30yo here. It does not get better. It gets a lot worse a lot fucking worse

30yo here. It does not get better. It gets a lot worse a lot fucking worse.

Please do not take your youth for granted.

Even if your life is shit its better to be a 20 something with a shit life than 30.

I am too much of a coward to kill myself. So I will waste away living on neetbux till I die.

Hell is real and it starts when your youth is gone.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're supposed to spend your 20s building your future so you can enjoy it in your 30s.

It only gets worse in your 30s if you don't make it better in your 20s. Not that it's too late for OP, of course. It's never too late

exactly, your 20s are all about getting your foot in the door, making connections and enjoying what you can of life while working.

If you've wasted it sitting at home doing nothing then you're fucked.

I was actually making a shitload of money in my 20s but lost all motivation at 28 and went on neetbux. I don't care about materialism or woman. Once your youth and vitality is gone and you hit 30 all motivation is dead.

At this very moment you can stop being useless and progress, at this exact moment you can stop being sad because youre not being useless towards yourself, start doing and thinking like that OP

Its like a chain reaction. You were supposed to spend your high school days studying hard so you can get into a good college, you were supposed to spend your early 20's in college and possibly working part time. You were supposed to spend about 23 - 29 on building the career and working hard, and then at 30 you should be making a good amount of money.

If you failed to do any of that, and you're 30 years old, god help you.

>where normal people finish their degree, establish a career, buy a house, get married, get kids
>be 28
>on my way to finish my degree at 29
Literally the only thing I have going for me. Feels pretty bad. Mostly because I could have bought a house by now in the middle of fucking nowhere and be enjoying solitude if I hadn't fucked up my life since I was 19.

I was making around 150k a year from 21 to 27 as a software dev. It has nothing to do with money. I am comfortable on neetbux even now. Nothing is enjoyable once you hit your late 20s and 30s. Your youthful energy and enthusiasm for everything is dead. Working any kind of job would make it a living hell. Being on neetbux helps make it tolerable. Money is not the reason the 30s are shit.

Life was a mistake.
I just want to be comfy and then have a quick and painless death.

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I try to tell these NEET's on here, most of which are in their early 20's to get their asses in gear before its too late. They wont listen, they just call you a wagecuck and tell you college is worthless. The time is going to come where they have to pick something, mommy cannot support them forever. Remember, its okay to be a loser at 21, its okay to be poor at 25, but at 30? You're going to be expected to have some accomplishments. And once you're behind in life, you'll most likely never catch up.

Hope the video games and fapping is worth it

I weep for those that are going to finally decide to try to turn their life around in their late 20's early 30's. That's like being down 50 points in a basketball game, and in the last quarter you decide you want to actually try and win the game. Too little too late, and your energy levels aren't the same as they were in the first quarter.

You can try, though! lol

34 here and yes things get darker every year. Around a decade ago I actually got my shit together in every way for about a year or two. Then things slowly fell apart and over the last 8 years it has just been further and further into the shit. Now I am my lowest point easily, fucked in so many ways. If it wasn't for my weekend gig and roommates charging a very reasonable rate for my basement(lol) i would be fucked though I can tell this is coming to an end soon, perhaps very soon....at which point it's the streets and then i will an hero.

Young user get your mental health dealt with NOW, same with your addictions, nihilism, professional path, save up money, keep yourself in good shape, take care of any physical ailments if you can, get enough fucking sleep, force yourself into a hobby, if you're a virgin then save up and get a fucking prostitute or something to at least get that out of the way. Force yourself to make friends or keep the ones you currently have, preferably both.

Also even if you've made peace with who you are and actually don't mind, and maybe even LIKE being an anti-social shut in, at LEAST take care of your money situation. Save up every penny you can and if you can do it, at least get a part time job.

I don't know. You can still live comfortably. If you want the full normie package, then sure, good luck. It can still be done though.

i doubt it sincerely. i am 20, the laziest of fucks, and pretty average capability wise, but my hatred for humanity and insane ambition gave me the ability to brute force my way into doors that were pretty much closed to me before. by 30 i'll probably be halfway to my awesome plan.

the only thing i hate is that i will look and feel like an old fart. and pretty much the only type of women left to me will be salty aging ladies. who are not only short of youth but also of character. which i will not take.

>I will waste away living on neetbux till I die
shut the fuck up you privileged retard
t. 33 year old assburger with no neetbux

>force yourself into a hobby

imblying with all the time they spent on the internet, robots haven't found what they like yet

>tfw turning 38 this year

>Or have already turned 38

>I don't remember

>tfw I look back to my early 20's and miss them

>tfw I was suicidal back then and it was horrible

>But it was better than now

>Not suicidal anymore though

>Just don't care about life anymore, either way

imblying most robots here are smart enough to find anything at all on the internet

37 here.

There's a reason midlife crisis happens. Because even successful normies realize working hard and studying hard and saving and doing everything right...doesn't really fulfill you.

I earny about 90k a year now. I have a luxury apartment in a private community in the inner city of one of the most expensive cities in the world. I just...don't care. I miss my early 20's when I was living in a shitty bedsit shithole with my two best friends, working part time and playing N64 all day, going out and doing hobbies like photography.

Now I go to a job I hate everyday, for 55 hours a week, come home and am so dead inside I don't even care about enough to be suicidal.

I remember watching this as a kid and thinking it would be hilariously impossible to happen to me. But it did.


I even buy random shit I don't use, like mini-consoles, or retro furniture. I have no interest in it. I just don't know what else to do with my money.

Also this


i know this is a
>mile in my shoes
situation but fuck you're self please.

I'm married to a highly attractive woman too.

And I still try and sneak away any time I can to fap to instagram.

That's unironically one of the few things I enjoy in my life.

It doesn't have to get worse.
I was miserable as shit in my twenties because I spent all my time working, chasing women, & generally trying to be something I'm not.
Then I hit my thirties, stopped doing all those things I hate, got on the neetbux, and life has been good ever since.

>I earny about 90k a year now
>I have a luxury apartment in a private community in the inner city of one of the most expensive cities in the world
Nah. Nice rp though.

35 here
I lured myself with the idea of suicide but when faced directly with the act I realized I am terrified of dying. Being a failure I removed anyone from my life. I am now dirt poor, humiliated, every one of my friend made it even the retards, but I am too scared to kms.

>he does not realize youth is an abstract concept
>he does not realize he chose to set his youth aside to die a miserable existence
I cannot feel bad.

>lol user, just be happy and live life to the fullest XDD

It's all true.

...The thing about the luxury apartment comes with a few caveats though.

I also work 50-55 hours (not counting the work I take home) and it's actual work - I probably stop for about 15 minutes a day to sort of eat and check my phone. My pay is not YUGE by the standards of where I live, where the median house price is 1.5 mil.

If true, what is the alternative? To be a fucking 37 year old bum living with roommates, working a lowly job, and not having a wife? What type of life is that?

nigga that is the catch. some people might feel more fulfilled while being a 37 yr old bum living with roommates.

Question. Do you still enjoy playing videogames?

No because they will want the respectable job, hot wife and luxury apartment. They envy and hate guys that have that, i've worked with these types before (35 - 40 year old failures)

I said some, your coworkers might be the majority, but for some, as long as they have a living wage, they'll be fine.

Wow. Meanwhile I am 20 and fucking up uni

Why the FUCK are you on r9k
Oregano because normans need to be shown the door quite often here

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation

>10 years into a career with the government
>Will be able to retire before I'm 50
>Job enables me to travel for free all the time
>Been to many different countries for work

So glad I got on the ball when I was 17. I have only my grade 12 no uni bullshit.

trust me man, it just seems to you like it. prioritize and put unimportant things out of the way. universities nowadays are a fucking circus. i came into mine for polymer chemistry - now i shut down everything that isn't polymer chemistry. i may barely cover my ass grade-wise, but when time comes for me to synthesize a thing, or pay my bills, nobody will give a shit that my History was E and not A.

this way you can do a lot by doing little. by focusing i now only have to read about what? 1 chapter a week? if not less. so i can understand it perfectly, in sound mind, well rested.

For the love of God, tell me what you're doing and how I can do the same.

what do you do for your govt job user

Yeah God help anyone who's not stuck in the fucking rat race, amirite my fellow NPC?

>tfw didn't do shit in my teens because depression/anxiety
>didn't do shit in my 20's for same reasons
>said enough of this and got my shit together in my 30's (went to school, got first gf, got first social life, first job)
>life is kinda good now

Why not just try really hard? You know what I mean. Not a half-assed try like most people do.

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also excellent idea. if shit just works, keep doing it and instead of a career focus on something closer, more important, more fulfilling. of course not everyone gets lucky like that. but if you are you better use it well.

You're nothing but a rat, so am I. You have no choice buddy.

What did you go back to school for?

I'm 26 and I've never had a job in my life. If a job ever gets forced on me I'll just go innawoods or kill myself, or both.

Check mate, wagie.

Seriously, we're so much more than our fucking paychecks. Just wake up already.

How does getting your first gf in your 30's even work? And getting a first job with zero job experience at 30 years old? The fuck?

I cannot fucking stand what I am studying anymore. I have a scholarship for uni and there is no way I can afford to fuck up. I used to get acceptable grades without much effort but now I cannot seem to get anything done due to mental health issues. I do not even have to worry about paying my bills and I am still fucking things up. I am terribly awkward, anxious, and depressed I hardly go out. I barely have any friends in a foreign country because I keep to myself and stay in my room all the time.

You will not kill yourself, you're too pussy. You can't even live without your mommy. Killing yourself actually takes balls, something you don't have.

why did you go to uni? did you have a goal in mind? or just for kicks? it probably won't help if you went just for kicks. you come to uni to take things, not to be given. though this wasn't the case some decades ago...

You call me a pussy when your whole life is based on pleasing other people? Not succumbing to society's peer pressure is what takes balls--to face ridicule every goddamn day because you REFUSE to adapt to this toxic lifestyle because of your principles.

I've been wasting the last 3 years trying to finish my education, but it's just an endless cycle of fresh start -> fall behind -> get heavily depressed -> drop out. I know I should fix myself instead of just continually banging my head against the wall.

It takes no balls to be a 26 year old grown man living with his mommy and not working. I please myself by working and providing for myself, making money, buying the clothes I want to wear, the car I want to drive, the food I want to eat.

Why not live in a cheap place with other people and play vidya then?

Plus you'll save enough in 5 gears doing that to cut back hours



come on

It takes a hell of a lot more balls than to mindlessly go through life giving the best years of your life to some faceless corporation.

> I please myself by working and providing for myself, making money, buying the clothes I want to wear, the car I want to drive, the food I want to eat.

Lmao. Maybe if I were a materialistic retard perhaps I would have the motivation to work then, but I'm not.

>It's all true.
>with a few caveats though
Simply ebin.

Why should I contribute to a society that destroys nature? Why should I contribute to a society that doesn't care about its people? Why should I contribute to a society when all societies before have crumbled?

Not really. I just stuck with what I was familiar with and now it is not something I want to do it anymore. You can only get a low-paying job without a degree in my country so I had to choose something.

Depression is a bitch. Medication is not doing anything at all. I held off weeks of uni work and spent the whole time in bed. Now I am trying to understand all this crap and I have to hand in my assignment days late.

you need at least average looks, intelligence, and a healthy environment while growing up to do those things.

>You can only get a low-paying job without a degree in my country so I had to choose something.

This shift in society has caused so much misery. Many people who would be infinitely happier doing simpler work or learning a trade are herded into uni, because that's what you're "supposed" to do.

and it decreases the quality of education so! from a more noble and complex, yet profitable goal, it turned into a completely shallow business model! so many useless features included. so many obligatory obstacles for those talented, those with a vision! i feel so much hate!

Do you have a gf? Do you feel like one could relieve that dullness or you just don't care? Seriously asking

In my country, we have started to see criticisms of how the universities have been turned from places of scholarship and research into a mass production factory that's supposed to shit out more and more people with higher education so we can compete with the chinese.

Ah ok forget my question then

You're contributing to all of the pollution and shit just as much as we are. If you really cared you'd get off your ass and do something about it.

in the end, they'll regret it. the disgruntled will form and reorganize. they will not be stopped by the mass produced retards. we'll be the new Libertines

I honestly have no idea what I want to do. Sometimes I joke about finding a rich man but that is impossible too. I hardly even go out and socialise.

ABBA - Money is the song of your life

That is the great tragedy of freedom. You can do whatever you want.That can be both really liberating to some people, but also fucking terrifying to others.

>If you really cared you'd get off your ass and do something about it.

>You're contributing to all of the pollution and shit just as much as we are.

I don't have a car. Only the electricity I use contributes to the pollution, which is minimal at best.

> If you really cared you'd get off your ass and do something about it.

I don't really care so much, I actually want this planet to burn so you faggots can learn from your mistakes.

>I honestly have no idea what I want to do

I feel you, my friend. Total freedom to be anything you want can also turn into not knowing how to move forward either.

Feels like a dead end to me instead of freedom.

The army, combat engineer (think mine sweeper demolition guy).. u just gotta make it (don't break ur body) past the first 8 years then u get promoted and it sucks way less

>career with the government
i mean you're not technically wrong, exactly...

I'm only 18. It may not be pretty but there is still time to get better.

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>I just don't know what else to do with my money.
Feel free to send me my way, richanon.

Your post meant a lot to me. I just hope it's real.

It'll probably get worse, yeah. Or rather I'll just become more and more jaded as i get older.

Life is pretty good right now though OP, I've seen lots of posts here saying what you are and I finally decided to make a change not too long ago and fix myself. At this point I've pretty much become a full normie with a decent number of friends and acquaintances at both school and work. I have plans with 3 different girls this week so it is sure to be a top kek. Anyway, for any other user that cares to read this blog post, its not too late to get your shit together, just make sure you're doing it for your own self improvement and not approval from others.

Get started now before it is too late

Time goes much faster than you think. It gets worse the older you get

too late op. go kys and livestream it. at least u will have AN hero status

if you're good looking and had a good childhood (there is a correlation since its proven mothers love their prettier children more) then you will be happy and content no matter what you do because of your brain wiring and dopamine, even if you're a financial loser NEET

if you're not good looking or had a shitty childhood you will always be miserable no matter what for the same reasons - your brain has adapted to those conditions during your formative years

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Don't complain when you have neetbux.

>Be 26
>tfw it still feels like not that long ago when I turned 20
>tfw it feels like I'm going to be 30 very soon

Time becomes a very scary thing as you get older.

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>just finished PhD
>my drunkard dad sold our house
>now living with my mother and grandmother
>both are compulsive hoarders
>if I don't a find job soon I'll have to pay 730 euro every year for health insurance, even with part time job

I have prolonged my youth with PhD and now the life is about to fuck me hard

Nigga did you even try to fix your life? I know you didn't. If you ever took a college course you would know that its not too late to turn your life around. When I was 18, I had adults who were in their late 30's-40's. And they all ended up graduating and are now working great jobs.

Its not too late to turn your life around, buddy.

>Work as a senior web dev/marketing manager for a company that makes $45 million gross profit per year
>Get a fraction of that at a $40,000/year wage
>Uni was my best years
>Played a fuck ton of vidya in my uni dorms
>Occasionally went out and got drunk
>Dabbled in drugs
>Did MDMA and felt like a God multiple times
>Finished uni with a 2:1 in economics
>All my friends either got further hooked on drugs
>Some of them got ugly/fat girlfriends and had kids
>They slave away at their minimum wage $18,000/year jobs
>I slave away at mine
>Buy a car and motorcycle too
>Feels good in the beginning
>3 years into full-time work in an office environment
>Dead inside
>Video games don't feel fun
>Can't be bothered motorcycling anymore
>Have a car and all the freedom in the world yet I sit in my room every night after work staring at the PC

There's no such thing as 'freedom'. I could save up, go anywhere I wanted. But eventually it would lead back to wagecuckery.

This is my life now. 45 more years of 9am - 6pm. And when I'm finally 65 I'll be frail and brittle. No energy like when I was 20/30/40.

This is what you have waiting for you.

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I did the same thing, bought a motorcycle. I would ride it on the weekends. Then on sunday riding home I would be faced with the realization that my weekend was over, it was soon time for another week of work, that I am trapped.

You go on a nice vacation, cool that's what 1 or 2 weeks max? Then its back to wagecucking. There is no escape.

Yeah, I realised things like motorcycles, cars, video games, they just distract you for the weekend before you go back to slaving in the rat race.

I do appreciate what I have, I'm certainly in a better position that most people, but I feel a bit jaded with it all.

Holidays are nice. But then I go back to work and feel depressed again. I took this picture last month when I went to Spain. That place is pretty great

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My life is so bad I try not to think about the future at all. I take every day at a time, I try to live entirely in the present. If I try to think about the future it is extremely painful.

that's too early, maybe if you were a boomer, it's more like
>finishing studies by 23
>getting a stable job by 25
>getting married and having kids by 30
>wageslaving and raising kids until 65

Hello guys, thankfully I am not in this situation. Yet. I am in my early- to mid-20s and still a khv. I just finished uni this year and am moving to a big city now (Western EU). I like to blame the fact that I still am a khv on the fact that I studied a male-dominated field with only few girls and even fewer good looking girls in my courses. Also, I prefer male company and friendships. I can't be the only one here? Finally, I am pretty conservative, too. Anyways, I have always gotten compliments on my looks from ladies 30+ and 40+ (I think they like me because I am a classic alpha beta - likely decent career and good looks and also a bit charismatic, but autistic with women).
What do you guys suggest I do? As I have said, I am moving to a big city with lots of (young) peole. I personally see three options:
1. Getting with a (conservative) girl I meet through possible social circles I might get into in the city (I am not generally autistic, just with girls)
2. Finding a 18 yo hottie via Tinder to be my gf (kek)
3. Getting an older, more experienced gf (35+) who will teach me how to be a man and 'how to relationship', so that I might land younger hotties in the future. As I have said before, I have always had good chemistry with middle aged ladies. Maybe I can even find a career woman working in my field who will bring me ahead in the biz. Of course, this would also be via Tinder.
What would you do, Jow Forums? I am currently thinking either 1. or 3. I might need to be very patient for 1. Also, I fear that I am too much of a prude for 3., and especially too much of a romantic. I still dream of running into 'the one'. 1. is probably the best choice actually, but I am scared that if I make the wrong decsiins and meet the wrong people in the next few years, then I might be alone and still a khv at 30. So choosing 3. might make me more Chad-like (metaphorically) and set me on a road where I can finally find 'the one'.

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more reddit spacing my man

Darwinian nature forbids us from feeling good, even more so as we get older. Paternalistic restrictive society only worsens it.
So far only chemistry is our unrelenting, if stochastic friend.
Try to see for yourself what you have been denied, user: mdma.net

Man that's a lot of gobbledegook for a party drug.

You look at it shallowly. MDMA shows us what is possible in principle. In the future it should become possible to be in this state with no downtime and no tolerance.

when will people realize that it's impossible to be happy no matter what

>worthless degree
>live with beta dad and nigger stepmom
>dont pay for anything
>want to go teach english in thailand
>rhats all folks

you know whats worse than being 30 and poor?

being 30 and having chronical pain