT IS A POUND. Way too much for a first time drinker even if it says 5% on it. I would start with 2 shots and then have a shot every 30 minutes. That should maintain a decent buzz and you shouldnt notice any hangover as long as you hydrate with plenty of water.