Can't wait for watching 3 seasons of Netflix this weekend. So exciting, i love Netflix

Can't wait for watching 3 seasons of Netflix this weekend. So exciting, i love Netflix.

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Fuck normies my guy

>haha i love food I'm a foodie ugh Jeremy just followed me on instagram wow queen i love your makeup yikes i don't like that guy oh my God have you seen brad? He's sooooooooow hawt eww you're an incel wooow are you really a virgin at 20 omg
Did i forget something?

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more text*

What do you do over your weekend that takes up so much more brainpower than watching television? Playing videogames, watching anime, and larping on 4chins?

it's weird man people have been using the npc insult for quite some time here, and other places. Why is it only now blowing up?

Some study came out that was misinterpreted by idiots over on Jow Forums about how some people don't have an inner monologue (that's not what the study says it's just what the Slavshit idiot who can't speak English thought) so it's seen a big resurgence the past few days.

It's a fun meme desu

Boy do I love Starbucks caffienated beverages. I can't get enough.

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These three activities are mocked by society though, an NPC wouldn't engage in them

It was linked with a new form of Wojak.

NPC Wojak isn't new. It's literally just because of the study that mentioned.

So is NPC just another word for nomie?

>Everyone who I consider normie, or has views I disagree with is a non-sentient NPC. I can dismiss people I dislike as literally not even human

haha cool meme dude lmfao

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Typical npc **process angry reaction**

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Typical ad hominem argument

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It's supposed to be different/worse than that. It's supposed to be people who are just kind of soulless and thoughtless and stumble through life like automatons just going from basic task to basic task.

The problem is that no one is actually like that it's just an easy way to group people you don't like in together. And the other serious problem is that if anyone is an NPC it's probably the fucking losers on this board doing nothing but sitting at home alone all day because they sure as hell aren't doing any quests.

Yeah, noticed that too. NPCs exist but the study that made this meme blow up is retarded. The study only had 30 people if I read it correctly.

Society is built on NPCs.

anyone who does this is depressed

NPC's are literally men and women who haven't been chosen to be saved. They are soulless without God's mercy or Saving Grace

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Stop shilling your ignorant, homophobic religion here asshole
We don't care.

ah, so it is underages!

If Holden Caulfield was a real person and he was born in the 90's he'd be shit posting on Jow Forums about how everyone else is a phony NPC

You guys laugh, but this mentality is what is paying my bill's and supporting my neet lifestyle.


>not realizing your are just another bugged NPC
>thinking you can interact with the world in any significant way

Holy fuck that last line was savage and gold.

>zomg stop being homofobeek

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Pretty much this user

typical npc replying to obv bait