All I want to do is help you fags get some pussy...

All I want to do is help you fags get some pussy. Ask away and i shall answer but if you ask some obviously stupid question I will not answer. (Went from a robot browsing Jow Forums all-day barley knowing how to talk to females to having girls over at my house regularly). I just want to help . If you fell into the whole "IM A BETA KEK AND CHADS RULE THE WORLD" excuse please do not post in this thread

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>look at all the cam whores I have added from /soc/

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What does fire mean? Is fire good? Will fire help me?

Snap streaks

Snap streaks? What is that?

how does sexy feel

yes brother eghhh

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ended up having feelings for my friend of three years. I told her I liked her and got rejected. Is it over for me, user?

You send back and forth snaps. The more you snap, the higher the number

I must be getting old talking to that many women at once is not appealing anymore. two that i talk with regularly is about all I can take now

Just because you were too retarded to realize you were attractive so you stayed on here, doesn't mean that's everyone elses problem, jump off a bridge normalfag.

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where do you meet girls if you are introverted and want an introverted gf. IM sure you dont know cause you prob only sleep with roastie normies but i dont want to sleep with these women i want an actual relationship.

OP HERE SORRY boys I was busy i will start answering now

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No it's not over for you user. Talk to her but don't be an idiot about it. Just explain to her that ur human and that u ahve feelings and basically just guilt trip her till ur friends again and u it's not awkward anymore

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How do you talk to qts in the mall

Had snap for years . Bitches never responded and now suddenly they do.. surly it can't be just because of my looks.. maybe if you weren't up your on ass so much you'd realize that GIRLS ARE ONLY HUMAN

Don't listen to This tactic is dumb and will backfire extraordinarily.

Your advice is purposefully bad, and you are trying to get anons to fuck up for your own sadistic enjoyment.

Honestly not a good place to approach chicks unless you look like a "Chad". You don't have to be a Chad. Remember that u just gotta look like one and act like one. It gets easier over time . If you want to approach chicks and talk to them I suggest volunteering.

If I wanted to sell my soul for some pussy I would go to tinder. I bet the majority of robots could get a 1 night stand, but casual sex is only for normies like you. What true robots here need is a qt girl for a relationship.

Im trying to get these fags laid not get them a wife . If you think I'm giving advice about making a long lasting relationship you are a fucking retard

Why do only gets want my dick, but women don't?

This is exactly why your going to stay in this virgin hell. You really believe that you don't need pussy and your just going to wait... Change your mindset before it's too late user.. you can only go so far before you ascend


It's still completely fucking retarded no matter what your goal is. Depending on the girl, she may never recover from the awkwardness, and may even react badly if user decides to try to continue being friends. Not to mention user probably doesn't have the right mentality to let go of his feelings and act casually.

Did u mean gays? Well it's probably because you've been talking to gay guys. You have to realize that men have a much higher sex drive than woman and that gay men are like fag rabbits if u get my meaning. Just stay away from the gays and expose yourself to more girls

Chad suspect

Stop projecting, it is really sad. Just because I dont want cheap pussy to validate my self doesnt mean I will stay in virgin hell. You know who likes sleeping around with as much people as possible for pleasure roasties and fags

OP is right, for once, but you don't necessarily need to stay away from the gays. Just make sure you don't interact with a lot of them, and that you make sure they know you are straight. In any case, expose yourself to more girls.

Your so fucking dumb . What's your advice ?? To let the relationship wither away? No you dumbass , if you have a decently high IQ and basic social skills you can easily salvage this relationship. It's obvious you've never done anything like that . And this is why I left this site and why so many of you guys stay virgins cause all you do is doubt eachother when all of you guys are capable of so much more

Alright Ill bite, what age were you when you changed

Here's a thought, what if you are all bad people?

You can think it's cheap pussy all you want. At the end of the day I still have a girl to cuddle with

>wanting to date those pigdisgustings
>getting used for your money and nagged your whole life

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Probably when I turned 19. I realized that I spent most of my teen life inside on Jow Forums , no parties, no pussy, no girlfriend, no cuddles, no happy times, none of that. If you think your past the point of return TRUST ME YOU ARE NOT. 4 times the mental hospital has locked me because of psychotic thoughts and goddamn where they sum bad thoughts. But through the help of weed and antidepressants/antispychotics I came out a changed man. If you hate everyone on earth, Success is the best revenge

>To let the relationship wither away?
Yes. I would only advise user to try your tactic if he knew exactly that it would work on her. Otherwise, he is taking unnecessary risk.

>basic social skills
You do realise what board you're on, right?

>you can easily salvage this relationship
I've had many experiences where this does not work. It takes a specific type of woman to be alright with that tactic.

>obvious you've never done anything like that
Your assumption is incorrect.

>all you do is doubt eachother
That's because not all advice works for every man and every woman. What you are doing is trying to teach what works for you and the type of women you tend to go for. You can't generalise your experiences like that. It doesn't end well. I've spent years trying the tactics of other men, and they never worked.

What you said at the end was very true. I guess I have to give advice with caution. What will work for me , might not work for the other guy

If cuddling 1 night stands and pretending that they care about you emotionally makes you feel better and happy good for you. Some people dont have to lie and sell out their beliefs to feel happy. More power to you

Worst advice ever. I'm a real Chad so I'll tell you how it works.
Men and women cannot be friends. If you regularly hang out with a girl, she has at least thought about having sex with you. You may elect to pretend to be friends with a woman but that phony friendship will never matter. She has a mental list of the order of orbiters that she would fuck but the good news is, it's not permanent. If you know how to do something spontaneous that would get you laid, do it. She will probably not date you because you're mentally weak enough to fake a friendship with women but you can at least get a nut. It can be something as simple as hanging out, watching a movie, and suddenly you jump on top of her and start making out with her. Once again, if you're not Chad you will not date her so the whole woo'ing a girl by taking her out to a nice dinner is off of the table. Non-chads have to get laid the sleezy way.

>just shear sexual assault
Nigga stop

>I'm a real Chad
Then why do you write like a spergy incel?

Because incels are right about everything.

Kissing isn't rape, you fucking autist. If you're a good kisser, you'll be able to open any girl's pants.

>jealous faux-Chan gets intimidated by another alpha in the thread
Like pottery. Real Chads respect their peers, not attack out of fear

Solid advice. Thanks

If you ever talk to normies about their sex life, you will realize how close normal sex and sexual assault are. The only real difference is whether or not they choose to report you for it. If it was consensuel and they claim it was rape, it was rape. If it was rape and they claim it was consensuel, its consensuel

Read it:
>jump on top of her and start making out with her
You are immobilising her with your weight as you try to kiss her. You don't leave her much of a chance to escape.
There's nothing wrong with trying for a kiss, but you have to do it in such a way as to allow her to possibly move away, or push you away.

You don't need to place yourself in unnecessary risk, or make the girl think you are a massive creep and warn all the girls she knows about that.

>Men and women cannot be friends. If you regularly hang out with a girl, she has at least thought about having sex with you
80% of my friends are female
Breddy sure none of them want my BP

You're the backup. If they're ever in a financial bind or have a kid they can't support, they'll allow you to help them and maybe if it's bad enough they'll let you touch their roast. They're not your friends and you're not their friend. That's if you're an adult. You're this naive so I'm going to call underage. Now get the fuck out.

I am pretty sure I am older than you user

What do you talk about with a girl, or in general friends. I feel like the biggest problem I have is that I'm a boring and shallow average joe.

when a girl is interested and you have a date setup but you know she gets bored easily what sort of stuff do i text her day to day? i.e. how to be fun zesty texter with a girl you like

Unlikely. If so, I feel really bad for you, being in your 30s and being that dumb

Late 20s
I feel bad that your life is only about sex

I stated what reality is, not anything about my life.
