What is your opinion on milk?

what is your opinion on milk?

Ive drank milk my entire life but recently ive seen many people hating on cows milk for being unnatural. I know there are people who wont touch milk and people who swear by it. Where do you stand?

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Raw milk is good. If you aren’t drinking raw then get the least processed possible: non homogenized, vat pasteurized whole milk. Best if the cows are on pasture and usually jersey cows are less problematic because they produce A2 milk proteins vs A1 which some have issues digesting.

i fucking love it, it really is the GOAT drink, also it's god tier for bulking

Only fags and bitch men talk shit about milk. Whole milk is the nectar of the gods.

Only get Pasture raised, Organic milk. Buy from small farmer. If you've ever seen a big dairy operation you would never drink the shit again.

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drank it all the time as a kid, was great
ever since my early 20s my body has decided to not tolerate/digest it properly anymore so i get all kinds of stomach problems from even one glass of milk, which fucking sucks because I used to bulk on it

It's alright. Food is food. Most of the things you hear from milk praisers is bullshit. For example the growth hormones which are actually not avaible to us. Just drink it but dont expect miracles.

full of estrogen , dont drink

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If you have good genetics this shit wont affect your hormonal levels

>11 nanograms

My siater drinks a lot of it but she's on a forever bulk.

I prefer milk without carbs and fat. More useful macros for me at least. Doesn't give me acne
also known as whey protein isolate and micellar casein

I like onions milk

>Arnold Schwarzenegger was a fag or bitch man

>drinking pus

Cashew milk master race

That’s dumb because fat is critical to your diet and dairy fat is loaded with beneficial vitamins.

Is cashew a mammal?

>Actually listening to the shit Arnold recommended
It's all mind games with Arnie, half the shit he said was just to mislead the competition

>but recently ive seen many people hating on cows milk

I did gomad and became lactose intolerant. Still love milk though and drink it every day, just gotta deal with mad farts in the morning.

The fat solids of milk is also loaded with most of the female and lactation hormones in milk, you can get fat somewhere else in the diet.

A cup of milk a day doesn't hurt. It replenishes your body with calcium.

I drink 1L in the evening before bed usually.
Just sit down reading a book and chugging milk.

It's good shit. I drink about 1.5-2L per day when bulking.

>I've drank
It's 'have drunk', not 'have drank'.