What are the advantages of one over the other, if any?
Bent-Over Rows vs Pendlay Rows
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High single hand cable row master race here
Well one was invented by a heavy steroid user and the other actually has results.
Pendlay rows = cringe gains
Bent over rows = white power super gains
Can you guys actually say why physically though so I know?
When you do pull-ups do you let go of the pull-up bar for every rep?
No, but I do for deadlifts
What does this look like mate?
Looking for an alternative for my second pull day.
It looks like single handedly rowing with a cable. Stupid.
p-rows force you to correct your form on every rep.
regular rows next to impossible to correctly gauge progression on because as you increase weight you also start leaning more upright.
>45 lb plates
Use 35 lb plates to maximize the range of motion.
t. read the sticky
>High single hand cable row
Yeah, when I look it up there are many different version, but thank you for your input you colossal ass hat.
more like dyel race
Doesnt answer the question
>routinely able to do 3x5 Pendlay rows with 1pl8
>can barely do 3x5 chin ups with weight assistance
If it doesnt start from a dead stop on the ground, the rep doesnt count
It's a useful nugget of information.
If you're training for strength, pendlay rows would make more sense. For deadlifts, you set the bar back down, reset your form or maintain tightness, and do another rep. Only epic memers are gonna say deadlifts are cringe gains. So why would anyone say in all seriousness that Pendlay rows = no gains? Pendlay row 2pl8 with clean form right now, faggots.
For muscular gains tho you get more time under tension from bent-over.
That's helpful. Any higher chance of snapping with P rows?
you weigh over 60kg?
Yates Row
best Row
>tfw hammys are too tight to do p-rows
If you go too heavy too quickly. Generally speaking if you keep your back straight with every repetition and your core tight you should be fine. Also, keep your neck in a neutral position. Don't try to look at yourself in the mirror, that is how I almost went to snap city with p-rows.
Your feel is five white women walking down the street in identical outfits?
Good to know, thanks
The big advantage of Pendlay rows is that it causes much less stress for the lower back. If you squat and deadlift heavy, you already have plenty of stress on your lower back.
This. You're going to want to breathe and brace your core for every rep like you would for deadlifts and squats to keep your spine neutral. If you do, or if you can't touch the bar to the bottom of your chest or your solar plexus (whatever style suits you), strip to a lighter weight. As long as your technique stays clean, there's very little chance of snapping since the bar rests on the ground between reps, and the reps are quick and explosive. Keep the elbows tucked and stacked against your lats, spine and head neutral, retract the scapula, and don't use your arms/biceps to row.
I am not a hat!
Pendaly rows are easier on the lower back and don’t hurt recover as much, also you get a longer rom, as most people turn barbell rows into upright rows/Yates rows with 0 rom.
Also if your trying to get a big back, focus on your deadlift. Get it more than 4 plates for reps.
Rows are an assitance to the deadlift, since deadlifts are hard to recover from
Supinated/pronated grip on bent over rows?
vary that shit up my guy. if you're a lucky person, your gym might have a swiss bar to do rows with a neutral grip
This is why I switched to pendlay but I'm worried I lack the mobility
Yes. I'm a 240 lb fatty trying to lose weight.
I do bent-over because Jeff told me to
pendlay masterrace here AMA
72 kg bw
What is the difference between the two exercises?
Pendlay row your back is parallel with the ground
Barbell row you're more upright
If you try to cheat a Pendlay row it turns into a conventional barbell row which means Pendlay rows are both more difficult and a more anatomically correct version of the rowing motion.
pendlay rows give me dem sweet sweet lower trap DOMS