Do you like the winter?

Do you like the winter?

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No it gets dark at like 4pm which makes me depressed af

yes I'm inside all the time anyways, it gets dark early so I get to turn on my nice incandescent lamp

Yes i like the feeling of being cold and alone

I do like winter, but always miss the summer.

Yes it gets dark at like 4pm which makes me happy because even the gloomy overcast days are short-lived

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I dont like it, I love it alongside autumn/fall. Plus it gives me an actual reason to wear a coat/jacket.

SoCal Fag Here
whats snow?

THIS based af ouu

Idk what people here are talking about. Where I live it gets dark at like 2 pm in winter.

I love going on month long hikes in the snow with just me a backpack and a rifle
Its gr8

except for having to warm up my car and trying not to die when driving i do

If the Winter could come without flu and cold season associated with it I would enjoy it much more.

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I like all of the seasons tbqh. Looking forward to Winter because this Summer feels like it's gone on forever.

I love the wagies struggling to get to work on time whenever it snows. Nothing feels me with greater neet joy than hearing the neighbors scraping their cars every morning.

yes very much so. only problem is i have really fucking bad circulation so when it's cold i have to take extra care not to get gangrene n shit

I like any season that isn't summer.

Yes, I look like a retard when I wear a coat otherwise

It's my favourite season

Yes, heat means insects are fucking everywhere and they're a pain in the ass to remove without killing them, also constant itching.
Winter is great though, overcast, dark weather is great for walking, temperature is a lot more bearable as well.

Winter is the true robot season I'm in Illinois and when our harsh winter's come I am filled with immense joy makes me think I should move to a place where it's cold all the time but that would ruin it.(the season change thing.

>tfw digging tunnels and paths for my tiny dogs in the snow and watching them run the track
>tfw warming up my tingly feet under a blanket and drinking hot cocoa after playing in the snow
can't wait for winter this year

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love it cause no more fucking insects or neetles(basically poison ivy but in europe) and coziness.