I'm a 30 year old virgin and everyday I feel subhuman and suicidal

I'm a 30 year old virgin and everyday I feel subhuman and suicidal.

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It takes it's toll, doesn't it? I was coping reasonably well until I was 27 but it's becoming almost unbearable.

Finally, someone who's not a LARPING normalfag /s

I think it's not just the Virgin part

you're right it's also the subhuman part and not being able to change your genetics

The first timeI had sex I was 33. I was also a kissless shit. I had basically given up. Then I had another gf that I married.
I'll always know that I'll forever miss teenage experiences and much more, but that anguish is gone.
Don't lose hope, op.

How do you manage to have sex after giving up? If it wasn't with a prostitute that is.

She wasn't. She was a colleague, and it was a shit story between us, but I liked her at the time and... it was what I was needing most, you know. She was really cute, btw.
It went like this. I was fat, after a health issueI started to lose weight, then I went on a diet to almost fix my appearance. I didn't care before, but seeing me in a different way started to please me a bit. Then, out of the blue sky, she started to flirt with me.

don't lost hope mate - chat to me about your feelings and thoughts.

so basically you were just fat and lost weight but otherwise normal, congrats normie

do you mate? I'm 29 and I feel alright 90% of the time. my unironic advice to you is just stop thinking about it

>tfw you will be a 30 yr boomer
>your sharp mind will eventually wane
>with nothing else to show for your life
>no wife, kids, still a virgin
>just as ugly, probably fatter
>you will finally be TOTALLY undesirable
>and there is nothing you can do about it
>just watch yourself fall

I was basically an ugly shut in with no friends and no social life, and with some psichological issues I didn't really know to have. I got a work, though. I'm going to a therapist even now, I'm still someway fucked up, I didn't solve it all.
That's your "normie", fag. But if you like to feel the worst irrecoverable pile of shit in the whole world, you're welcome, it's not my problem.

I'm a 24 year old virgin and I started feeling kind of proud of it because dealing with women results in a big net loss. You should be feeling bad about not accomplishing other things you want instead. Whatever they may be, they are far more worthwhile.

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you're not ugly if a really cute girl had sex with you

>taking care of yourself in no way improves anyone's desire to sleep with you

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Fuck. Believe what you want. I'm well under average.
I was so fat the last 7-8 years before that. Until 25-26 my weight was average. Why girls in high school loathed me? Why the same at college? Some stupid bitch even bothered to openly tell me I was ugly.
Sounds weird, uh? You can be ugly and find a cute girl. Go out and watch around. Plenty of examples.

not if you're truly ugly

If you really think this, then
is right.
>just watch yourself fall
bon voyage.

>do you mate?
Clearly not

oh jesus fuck off with your just world bullshit

if you're actually ugly then no, nothing will help

>ugly shit
>loses a bit of weight
>girls immediately want to fuck him
Youre an idiot. You have no idea what actual ugliness is. You were always a chubby chad who needed to lose a couple pounds. Try having a deformed face like mine and you will understand the true nature of unattractiveness

>just world bullshit

You can't just call everything you don't want to hear "just world bullshit". If you actually put some work into yourself you could improve your life. That's not just world it's common sense you mong.

Post face or stop LARPing.

I will gladly break the rules to put your faggot ass down you are so fucking annoying

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that's literally the just world fallacy
thinking that if you do everything right, you can succeed because the world is fair and rewards everyone!
no fuck off faggot, you are spoiled and privilged by not being ugly. if you were actually ugly you'd realize that NOTHING can help your situation. you're doomed for life.
fuck being ugly and fuck people like you giving false hope

you're better looking than me. i'm a skinny, black, slack jawed underbiting, bald, acne scarred faggot

Post face or stop LARPing originally fag

You're an absolute fucking moron if you take the just world fallacy to mean "Never Try At Anything". No you won't necessarily get a qt gf because you put work in to yourself but you WILL look better you absolute fucking mong and that will at the very least increase your odds.

That's not just world fallacy that's called improving yourself. You're so fucking lazy you're pretending that a logical fallacy gives you an excuse to not do anything.

There's nothing deformed about your face you fucking retard you're just regular ugly. Lose weight, wash your face, get a better haircut and shave that hideous double-chin hider and you'd have a shot.

I'm at least as ugly as you and I've been happily married for 8 years and have a son.

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Do you seriously think you're ugly? what in the fuck you just proved how delusional you are

I think you'd look fine if your skin wasn't so nasty.
What's it like being a black b0t?

>at least as ugly as you
>is a fucking turbochad
Honestly, I dont know what I expected. This board has been inundated with normies for years now. If you honestly think youre ugly, then you have some deep seated mental blocks. You are a 9/10 and girls must flock to your cock

Take the fucking (you)s you desperately need for the ego boost and go back to ribbit for Christ sake

Thank you that's legitimately the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me online.

But yeah I don't think I'm really that good looking.

>29 years old in 3 weeks

I really don't feel like I deserved this, I worked hard on myself but it still isn't enough for modern women who demand perfection. Smartphones and internet dating will be the downfall of the west.

Has it really gotten that bad bro? I started dating my wife when we were 20 and I'm 32 now. Did I get lucky and lock down a good woman before they all went bad?

Are you done asking rhetorical questions

It's pretty bad man.
When I was in highschool I wasn't an impressive guy at all yet I still had girls asking me out or talking to me. But around the start of this decade everything changed, I've hardly had the chance to speak to any girls, they're all taken and constantly cheating anyway. Bothering with internet dating is a laugh unless you're a literal Chad because these girls can all crowd around the 6'6" rich boys with perfect faces and 9 inch dicks.

>you won't get a qt gf
so you even admit it. nice.
also you can freely remove "qt" from that sentence, if you're ugly the only partners in the realm of possibility are the isolated shunned non-attractive ones.
>but you WILL look better and that will increase your odds
there are no odds you retard. if you're ugly your face is holding you back enough that nobody will ever give you a chance. fat doesn't matter. muscle mass doesn't matter. whenever you fix one thing, people will find several other things to put you down. things that don't matter for anyone else but are apparently dealbreakers when it comes to you.
because they're just a cop-out, the face is the true issue and you can't change it.
improving yourself makes sense when it will actually bring benefits. but being facially ugly completely shuts down any attempt at bettering yourself because at the end of the day it's like trying to decorate poop.
it's very hard to imagine that as a non-ugly person (btw you're not even remotely ugly, you're actually far above average), but the world when you're ugly is completely and absolutely different, it's like you lack basic human rights.
so don't dare tell me how I can "improve" my life, if you spent even a day in my shoes you'd realize how pointless it all is. I did a huge weight loss, improved clothing and care significantly, no acne, etc. and guess what, I'm still living girls repellent. because none of that saved my horrendous face.

I'm a 36 year old with 4 children. Every day I feel sub human and suicidal.
Sex is not the answer.

you're delusional if you think it's only about sex

I'm yet to see anyone debunk the ugly blackpill
Every time someone comes and says "no bro you just gotta self improve!!!" it's some attractive guy
Honestly r9k should require picture proof of ugliness to join, then maybe conversations of value would be had

>he eats shit food and never exercises or grooms and wonders why it shows

I'm almost 23 and gonna hop on grindr to lose my boiginity so I can avoid just that

it's because they can't debunked it, ugly people are fucked

no one who posted pics in this thread is ugly

Iktfb. I really do

Just fucking let me post this you stupid filter

you should have gotten over it by now

>just get over one of your most basic biological imperatives bro

>tfw I'm not ugly, just a little fat.
>tfw I have a husband and a boyfriend and I just come here to laugh at the pain.

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a dad with a beard makes me pretty dick thirsty, desu.

but no, you're not ugly. stop fishing for compliments.

>Did I get lucky and lock down a good woman before they all went bad?
essentially. The dating/marriage pool can "dry up" between 25-40. All the "good" people marry off and others gets left behind.

My friend started dating someone who was 35. She said he was divorced, i said "good, it shows he can have a serious long term relationship." If someone is over 30 without one relationship/marriage I say run for the hills. There is something wrong.

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"Husband and boyfriend"
Haha. You must be more than a little fat if that's what your ego needs.

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I just like sex

Girl who hangs out on r9k to laugh at people isn't sleeping with people for her ego - "just likes sex!"
By the way, I'm here to laugh at people like you.

No, I'm gay and I really like the misogyny here.

29yo here. I feel suicidal almost every day, and subhuman constantly, but mainly not because I am khhv looser, but because I am fully aware I've wasted almost 30 years of my parents' lives. They blame each other for pushing me into this shitty state. They do it for years now and got to the point they hate each other. I have a 23yo sister, who seems to be successful in life (God I wish she will be), but my mother still deludes herself one day I'm gonna wake up and make a pregress in life, just like her or maybe even more. My father doesn't give a single fuck about me and literally hates me. I don't blame him and I am not surprised at all, but my mom still amazes me by thinking I'm gonna turn into a swam from literal ugly ducklin's shit. As if she doesn't realise I'm almost 30, gave up entirely years ago (actually haven't even started living my life) and it is basically too late for anything.
And this crappy feel breaks me down almost every evening when I try to fall asleep since over a year now.

your basic biological imperative is for girls to laugh at you while you die under a rock without passing on your genes
t. 32yo comfy wizard

I would say fuck you, but screw it.

32 no relationships, I've had a fucking hard life.

You're not ugly. You're not even below average.

Yeah and your time has set. I wouldn't inflict your autism on one of my female friends fucking up their lives with your bullshit.

29 as well. I know how you feel, bro. I have different issues with my parents, but the rest of my life is similar.
I feel depressed most of the time but still I cling to every little bit of hope I can find. Sure, it hurts a lot when they're taken away from me, but I somehow manage to get my shit together and carry on every time. I'm just not sure how long I can keep this up.

I want to repeat my life.

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>I want to repeat my life.

Personally, I don't. I really doubt I would act different than I did in the past. I just can't be normal or at least sub-normal. I just wish I got some fatal disease (cancer maybe?) or eventually didn't exist at all.

I don't think I'm an incel since I find that shit funny and I've never really tried to go on a date or really ever knew how to make friends of any kind
Really I haven't ever seen myself as human and just kind of a rotting corpse walking around that people care about for some reason and I feel bad that they do
I just want to die Since I have no point to go on and I'm tired of fucking up

>Dr Pavel. I'm CGI

Just because you've had an easy life doesn't mean you need to come down here and rub it in...

Nobody wanted me, my life's hard. Your's isn't.

I'm a 18 year old virgin and everyday I feel subhuman and suicidal.

Try meditation and visualization, these two vids are not terrible, look them up on yt.
Best thing my psychiatrist taught me to do since I started going to therapy after trying to kms. Worst case scenario it is good for stress relief, best case scenario gives you the freedom to get you life back on track


I lost my virginity when i was 32. You'll be fine if you just find a woman who likes you and isn't just some quick fucc stacy, you fucking faaaag

Me too. Get over it punk.

dont kill yourself for your kids sake, please. at least wait until they are adults

t. someone whos dad killed himself

29 here

I'm really just waiting to die at this point.

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Uh excuse me but it's pretty fucking easy to just NOT have children, whereas getting laid as an ugly, stupid, shitty subhuman ancient virgin is nightmare mode as normal mode and unending hell on actual nightmare mode.

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>It takes it's toll, doesn't it? I was coping reasonably well until I was 27 but it's becoming almost unbearable.

I made it to age 39 as a wizard. It was so unbearable that I couldn't even count how many times I would break out crying at random times. Eventually, getting married was the only goal I had in life anymore.

I finally got my first girlfriend at age 39. We got engaged on the second date, and we got married a few months later.

Where did you meet her? The phillipines?

What a stupid way of thinking.

Gtfo normie

You might have an actual mental illness, you're not even close to ugly you fuckin fag.

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Unironically true
You're not ugly at all
But you are right about his fallacy nonsense. What he's employing is the perfect solution fallacy
If its not perfect, it's not worth doing
Many incels are like this




Try stoicism.

you mean try coping right

>you mean try coping right

It can help.

Sorry man. Life sucks for all of us if that makes you feel better.

shave and change your hair cut (get a proper cut, trim it) and you are not bad at all

>not the school of cynicism

Thanks. I'll give it a try tonight.
Also I want to say that I feel happy for all those anons who managed to find love and some happiness. Hopefully I will post my story some day.

Still around? I got some questions if you don't mind.