I know this always pops up in these thread but I really do envy the geeks of today. It's like a burning dark pit in my stomach whenever I see them.
I mean, I see these lip-syncing videos to cringy vidya/anime-related songs with millions of hits, LP streamers, LAN tournaments with thousands and thousands of viewers, hearing people talk about how they played a videogame for 8-12 consecutive hours into the morning after or how they skipped work to play it, hearing people talk about videogame mechanics or movie easter eggs to a degree that used to be reserved for autistic nerds, etc etc etc
I still have distinct memories where people gave me shit for playing videogames for more than half an hour, like when I played MGS2 for 6-8 hours straight because I didn't have a memory card and one of my "friends" told me that was one of the saddest things he heard. Or when I was talking about anime and another "friend" asked me why I still watched cartoons. All this is shit I got in secondary school for having different interests, and that shit became in vogue for the following generations.
>inb4 you can still do this now My interest in this stuff is practically dead. Besides social side of things has risen above my level.
It's sad to see these types of threads. Robots are getting older. Pretty soon, you'll see the 40+ robots coming out of the woodwork.
>tfw turned 42, never had a job >mom is now in retirement home >can't make tendies for me >wat do, frens?
Henry Miller
if you somehow make it to 30 and you still browse here, just put a shotgun to your head and blow it. it won't get better
legal disclaimer: all posts on here are satire :^)
Evan Ortiz
I regret that I've wasted my twenties doing basically nothing. While other people went out and travelled, got careers and met the people they wanted to be with, I was sat in my room in front of a computer. I deluded myself into thinking that I was satisfied.
Evan Lewis
Yeah, everyone was bullied for playing Pokemon. I have fond memories of this.
It was around 2006-2008 when normalfags started playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
The rest, they say, is history....
Ethan Young
Now I'm 32 and have a good job, car, and house, many younger girls find me very attractive, which they didn't when I was 22, in a shit job, renting a room, and riding a pushbike.
I don't envy the young, except for young chads because I was never one and I wish I was 22, built, strong jawline and good hair.
I still don't fuck girls because I don't want to waste video game time after a night out (not much more comfy than coming home buzzed at 2am, lighting a blunt, and chilling on civilization until morning).
Thomas Wilson
Literally met my current gf by posting in Jow Forums. And yes I'm age 30+.
Jonathan Cruz
Stop giving us false hope cocksucker.
Bentley Gray
woof. can't imagine what you two gargoyles look like.
Dylan Diaz
>I deluded myself into thinking that I was satisfied. The worst thing at 20 was to get comfortable.
You'll never be that young and free again.
>you'll see the 40+ robots coming out of the woodwork. I'm more than sure that it'll will peak at 35+ threads and then there'll be bunch of quiet suicides of early millennial kids.
Asher Bailey
It's sad. We got shit for playing GameBoy at recess or talking about games during class. I finally grow out of nerdism (and its cringy culture) now it's suddenly cool. I was the family outcast for playing Zelda or Pokemon a little too much, now my siblings go to comic-con and act like dweebs? More proof it's all a simulation and the game likes to fuck with me.
>29 >hair started to become gray, it was small part couple of months ago, but becomes larger now >decent it job, got small salary raise recently >my hobbies pretty much died out, only thing i still enjoying is photography >girl from accounting started to talk with me for some reason >just small talks about random stuff when we bump into each other >don't even think about anything romance related, but it feel good to talk with another person
>girl from accounting started to talk with me for some reason >just small talks about random stuff when we bump into each other >don't even think about anything romance related, but it feel good to talk with another person
Enjoy the company of another person, just be careful not to lean heavily on them.
Hunter Brooks
Burns doesn't it?
Elijah Bailey
these kids all like trash games/anime anyway
Leo Ward
I'm 38. I don't really envy the young that much but I do wish my body was less old. I was always alone and never had friends, and I hated going outside. So I would never have done any of the cool stuff kids can do nowadays anyway. I do wish I had more free time though but with my current job I only work 4 days a week so I'm happy.
>hair started to become gray, it was small part couple of months ago, but becomes larger now Is hair supposed to turn grey at 30?
Tyler Stewart
what do you do for a living wizard-san
Jacob Scott
Does any older user feel like they don't have an identity, like we're not even losers, we're just nothing?
Kinda like people eligible for NEETbux but aren't registered?
Jordan Hill
I remember a few months before when Infinity War came out. I was outside a cinema and a very beautiful 16-17 years old girl tried to explain the plot of the previous movies to two other friends of her, who obviously haven't seen them. Back in my day you got laughed at for liking super heroes at this age. "Nerd culture" became popular to girls, because now even Chads watch superhero movies and play videogames. And of course Stacies had somehow to keep up. 30 year old KHV btw.
Oliver Mitchell
>chads >stacies
You're 30 years old you got to let that shit go.
The new geeks aren't fake geeks, they're just socially adept. I mean, on geek forums back in the day I noticed those who met up IRL and hung out turned out ok socially.
Evan Hernandez
Women? Geeks? Women don't like something the same way we do. Women like something only when it's popular or as a way to attract the alpha males.Sure men can be geeks and socially adept but come on. We got shit for liking fucking Star Wars for fucks sake.
Zachary Campbell
40 year fag passing by, can't really relate, I'm so glad I played my stuff before the whole online and mass-social aspect came into gaming. Never had any problems with longer sessions either. Some times you could stay over at some classmates place and we'd play round the clock if something good was released. Trading gaming mags/games/diskettes/tapes for tapedrive etc in school, long discussions about how to get past certain bosses or if one was stuck somewhere, calling the nintendo club hotline for help, we played Doom on the LAN in school but I was never really into that stuff, was much better to just stack up with food and drinks and play some longer adventure/rpg at home. The excitement whenever a new edition of a gaming of pc mag was out, going home and reading every paragraph meticulously, even better when they started to get sold with a complimentary CD with games, shareware, demos and stuff. Dragging home a 14 diskette game, spending a good amount of time packing and unpacking every disk (typically one disk had gone shit), pray to the himem.sys and emm386 deity for sufficient xms/ems memory, I still remember lines like device=c:\himem.sys x=a000-c7ff y=... to wring out enough to get the shit to start. I have such fond memories of those days I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Man, if you're 30 and still think this way and I'm not sure what I can tell you.
I've accepted my lot in life, that shouldn't have listened to people who I thought knew best and just did what I wanted to, that I should have sought out other weirdos, that I should have went to cons and meetups when the internet was still full of weirdos and oddballs and that I was born in the wrong place and just 5 years too early.