
how to girl twirl edition
stay comfy

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got a secret lad
literally into cuckolding with my gf, have been for years, even before it became a meme

can i fuck your gf
i'm 24 and i've never had a gf

>literally into cuckolding
Get out of this board, cuck genocide WHEN

Do you at least fuck other girls as well?

You will never be a woman.
You will never be viewed as men by other women.
You will always be a man, you were born a man.
You will be lusted after as a sexual curiousity and nothing more.
No amount of surgery or hormones will ever change this.
The hormones will weaken your skeletal structure and increase your risk of cancer.
You will die young, from either suicide or complications arisen through tampering with your endochrine system.

This is the truth.

those of you who have been NEET for a long time, how do you get the job centre off your back? I remember I used to have to do work programme, volunteer shit, all kinds of courses after being on benefits for like a year

thats a bit weird lad tbqh

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What I did was get a job

did you just type this out or have it saved to a word document?

A long boat lads haha

>takes an extra 8 bongs from innocent citizens

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British Empire Re;birth when

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been neet for about 10 months now, I was doing courses through the local college for a while then I started doing another thing at the jobcentre to keep them happy. Really i'd just prefer a job because working is easier than keeping the DWP happy

I'm gonna say nah, she's very particular about who she fucks and a virgin doesn't sound like the sort of man who can make her scream and drool with pleasure like she wants

Bit harsh


I dunno, everyone has their kinks and quirks, we practice ours in private I just felt like sharing because nobody knows besides us

i wasn't born a man, aint a man until you grow up

we were all born little babbas

If I eat 918 Calories a day will I lose weight, currently at 85kg? What calroie range will I need to maintain 85kg?

My willy isnt traditionally girthy but it is quite wide. More like a cuboid than a cylinder.

doesn't make you feel a bit inadequate when you get some bull in to fuck her senseless? I'd probably off myself

>make her scream and drool with pleasure
ah ok so this is a larp

918 is a very specific number, i can only recommend a minimum of 1200-1500 calories
probably need like 2800 to maintain 85kg
why not use a TDEE calculator

gave mummy a quick run down on timmy james byrne lads

Not really, we still have sex, I just get off on watching her fuck other guys

She goes for guys who will fuck her senseless, screaming and drooling is what happens lad

>tfw no unbroken line from Eygpt to South Africa

You will snap and binge, that's too low

M-morning lads wahey... Looking forward to the gp

a real strange bod
almost like this might be a larp


Time to pay up you sexual deviant Larping CUNT.

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So that new copyright nonsense passed, are we fucked even after we leave the EU

>meet girl off plebbit, go one "friend" dates for 2 months until she tells me she's busy and ghosts me for a month
>meet girl off Tinder, lots of interaction and have a really fun date that ends with an awkward kiss, unmatches me 15 minutes later
>talking to a girl on Tinder, sends me hundreds of replies and conversation is going great, stops replying and unmatches me 4 days later

Any reason I shouldn't just continue fucking prostitutes lads whilst I lose weight? The current one I'm seeing lets me pay half price and I over-stay but at least an hour or tow. Even though she's lying she seems interested in getting to know me,

what if he is a really old man and puts on a nice latex rubber glove and slides appart ur twink cheeks and your duck gets angry and he fist you and there blood and you nake big cums?

What does 1000 calories look like?

What does she think about Timmy? Does she want to join the council?

A skinless whole roast chicken.

she thought he has very silly and found his desire for refugee status in america humorous

About one big mac

Unlikely, if for some unusual reason they change the gp I booked with (if they even do that) then I'd leave without seeing them

Sounds like good meal for 1 day, no?

Has anybody played Maplestory 2?

It is scheduled for worldwide release on 10th October and I do not know if I should be excited or not.

Big Mac is like 600, you'd have to include large fries or two mcflurries

i can confirm that girls scream and drool with pleasure when a muscled black stud fucks them senseless.... if you deny this you're probably just an inadequate mate.... your small dick can't send shockwaves through their whole body like a black man's enormous, juicy meat rod can.... filling every inch of her pussy as it pulsates in counterpoint to the bull's violent thrusts..... mmmm.... no hard feelings, i'm also an inferior white man.... it's just nature and science.... i'm just glad that i can see my wife convulsing in ecstasy, her eyes rolling back and tears of pure pleasure running down her cheeks..... and then the payload, a big thick load of hot love jelly.... and if you're lucky, she lets you taste his nigerian cum pie..... mmmm.... scrumptiously tangy..... but not all of it, no no.... it's her tasty treat..... the bull will put you in a chokehold if you eat too much.... he's the man of the house when he's over..... just accept it lads, true love is wanting to see your lady happy.... but there's plenty of opportunities for you to be happy too if you know what i mean haha

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48 year old where have you been all this time?

Its actually 508... Fries and a mcflurry to push it to a thousand

Tv repair man charged 40 bong for labour... he was only here about half an hour. Wtf.

Doing better than me at least. Was texting a girl from Tinder and she agreed to go for a drink and now I haven't heard from her in days.

Reminder that drill music does nothing wrong

>travel costs
>parts costs
>labour cost (they will charge an hour minimum)
all adds up

I probably eat around 1000-1200 a day and I wouldn't recommend it. I have pretty dreadful eating habits but just can't seem to change myself. Also find it impossible to lose weight. But that's just me.

I hide every post that I don't like

Doesn't come close to chisel music

1000 calories is what you make of it, it can be lots of food if you eat properly or fuckall if you eat like shit.
~500g of Chicken breast is half of it, and 500g is alot.

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i was in the hospital for 2 weeks and then went to magaluf with the wife..... had the pleasure of watching her partners growl spanish in her ear as they slammed her roughly.... it was so cute hearing her respond in spanish.... si, si she said as they gave her what she was craving.... mmmm.....

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It was just labour, parts were an extra 25. Bloody expensive, i'd be better off buying some of their kit and doing it myself next time.

Whats your breakfest, lunch and dinner consist of

*smacks you over the head with a snooker ball in a sock*
I'm the daddy now

what copyright nonsense? what have i missed?

*shoves a snooker cue up yer bum*

it's so depressing doing my budgeting for this semester, all i wanted was to go to thailand before christmas

If I have breakfast it's usually a jelly pot from coop or something similar. Sometimes a cookie if I'm feeling wild.
I don't have lunch usually.
I have a large-ish home cooked meal about 9/10pm, something quorn Bolognese based, tomato pasta bake or similar.
I'm very fussy and struggle with food.

"""copyright""" and """intellectual property""" are the work of the devil and only benefit """them"""

Sounds like communist talk desu

the opposite tbf, it's not a free market if only 1 person/group is allowed to do something

what did you mean by this?

only the hooknosed people benefit from copyright and intellectual property, those desert people invented the concepts to goy you

So a writer shouldnt have the rights to his creation?

>y-you can't do that
>yes i can
>nuh-uh i did it first

>sent mum the message about the letter location before I started my shift at 1
>no reply since

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IP is fundamentally important for the production of things as it works as an incentive, but it should absolutely enter the public domain sooner than it does.

why would anyone want to share the ideas they come up with with some mong?

She's probs waiting for you to get home to talk or something. Maybe she doesn't want to upset you while you are working.

That's an absurdly simplified version.

i assume you dont contribute OC to the thread then, shame on you

intellectual property hinders the development of products etc because nobody else can do anything like that without getting sued, not to mention patent trolling

why else would anyone come up with anything other than to share it?

it's still correct

My gf was a virgin when we started dating AMA

Are you including literature and music btw?

its my idea/creation/work, I'll decide whether I share it or not.

>go girl mode after I leave work
>walking to Supermarket
>guy who used to work at our shop drives past
>gives me a thumbs up
>he still comes into greggs now to see how we all are

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Once a patent is put out people know how a thing works. They can then use the patent when it's in the public domain as they choose. That's why we have generic drugs.

Are you seriously pretending this isnt a communist line of thinking?

What is girl mode?

he dresses up like a girl.

Revolting that is.

weird lads, tried to shut down my computer last night and it just kept going to log in screen
had to restart so i could shut down

Just want to absolutely slam a girl doggy style lads

I want a girl to moan my name as I impregnate her.

Why is life so overwhelming

Any girl in mind?

Just want to absolutely slam a dog girly style lads

if i want to make the same or similar i should be allowed

this period is often 25-50+ years

allowing free markets instead of monopolies is communism?

you can as long as you pay me the to use the rights for it

Then you'd have to raise a baby though
Romanian girl. Tomorrow may be the last time I see her unless I roll the dice and make a move

Could you answer me here please lad?

just passed my practical lads what car should i get?

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I want a family though lod

You should probably try and motivate yourself to make a move then instead of shyying away from the event like what I would do

>free marets
>"oh you created something? Thanks now we can all share it dont be a jew now"

Sounds a lot until you break it down. Take off VAT and it's about 33 quid. At least 10 of that will be the actual repair man's hourly rate. Then you've got a few quid for the vehicle costs of coming out, maybe another half hour of the man's time travelling to and from, say an hour at 8-10 quid for the guy at the office doing the admin. Then all the little costs of running a business - insurance, bank charges, premises expenses, pension contributions. There's a margin in it, obviously, or he wouldn't be doing it, but it's not as massive as it looks.

nissan micra or similar tbqh
cheap to run and insure

I'd buy something shit in a low tax group to get your first year out of the way. Then buy a car you actually want.

Reliant Robin.