My friend and his gf are going out to macdonalds with a coworker and they really want me to meet her, she doesn't know that I'm coming, I'm just tagging along, how do I not fuck this up I need advice, what to talk about, how not to sperg out etc, this hasn't happened before so it's a big deal sort of
My friend and his gf are going out to macdonalds with a coworker and they really want me to meet her...
>she doesn't know that I'm coming
They already fucked it up for you, setting up a double date with one party unknowing is the guaranteed way for it to backfire.
I'm sorry this happened to you user.
its not a date it's just like a friendly outing sort of thing, nothing daty about it, maybe a few days before I should ask my friend to tell her that im coming along because I've got nothing to do
Do it now so she can politely make up an excuse not to come.
It hurts less the sooner you do it.
Eat food. Enjoy the food. Know the people will die and likely give you little enjoyment. The hamburger on the other hand will give you much more satisfaction and keep you alive.
Hamburgers are better than women OP. Get your priorities straight and you won't fuck it up.
this user is right, this is the way to fuck up things. I'd be upset if I didn't know (and it happened).
>maybe a few days before I should ask my friend to tell her that im coming along
I don't see why she would, they've been to macdonalds together before, it'll just seem as though im coming along because I've got nothing else to do and I want to meet up with my friend and his gf
right so were in agreement that a few days beforehand I'm coming, maybe I should try and get my other friend to come so it seems less weird?
Yeah, no, that's where you're wrong.
She will think about what other people think, and if there is even a slight chance it will signal she's open to dating guys like you, guys your level, she's gonna end it in panic mode right there.
Now you're cucking yourself already. What if she's REALLY in to your friend?
he's got a gf plus if she was then I won't have to deal with the stress of continuing it further
''guys my level''
oi fuck off, I'm relatively normal, just a bit spergy, haven't even been on this site in 2 months I've just come here to ask this
why would you ask a bunch of spergs how not to act like a sperg?
In any case, friends setting you up with girls is almost certain to end in disaster. Even if it goes anywhere, it'll probably be forced and awkward. It's like forcing a kid whose lactose intolerant to chug milk until he's shitting and puking himself, then shrugging and saying "Never did that to me."
>I'm relatively normal
>comes to r9k for advice on how to eat a hamburger in the same room as a woman
for fuck's sake don't call your friend in. this thing is for you, wtf
How the hell should this board know, faggot. Last night I got rejected by a hooker. I couldn't care less about you, your friends, or your date. Eat shit and die.
it's just meeting up with my friends and her to eat lunch she doesn't know it's because they want me to meet her, it's just me coming as well because I have nothing to do thats all, i don't think it will be awkward unless I make it that way, it's not like a blind date just normal lunch
okay fine I won't, I just wanted it to be less awkward and weird because everyone here is saying it's gonna be awkward
how do you even get rejected by a fucking hooker? also not you specifically just anyone who wanted to help because most of this board is populated by somewhat normal people.
only speak when spoken to. only respond and ignore them most of the time. decreases your chances of going full autismo
I have to make some sort of small talk like asking their name, what they do at work, hobbies or whatever the fuck normal people do, maybe joining in if theres an opening or something.
Just be yourself OP. Try to engage in conversation. I know, pretty normalfag advice, but it's the best I've got.
does the whole thing seem weird? like planning to go out and eat lunch at the weekend then a few days before another friend decides to come because they have nothing else better to do, it doesn't seem forced or awkward does it?
But user putting your cock in a hamburger doesn't feel nearly as pleasurable as a woman ...right?
Putting your cock in anything doesn't feel pleasurable. That is a meme created by normies to keep you down. Think of it this way, it is all sweaty and tiring.
Wrong. I came inside a chubby girl's pussy once with no condom and I swear to god for a few minutes it felt like I was high as shit on heroin.
I have heard one report otherwise.