
How's uni going robots

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I move in on Sunday, almost done packing. feels weird man

>apply to nursing program
>hesi and gpa is higher than minimum
>get told that recent graduating class has 94 average for hesi and 3.6 gpa
>tfw above the minimum to get in but nowhere close to being considered
I'm applying to every other field I can. P sure I'm going to go into niche like respiratory care or eye care since no one knows nor cares about the programs

just fucking kill me lads, why is this so painful

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Retaking a class I failed last semester.
Think I'm gonna fail again.

>grant proposal due in 50 hours exactly
>contact which has very important information refuses to answer my email

what's wrong lad? Is it your first year?

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Does race politics and affirmative action comes into play?
Is that a thing in nursing?

starting on sunday here, question for people who have lived in halls, do your rooms get searched, and how often? How extensively are they searched as well?

Fucking shit. Have to catch up on 4 weeks worth of lectures. Pulling an all nighter tonight

Just graduated, have to finish my thesis in order to have a title with my name in it.

Have a shit GPA, I want to go into graduate school, but sometimes I think I am not fit enough.

going to uni of cambridge on 30th
pretty sure everyone on my course will either be a posh prick or autistic (engineering)

Go class.
After class go friends house.
He gets high.
Go class 2h later.
After class go friends house.
He gets high we chill.

Muh i don't smoke and I gotta inhale that shit all day.
Come home smell like sigs.
I get high from all that second hand smoke.
But I always so NO when I'm offered.

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No to everything, I'm not a burger though.

im going to a uk uni (also britfag), cheers user.

Mine got searched once every 3 months, they only looked around and didn't even open any drawers or anything

Mine got searched but I believe only blind people did the search. There were several times I had things that would have gotten me kicked out that were apparently never seen

whereabouts? if youve any questions go on
about to start 4th year

School starts in a week but the classes haven't showed up on canvas yet which gives me anxiety
Gonna be taking 4 classes this quartet that are all in my major so I have an excuse not to get a real job which is nice, I can just do uber eats to pay rent and loans for tuition. Pretty comfy desu

put headphones in and listen to a non distracting classical album. I like strings personally, Beethovens string quartets nos. 13, 14, and 15 are badass for all nighters but find what works for you

Mine never got searched

I'll give it a go, user.

Two tests two A's so far. This is my last year and I'm ready for it to be over

going to a northen one

>intro to complex analysis
Not fun
>Coop next semester
Hopefully good experience
Anyone else struggle with complex analysis

you mean scotland?

nope, going to yorkshire (I have lived in kent my whole life)

>hows UNI
Just woke up in a shared accommodation with international students that are all girls
>UNI is ok i suppose

4 weeks in and I want to drop out. I hate it and I hate life. It's better then high school but I'd rather work in a factory or something all day every day.

is there any real options for international students? or is germany the only place you can go for free without knowing the language

is it worth going out of your comfort zone for that

dorm life is hell being forced to interact with people 24/7 with no privacy. At least i can go shut in after when im making money i guess

My new roomates
>return at 2 Am drunk
>blast their popshitmusic through the speakers instead of using headphones
>bring a bunch of their friends to our room
Why couldnt i just get some robot weeb roomates with whom i could talk about anime or something

>autist listens to classical music meme
well color me surprised

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Which college are you going to? I'm arriving on the 29th.

Who else /utdallas/ here???
well I'll be, that wasn't oregano

I have two more exams until the next school year starts.
I technically passed one but I want to do the class project so I can get a higher grade. The other one is my Operating Systems course and the project we have is absolutely wrecking my shit.
Pic related is how I felt this day after finding out my kernel doesn't work and I've planned it out all wrong, forcing me to rewrite a huge chunk of its code.

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your uni start in mid september? really?

mine start mid august (but first week is just for the newcomers who start their first semester)

do you have your winter exams after christmas holiday? that much be kinda shitty

I always knew I wasn't the smartest person, but these last weeks I've realised how much of a brainlet I am. I straight up don't understand half of my classes and have no idea what I'm gonna do about it.

I start on Sunday, nervous about making friends. I'm doing self-catered and I have all my stuff en-suite (kitchen, bathroom etc) so I'm wondering how much natural contact I'm going to get with my fellow halls mates? What happens in the day at freshers week?

Starts in October, sleep schedule totally fucked, work sucks. Didn't get the courses I wanted for the next semester. Might get an internship abroad next year but I'd need funding and that's gonna be hard as shit.

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im rooting for you user. Its my last year as well, might as well make it count. Currently have a 3.9 GPA. Fucking hate this shit though. It kills me inside everyday going to class. University is against everything I stand for but is the only way to get a job in the health field.

I'm putting in minimal effort as usual. It's going to bite me in the ass later, but my brain doesn't care. Good thing is, I don't have to pay so I won't be in debt at least.

>leave, move back home, and start taking classes online because I hated college
>more depressed and isolated than ever before

I want to die. I'm wasting the best years of my life on a website I haven't enjoyed since 2014.

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I have everything I need to cure my loneliness, roommates, a couple friends, and one girl that I could potentially date. I still get these bouts of restless solitude though, like I feel an urge to get tinder or walk around and leer at women hoping on comes on to me. Give me more patience dear god

uni starting soon and i cant wait to meet my friends, this semester we will do more cool stuff

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I just want a normal social life again where I talk to a friend every day

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Ours got searched the end of the semesters, my ra was alright and didnt care about drugs only safety stuff

>taking 12 credits
>working 20+ hour

My eye pouch is darkening and my head hurts.

got back my discrete math quiz today, 45% kek. prof literally sits at the front of the room and flips through the book and mumbles for fifty minutes then hits us with a bitch of a test. i was at the 50th percentile with my 45%. no curve either. this year is going to be shit

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what do i do guys
>2nd year
>made no friends in residence last year, everyone who i talked to hasn't talked to me since we all moved out over 4 months ago
>autistic right wing girl who i started talking to ghosted me
>my school only has residence capacity for *some* first year students, so it's assumed you will get friends who will be your roommates after first year
and because of this i am now
>totally and utterly alone
>mom doesn't even respond to my e-mails
>my rent is over 1200 canadian dollarydoos for a third party residence that's worse then the school's sub 700 dollar one
>no option of public transportation, daily walk to and from school can take up to an hour
>totally exhausted from the daily walks and not even two weeks in
>utterly worthless meme degree
i think that all it will take for me to have the mental breakdown of the century is hearing news that my cat died or something. i'm not even twenty and i know already that i'm on an unavoidable track to be a total failure in all aspects of life.

3rd Year here, not much happened in my first week other than introductions to staff and module leaders for the course. As for flat mates, most people dont really spend that much time with them, as youll get to know others on your course. Make sure you talk to people on the course on the first few days, otherwise you'll find it difficult. You dont have to stay friends with them, but its nice to have someone to eat lunch with as the friend groups develop over the first month. Personally, I sat at the front of the lecture hall during classes and so naturally developed a friendship group with others that sat at the front. Most people usually sit in roughly the same seats in every lecture. Bonus of sitting at the front is having reliable friends to do coursework with. Good luck in uni user

>calc professor gives a pop quiz today >didn't do the week's homework since it wasn't due yet
>get a 0 as my first grade
>quizzes are 25% of the course grade
Am I fucked beyond repair?

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Mine got searched once a semester, but not very extensively. Just stuff your drugs or whatever in your backpack and you should be in the clear. If you're paranoid about getting turned in, get a single as opposed to having a roommate.

There's this kinda cute Asian girl that's seated in front of me to the right that keeps looking to her back, left side (right where I'm seated). I sometimes sneak glances, and sometimes our eyes also meet. I don't want to assume but I also kinda want to talk to her.
So what's the best time to approach a girl? Before class? After class as we are leaving? I have trouble talking to someone after classes because I don't want to bother them if they have a class right after.

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Will every last one of you retards stop assuming she's looking at you? You're setting yourselves up for failure.

>usually sit at the back of the class
>always see normies, usually women, take pics of their classmates on snapchat and send them to their friends
>these pics consist of a caption and a bunch of emojis

Why do people do this shit?

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wow that sucks bro

Did he give you some type of syllabus that mentioned pop quizzes?

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Most likely a quarter system which starts around now. Mine starts next friday.

>Get up go to class,
>Time it so i arrive just as it starts
>Camp out in bathroom during the 15min breaks
>Go directly home after class ends

rince repeat for another two years

>Hurricane Florence changed directory
>Classes unlikely to get cancelled now
Please reconsider hurricane-chan, just wipe this town away. It's real easy

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I need chad advise, there is a cute girl who sits in the back of my math class, how do I make the first move without seeming like a cringe lord?

also pls make a stop near Delaware. Wipe this nonexistent state off the map if it is even there.

I'm on my 6th semester of school and this is the first one where I don't need to work during school to survive.

Feels good man.

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>Want to study a specific course at a university in another state
>Dorm costs are $290 a week MINIMUM with 3-4 other people
>parents are broke as fuck
>unemployment highest its ever been
how the FUCK am I meant to pay for this? do I just give up and study something else

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It was going good until I found out that a class I'm taking I was never actually enrolled in. Even though
>I was receiving grades for my homework, classwork and quizzes
>I was even on the role sheet
All to get told that I'm not actually in the class. I'm trying to see what went wrong. If I'm don't have this class, I'm not full time anymore and FAFSA will take my money away and I can't afford college out of pocket

About to have my meme poli sci degree in 3 months. Waisting the last 4 and a half years sure has been fun.

actual footage of serena william on her HS years

unemployment is actually much lower than it was a decade ago you just have to deal with working wagie jobs.

anyone else /gradschool/ in here?

I got my BA from the Evergreen State College and now I am taking online classes with Southern New Hampshire University to get my MS

both degrees are in political science

what are you reading bro?

I dont live in America, i meant to say. it's higher in my country than it has been

No he said they'd be announced. I don't remember hearing about that shit.

Where my NJIT frens at

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are university courses actually harder than CC? i'm at a CC and already feeling miserable

CC is a fucking joke

I have a high school bro at NJIT, he's a freshman this year. His name is josh and he's ginger as fuck. Ring a bell?

seeCC is high school part 2

Not really
t. transfer student

I mean, 300s classes and up will usually be harder by default and most CCs only have classes up to 200 so yeah, but your results may vary. I thought Organic chemistry in CC was harder than Analytical Chemistry which was a 300 course at uni.

this post was very relatable

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So far so good. One of the requirements for my classes has me pulling guard duty at the campus art gallery twice a week but its not bad

I'm a junior and can't even make friends in my own class. Sorry user.

decent so far. only dropping 1 course. Jow Forums wasn't working and I had to buy a pass but it works now.

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>had to buy a pass
you never have to buy a pass

don't give hiroshimoot all your hard earned shekels

$20 isn't so bad. (plus no more captcha) But now I'm worried about uni wifi thought police. Should have stayed at home.

trust me the school doesn't care rofl

I would rather sit and do nothing that work on my homework.

>in class
>talking to a girl sitting next to me
>overhear two other girls talking
>hear something I wanna comment on
>I end up joining their conversation
>the girl I was talking to before is left out
>glanced over and she was just staring at her desk

>no curve with an average of 45%
he straight up can't do that. Go complain to the department.

>coworker thought it was a good idea to mention how he spent the entire summer cleaning his room and how it's still dirty
We've been secretly making fun of him behind his back the entire semester so far

the junior guy from the thread a couple weeks ago right? Im the mathfag that graduated already, how you holding up bro?

Dunno why the requirements are so high. I do nursing and it's pretty basic.

Doing pretty good actually, I don't know why but this semester has felt a lot more chill in terms of workload. Though that just leaves my lack of a social life even more glaring.
every day I get validation I'm not an autist by the level of sheer social ineptitude some of the poor fucks in Japanese have displayed. Especially the Chinese kids, like holy fuck. I always feel for them and usually try to partner with them if I can

Earlier today we had to exchange papers and she was the only one who didn't
The professor had to take pity on her and make me and the girl I swapped with do a "three way" swap

not him but I recall when basically everyone bombed the test they got pressured to do curving. So they just upped everyones score by ten. I had a 35 so was fucked anyway
The math department is usually autistic about curving

Still no friends, still no gf. I thought this semester would be different but it's just the same shit over again. I'm seriously not feeling too well over all of this. I regret every day going to NJIT instead of Rutgers NB. Oh well I guess, two more years and I'll have another shot at making it.

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>tfw finished uni
>got a good job
>still wanna do school

Weird feeling. Maybe its the fact that I was doing a 5 year undergrad? I would have liked a shorter one but oh well. At least I am well read now.

what's your degree? could always go for a masters or phd if you only got a bachelors. Though I'd stay in your job long enough to add to your resume

History. It an alleged meme degree but I'm working in corporate finance now. I apparently have a lot of potential, but I'm just experiencing imposter syndrome right now. Doesn't feel like I belong there yet.

Still a failing grade. So what now the majority of the class fails? take this to fucking court