Do something useful on your life for once.
Like picture related.
Do something useful on your life for once
Other urls found in this thread:
she looks gross
this could be a PSA that race mixing is a mistake
She isn't running in that first image.
It's a pose.
she's 100% white
Kris is Irish and Bruce is... whatever Bruce is
Who is Kendall Jenner? Why do some people still think seeing a naked woman on the internet is so shocking in this day and age?
>breaks the internet
This phrase gets flung around so much it's completely fucking meaningless. I didn't even hear about this normalfag bullshit until this thread. How does celebrities acting like retards break anything? Is it new or unheard of?
If that "breaks the internet" then this comment does.
It's the job of the faggots who report on this shit to make it seem like a big deal. Sort of like how sports personalities always have to sound enthused even when they get the shit games.
Its all just for the boomers and older millennials who still actually pay attention to this stupid shit. Hence the term breaking the internet.
>brown skin
>brown hair
>brown hair
yes 100% white
>breaks the internet
these headlines make me want to commit crimes against the writer
post the uncensored pic
not original ofc
>white skin
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>caucasoid skull
Yes she is 100% white
user idk if you've been outside or not but that is what is considered white.
>Look at Jow Forums infograph out of boredom and the deep to look at stupidity
>See skulls and skin colour
>Yay gonna see east Africans and see what we come under
>Not even in it
Why man? Every goddamn time people forget we fucking exist just notice us once it's beginning to hurt.
post the fucking pics already
this poor girl suffered when her father betrayed her fatherhood figure
Stfu you retards. She's not white, but instead part of the "mixed race" demographic which is like 1%. Bruce is white, but her mom is Armenian aka not white
>knows what kendall's mother looks like
>still calls her 100% white
you're just baiting
Kris isn't Armenian you retards. She started looking that way after Kim started to become famous, it's called plastic surgery and fake tans. Her maiden name is Houghton for fucks sake.
whores and whore enablers should not be allowed to use computers or phones.
She's English, as well as smaller amounts of Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, and Welsh
She very damn cute tho
Nice quints my fellow r9k
They're all armenian or semitic etc. You're a dolt
>100 articles on this stupid thing
>none of them link the pictures
Found them lads
Fucking this, what the fuck. Apparently it's because Kendall has declared they're "stolen" pics. Someone post a fucking link to them.
Oh look.. a completely average female body. Yet she's revered as a goddess.
Thank you, user. Based. Also
>brown nipples
Also my favorite thing that happens every time in movies and modelling
>""""""""Full nudity""""""""
>Doesn't have her pussy
That's it?
With the way the media hypes her up and all the bullshit that surrounds her, you'd think she's actually attractive.
>east Africans
East Africans are in the caucasoid group technically.
You're somalian?
What kind of flaming faggot on this earth would literally edit out her labia
nope, thats how real people actually run in real life, just like that. you couldn't run a single step so you'll never understand.
>body of a man
>revered as a goddess
>meanwhile if a man did this he'd be registered as a sex offender
>>body of a man
you should stop hanging out with so many traps and trans user
Look at her fucking chest. She looks like a guy that doesn't work out in that image.
you're misunderstanding.
she is fully nude, you just aren't allowed to fully see it.
nigger she is in a weird arm/chest position and running and kinda jumping and doesn't have big fake tits.
are you retarded or is this just pretend
Her hair is up and her feet are off the ground
>broke the internet
If i ever go postal I'm taking out as many journalists as i can
If i wanted to see a skeleton with no tits id jerk off into a mirror
i've always thought their family looked like it had some abbo blood
just look at this hand anons
I'm not against small tits but her shape sucks. I find her face very attractive thought and I hope as I scroll down someone posted an ass angle. Don't want to click on the link I don't want this bitch to hear statistics on celeb website views and I don't know how things work
Armenians aren't Semitic retard
They're Caucasian
no idea who this is or what she's done, but she's the definition of unremarkable looks-wise, celebrity worship is cancer
It's odd. I really thought she was a 10/10. I don't follow celebs at all but 99/100 once you see them naked it's mad disappointing. Every girl I know gets -2 if not more before make up and a tight outfit guess I shouldn't be surprised Hollywood has it mastered.
I see there is more than one transexual in the Jenner family
hands don't usually go at such weird angles. so far up and down. inefficient and difficult during the run. you also preferably have to land on your heels, not your toes? far as i know. that's also why running is considered bad for your spine
Caesar had brown hair and brown eyes.
Same goes for Isaac Newton.
So basically the most influential white men that ever existed had brown hair and brown eyes.
Face it, blue eyes and blond hair are uselless genetic deviances that only fulfill an aesthetic purpose.
>breaks the internet
Marketing professionals are just learning about it now, which makes it antiquated garbage. Join the undead ranks along with
>on fleek
>bling bling
This thread is the first I heard about it too. Pictures of naked women on the internet are nothing new.
There is something creepy about her... difficult to describe though
Nevermind its those hands
ok so she was born a guy? Basically like Father like Son.
you've been running all wrong user, you need to rethink you're life.
OPs pic is the ideal running method. you may not like it, but that's what peak running performance looks like.
topkek spotted
blessed be your quints
unironically chuckled. danke
What's useful about censored nude images of literally who?
what could be useful about reading threads?
That's the Kardashians not Jnners. And Armenian are Iranic, not Semitic.
She's pretty, don't get me wrong, and I love her shape. I love most women's shape, to be fair, though.
The things is, doesn't she remind anyone else of Micheal Jackson? Like Smooth Criminal MJ.
Those tits look like something out the alien movie franchise.
its not boomers or millennials you dumb fuck, its just women. women are the ones who give a shit about these dumb whores
You'd be gay if you said you wouldn't fuck her
I mean I would but I wasnt thinking about it until you brought it up.
>this original reaction image applies
>breaks the internet
and that's a good thing.
Millions of dollars worth of surgery+makeup+heavy editing+censoring shouldn't be allowed to be called "nude"
here you go, my original nigger.
10 bux says they shooped her hands smaller. possibly her feet, too. easy to do thanks to the blurry, monochrome background, and considering the rest of her manly proportions the hands and feet seem a tad small.
She does. Must have the worst body out of her sisters.
>once you see them naked it's mad disappointing
i feel it's actually because it's way easier to look good in a dress because all that matter is the outer shape it gives you (pic related, with those fucking hips) meanwhile we can't see if her nipples are huge, if like jenner she has a weird gap in between her tits etc. Plus I'm not really knowledgeable in the topic of eye tricks, you can tell by the way I called it, but maybe something with the coloring and shape of the dress it tricks us into thinking bullock has hips when if naked would look like any decently sized hips
She looks pretty tall like 5'9". I wouldn't call her a goddess either, but an 8/10 probably.
she absorbed the masculinity Bruce Jenner lost in that hellish apartment she grew up in
What is Kendall famous for besides her dad getting his name changed and take up crossdressing? Is she doing these photos for charity?
On that note, what is Caitlin Jenner famous for other than being in the Olympics in the 70's? I've sometimes heard Bruce's name here and there but knew nothing about him.
Damn this is funny and true.