Why are asians so skinny? whats their secret?

why are asians so skinny? whats their secret?

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Imagine pulling her dress up and fucking her while she's stuck like that
She has no choice but to let you ram your meaty cock inside while she struggles with her hand. You cum inside and get off at the next stop, the cum dripping down her legs while everyone around her stares in disbelief.


Not being completely sedentary and not eating like complete shit

based and redpilled

based and redpilled

based and redpilled

diet and lifestyle. Don't have to workout if you're not a couch potato/office drone.

why do asians accumulate fat in their faces?

Attached: cute asian girl.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

Honestly based

Very based

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Asian here. It's because Asian relatives have no qualms about fat shaming you.

> family get together
> grandma: you're fat as fuck
> uncle: you're fat as fuck
> older cousin: you're fat as fuck
> 2nd aunt: you're fat as fuck

There's basically no filter to anything that people say. There's no political correctness really (except that Chinese government can do no wrong). Of course, that's changing as Asians get more Americanized over time, and you see fatter Asians.

not asian, but i live in toronto

wide face bones

It’s funny when my Laotian gf is with her mom for more than a couple hours, she tells her she’s getting fat or some variant at least 10 times, and this is just the times I count in English. I’m suppose to hate it when she does this but I want to kiss her.


fucking kek, thanks user

>whats their secret?

Eating less food.

I watch a southafrican YouTuber that lives in China (serpentza) and he has told this in several occasions. He says they are not doing it in a bad way to hurt, they just behave that way which can be shocking to newcomers

They also don't lift and there's no gym culture


Have you ever tried to eat with chopsticks? The real question is how they aren't all Auschwitz mode.

Literally just eating less. Americans are always trying to figure out what secret asians have as if they're eating some secret food we dont know about, but the average American simply has no idea what a proper portion of food should look like.

Waito piggu, but I know that feel. Had a thai coach in high school and he was blunt about letting you know if "you fat, user"

>no 'hahas' included

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If only they did this in the west

Those souless gooks just staring at her, if anybody qualifies for an NPC label, that would be asians

I’m Aussie and my nan used to call me too skinny all the time because I wasn’t obese like my cousins

I'd put money on this already being a JAV somewhere

There was a woman who was almost OCD about her diet and exercise schedule.
She weighed measured and did everything to keep fit and trim.
She came to america for a while and did the exact same things, and ate the same foods and she put on a dozen pounds or so

American food and water is poisoned.

bedpilled and rased

Hidden corn starch/onions

man, i bet you a lot of people had this same exact thought. Pornography has allowed us as a species to have a hive mind.

this is pretty true. Which is also another reason why a lot of asians are smart. Your parents will basically call you retarded and compare you to other smarter children. Even if you get a 94%, they will ask why you couldn't beat that one indian kid who got a 98%.

well, a lot of asian food is vegetable based. There is meat involved but the amount is proportional to everything else involved in the dish.
Except bbq. BBQ is all about meat

That's not even gambling, user

Based and rapepilled

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have you considered that life in murrica is optimised to be convenient for people who are fat, which also makes it easier to get fat?

ma nigga, i watch cmilk and their advchina stuff as well cool dudes

Yuu Shinoda RCT-510

In general I wouldn't say that most asians are smarter on average than say whites (these are the two main groups in canada right now, and koreans/chinese are the only significant minority in my area. In fact many of the "smart" ones that I've known were straight up stupid, but they take school seriously and actually put in effort, and that produces results.

To be frank, they also cheated at school a ton. At least in highschool, a lot of white kids just didn't try because they could get C-Bs without really putting any effort, and at least in Canada, there isn't *actually* that much competition for grades going into university, as there is all sorts of political bullshit involved in scholarships (loads of ethnicity based ones or those that heavily favor minorities) and admissions is plain easy. However being in a lot of advanced placement courses, I began to know that these asians all had copies of old tests from their siblings, and already knew the rotation of tests, which test they would be taking this year, and straight up memorized specific questions. They weren't really fucked about learning, just whatever the number was the teacher wrote in red ink that they showed to their parents.

Oh Lord my dick

Yup. I (a fat American) dated a Chinese girl for a few months, and her nickname for me was "meatsuball-san".

"Meatsuball-san is so round, he should be rolling everywhere. It would be faster."

She was funny as fuck and didn't mean it as an insult, but she had no hesitation in calling me fat.

Then again, she also would regularly buy me a pint of ice cream and ask to watch me eat it in one sitting. The look on her face when I did was priceless. Sheer amazement and entertainment.

The Jews haven't gotten to them yet

haha bro like wtf haha

haha imagine that haha

Attached: if you catch my drift.jpg (680x381, 49K)

fucking died

>ywn have a feeder gf

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i used to work for FOB koreans. they would literally tell you that you're getting fat, with about the same inflection as if they were telling you how the weather was outside

why would she refer to you as san if she's chinese? nice try fake story

Because they realize small woman x big guy is the best match.

Stay awesome user

a gook's a gook

discipline with their diet and exercise, who knew right

also why no one is helping that grill???

Gaining ten pounds in four weeks was not good for me.

She originally just said "meatball", but apparently "meatsuball-san" has a rounder sound.

"It's a metaphor."

This was my question from the start. Can't someone unlatch the handle or something, so she can at least work on it at a normal angle?

Also, how the hell did her hand get stuck to begin with?

>eats ah meh tah four

Fat roastie in me is pleased by this webm

Pretty much this. I work with all Chinese people as a foreign language instructor and those people really pull no punches in terms of criticizing people. One of them was just telling me how her sister calls her fat even though she's significantly thinner than the average American. They'll also call you black if you get a tan.

This also. They're not smarter on average, they just are forced to work hard as fuck because of social pressure and (at least for Chinese) their post-high school test basically determines their life path.

you're a fat roastie? post body

If you've ever been to Japan for business or whatever and stayed there for a while then one of the things that will surprise you the most is how much garbage everyone eats. They just eat WAY LESS of it. People don't really snack there or eat between meals. Most people have like a pickle and a small piece of meat and/or fruit for breakfast. Maybe a sandwich for lunch if they eat lunch at all. Then half the time they have store bought shit for dinner. They just eat like half of what westerners eat. Their actual diets are SHIT, which is why you see so few bodybuilders there. Even people who go to the gym are skinny as fuck because they burn calories but still have trash diets so they never put on much muscle.

This guy fucking gets it. It's why the French aren't fat. They're the only white people in the west that still shit talk each other about their weight, so no one is willing to get fat.

This is 100% accurate. Anyone who wants to understand asian culture needs to read this post. People post "LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE UNIQUE ASIAN CULTURE" bullshit on Jow Forums every fucking day, but this is the first post I've ever seen on here that cuts out all the bullshit and actually sums shit up accurately.

what is this from?? i absolutely love the shit when you can see someones tits bouncing around inside thieir nightie esp/even if they're small

We have to work harder because retarded whiteys like you decided to penalize Asians for being hard working and give college spots/jobs to nogs instead.

>There's basically no filter to anything that people say
sounds like heaven

I was waiting for the 'haha'. God bless you user

> Chinese
> -san honorific

Nice LARP. Well at least, except about the part where you're a fatass. We all know that's true, you fucking fatasss pig.

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imagine if people lied on the internet haha, that would be so sad haha

>implying i would ever give a job to an unqualified person bc of their skin color

I'm right there with ya, pal. But you know as well as I do Asians are getting shafted because they work hard, not the other way around

I've never gotten this many (You)'s before. Feeling blessed. Thanks frens

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I recently had the Yous with haha post. Feels good fren


I work with a woman from Myanmar and even though we are friends she calls me a fatass likes it nothing. I'm just barely overweight. They have absolutely no shame in telling you that


Go be a yellow-fever driven white racist somewhere else.

started watching serpentza and cmilk once i got a chinese gf so i don't do something offensive


Well that was a beatiful post user, you deserve it

based public transport rapist the bravest of all

I've been living in various parts of Asia for the last 4 years, and the answer is portion size + less meat. A typical meal is about half the size than what we are used to in the west, and meat is more of a side dish than a main dish.

Unless you go somewhere like Malaysia, where they eat more like westerners and are just as fat.

based and rapepilled

Really fucking based and extremely redpilled

Sometimes the first post really is the best post

Eating until 1/3 full.

Why does she keep her palm closed?

The secret is they have extremely tiny portions

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Fun fact: Asians (especially Japanese) are an anomaly, they have the highest per capita number of people with diabetes despite not being overweight. Asians actually have fewer fat deposit locations on average compared to most races. Meaning it's easier to get diabetic without being fat.

This further supports the theory that diabetes is more so health related, rather than weight related,it just so happens that most fat people are super unhealthy.

I was wondering today how they don't all have diabetes from the insane amount of sticky white rice they eat. Guess I was right.

>also why no one is helping that grill???
seems that they have a severe case of Chinese people

This little slut is so fucking hot. God damn.

they dont give a fuck its true

I can't recognize the third and the last country

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user, trust us when we say that's better than having a severe epidemic of political correctness

No. 3 appears to be Hong Kong

Most of them are skinny fat.

since when are honorifics metaphors? and since when do Chinese people use japanese honorifics? By the way, if your """"chinese gf"""" used japanese honorifics by chance, and used -san to refer to you instead of -kun she obviously didn't give that much of a fuck about your fatass.

don't ruin the larp

Asian females are thin for the same reason Asian males are thin. Elliot Rodger would neverendingly go on about how weak and unauthentic he was compared to his white peers, but he could never figure out why. Well, I'm telling you it's because that's just how Chinks are.

He was talking about why they got so much fat in their face as well.

I mean they're low muscle mass but a lot are still really really thin.

smaller portions
less processed food
and their government doesn't try to poison them

HK and Singapore

Asians are different genetically, they process carbs (or some kinds of carbs at least) differently.